How to properly store a pvc boat in winter, tips and tricks

How to properly store a pvc boat in winter, tips and tricks

What fisherman doesn’t dream of owning a boat? If there are funds, then the boat is purchased first. Unfortunately, not every fisherman can afford such an expensive “pleasure”. Therefore, one has to fish in conditions that correspond to reality, although it is never harmful to dream.

Nowadays, almost all boats are made not from rubber, but from PVC material, as it is more reliable and more resistant to the action of the natural environment. Despite this, a PVC boat requires some care, otherwise it will not last long. This is especially true in winter, when no one uses the boat and it has to be in such conditions for several months.

The presence of low temperatures, when the PVC material no longer has such flexibility, may damage the craft. It will be difficult to repair it, and the boat will not be so reliable anymore. Especially if there is water left somewhere, which, when frozen, tears even metal. Therefore, it is very important to know how to properly store the boat in winter so that it will last for many years.

Storage and operation of a PVC boat in winter

Preparing a PVC boat for winter storage

How to properly store a pvc boat in winter, tips and tricks

Before putting the boat into storage, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory operations. For example:

  • The first thing to do is to clean the boat of foreign formations, in the form of outgrowths of aquatic vegetation and other dirt. This should remove all dirt and sand from hard-to-reach places. To do this, you will have to carefully work with a special brush.
  • The boat is washed using special detergents. In extreme cases, you can use soap. After that, the boat is filled with air and dried in this state.
  • All devices that were used with the boat are also cleaned and dried. At the same time, it is desirable not to damage them.
  • An equally important stage is the choice of a place to store it. The place must be spacious so that the boat can fit in the half-inflated state. If this is not possible, then the boat can be stored in a freely folded state so that no cracks appear on it. It is not recommended to store the PVC boat in a tightly folded state.
  • The storage area should be as level as possible so that the boat does not accidentally fall and be damaged.
  • If everything is done correctly, the boat can be forgotten until next summer, when the new fishing season opens.

Storage conditions

How to properly store a pvc boat in winter, tips and tricks

No less important are the conditions in which the boat is stored.

  • The PVC boat does not have a large list, where the storage parameters of the boat are indicated: nevertheless, the PVC material is quite strong and stable. And yet, there are requirements, but they are realistically feasible. So, the storage space should be spacious and well ventilated.
  • It is not desirable that the boat be near radiators or other heaters in winter, so as not to damage the material.
  • It is not recommended to place heavy objects on the boat while it is in storage.
  • The instructions indicate that the optimal temperatures for storing the boat are between + 6- + 16 degrees. Therefore, sub-zero temperatures are not desirable, as well as high positive ones.
  • The most suitable place to store it in the apartment is the pantry.
  • After a period of storage, the boat should be carefully inspected. It is not a fact that the boat will leave this mode without flaws, especially if the storage conditions did not meet the recommended ones.

Is conservation necessary?

How to properly store a pvc boat in winter, tips and tricks

Preservation of the product is necessary if the storage conditions are not suitable or do not correspond to the desired ones. In this case, you will have to conserve it. Unlike inflatable rubber boats, this process does not take much time, just like the depreservation process.

Are garage conditions suitable for storing PVC boats?

How to properly store a pvc boat in winter, tips and tricks

To answer this question, you need to have the right information. For example, is the garage heated? If it is heated, then it is not difficult to create conditions for storing the boat in the garage. If the garage is not heated, then the conservation process is indispensable. And one more, but very important nuance is the presence of rodents that are very fond of PVC material. If measures are not taken to neutralize them, then they will make a sieve out of the boat.

In addition, various liquids can usually be stored in garages, which can affect the material of the boat.

If the requirements are considered feasible, then:

  • The boat must be free and not adjacent to any spare parts or parts.
  • The boat can be hung by the bow, as it will take up much less space. If the height of the garage allows, then the boat can be suspended altogether, then it will not take up any space at all. In addition, rodents will not get it in limbo.
  • If rodents appear from time to time, then traps can be set on them. To prevent rodents from appearing in the garage, it is not recommended to store food or vegetables in it.
  • In severe frosts, when sub-zero temperatures are observed in the garage, you cannot move the boat from place to place, as this can harm it.

Storing a PVC boat in a garage

pvc boat with engine

How to properly store a pvc boat in winter, tips and tricks

Storing a boat with an engine has its own subtleties that are more related to engine storage. When the outboard motor is running, this does not affect its performance in any way, and if it is stored for a long time, then corrosion associated with the appearance of condensate may occur. As for the engine, it is generally contraindicated to store it at low temperatures (minus), especially if the engine has been in operation for the entire season. Though a small drop of moisture, but she was able to remain in the engine for any reason, and this is a disaster. Therefore, the engine is stored only in a heated room at temperatures that do not allow condensation to collect. As a rule, this is room temperature and then there will be no problems with the engine.

PVC boat storage. How do I store PVC in the winter.

In the case of purchasing a PVC boat, the first thing to think about is determining a place to store it, where there are suitable conditions. This will help keep the boat in working order for years to come.

Boat PVC Rocket RL-380 after the winter in the garage. What happened to her?

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