😉 Hello dear readers! How to properly rinse your nose at home? The article provides guidance on this procedure on how to prepare a rinsing solution and a video on the topic.
Why rinse your nose
The nose is washed for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes. Firstly, after this procedure, the nasal cavity is completely cleared of dust, microparticles and harmful microorganisms. Such regular cleansing:
- help to strengthen the capillaries;
- relieve swelling of the nasal cavity;
- breathing is easier;
- reliable protection against influenza in the autumn-winter period;
- increased local immunity.
Rinsing the nose is a simple, quick, almost painless procedure with great benefits. It helps to ease breathing, remove accumulated mucus, prevent sinusitis, alleviating the patient’s condition with illness.
If the procedure is needed only for preventive purposes, then one wash per day is enough (preferably in the morning).
In the event that a person feels that he will soon get sick, or a runny nose has already begun, then it is worth rinsing every six to eight hours.
How to properly rinse your nose
Washing is done with water and salt. The solution can be prepared by yourself (for half a liter of water – a teaspoon of table or sea salt) or bought at the pharmacy (some preparations are made using sea water as part of the composition).
Prevention is practiced with diluted herbal decoctions, and even just water – there will still be benefits. It is important to use warm water close to body temperature.
How should you do it? You can go to the doctor’s office with special equipment. But this method is not suitable for everyone, so you can do everything at home.
For the procedure, you will need a small pear or a large syringe (of course, without a needle) or a syringe. The best option is a special device from the pharmacy.
It is necessary to bend forward in front of a basin or sink, turn your head to the side. The tip of the pear with the liquid must be inserted into the upper nostril, then sharply (but not too hard) push the solution into the nasopharynx. Everything should flow out of the other nostril.
Then repeat everything, only turning your head the other way. In this case, breathe only with your mouth, or even hold your breath after inhaling. The main thing is not to be constrained at this moment and not to be afraid, otherwise nothing may work out.
For children, washing is done in the same way, but if the child is breastfeeding, then, of course, it is impossible to pour liquid into his nose. In this case, a large amount of solution will flow further, closer to the ears, and cause otitis media. Pharmacy solutions in the form of a spray are also dangerous with the risk of developing inflammation in the ear, only drops are allowed.
It is necessary to drip a few drops into the nostrils (turning the head to the side, first into one nostril, then into the other). Then suck everything in with a nasal aspirator (an irreplaceable thing if there is a baby at home).
Washing is not a panacea, it cannot always be done. It is definitely not worth experimenting with this with nasal congestion, immediately before going out, with uneven nasal septa, polyps.
Also, you should not perform the procedure if there is rapid bleeding of the mucous membrane, otitis media or a predisposition to it, allergy to the medicine, with perforation of the tympanic membrane.
This video provides additional information on how to properly rinse your nose at home.
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