How to properly plant oats

How to properly plant oats

Oats are both a nutritious unpretentious cereal crop and green seedlings that are useful for humans and pets. It is worth figuring out how to plant oats in the ground or sprout it at home in order to harvest a good crop on the site or get nutritious shoots in a city apartment.

Knowing how to plant oats will provide your cat with fresh greens.

The first stage of growing oats, the same for sowing in soil or a pot, is its pre-sowing treatment. What is needed for this:

  • Make a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Soak seeds for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with clean water.

This procedure is necessary for the disinfection of grain, it reduces the risk of mold. To prevent the grains from sticking to your hands when planting, they must be completely dried.

How to properly plant oats in the tray

To grow oats, you will need a shallow bowl, potted flower tray or seedling tray. The larger the diameter of the container, the more grass you can grow in it. You need to fill the container with earth, you can use a soil mixture from a flower shop. It should be borne in mind that oats love acidic soil.

Further, the planting process looks like this:

  • Spread a finger-thick layer of earth.
  • Spread the oats evenly.
  • Cover the top with a layer of earth about 1 cm.
  • Pour water over the ground.

For optimum humidity and temperature, a greenhouse effect is arranged. To do this, cover the container with a film. Until the seedlings appear, the grain does not need oxygen. When the sprouts appear, the film is removed so that they have enough light and oxygen.

Oats require high humidity, when the soil dries out, the sprouts will quickly die. Therefore, you need to regularly moisten the ground with a spray bottle. However, do not allow water to stagnate, especially if there are no drain holes in the container.

In order to have a constant supply of young greens, oats are sown in several trays at intervals of two weeks. While the animal eats grass from one bowl, a fresh portion will grow up.

How to plant oats in the ground

Oats are sown in the ground at the end of September, after the harvest is complete. This culture is very fond of moist soil, therefore, if the autumn is dry, the crops should be watered regularly. The technology of planting oats in a personal plot consists of the following stages:

  • Dig up and loosen the soil.
  • Make parallel grooves with a stick at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. If desired, you can do without grooves by simply spreading the grain evenly.
  • Sow oat grains into the grooves not too thickly.
  • Rake through the plot, carefully covering the grain with earth. The embedment depth should be no more than 4 cm.
  • Water the area abundantly with a sprinkler (rain).

In a week, the first shoots will appear, and in a month, the earth with green oats can be dug up. Earthworms will gladly feast on greens, generously fertilizing the soil.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to plant oats correctly at home or in the country. All that is needed is timely watering, warmth and light. If you plant oats in cultivated pots or trays, they will become not only a source of vitamins for your pet, but also an original interior decoration.

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