How to properly peel and eat tamarillo fruit

How to properly peel and eat tamarillo fruit

Tamarillo looks like a tomato and grows on a bush called a tomato tree. However, it is not a vegetable, but a fruit, although a relative of chili peppers, eggplant and potatoes. Why is this so-called tomato good for our daily menu and how is it eaten?

What is tamarillo fruit and how is it useful?

The fruit of the tomato tree tastes like a cross between tomato and passion fruit. It can be yellow, orange, purple or red with variations in sweet and sour taste. The closer the fruit color is to yellow, the sweeter it is.

Before eating tamarillo, it needs to be peeled.

This native of Central and South America is similar in shape to an egg and covered with a dense skin. He comes to other countries from New Zealand, where he is grown on an industrial basis.

The fruits are rich in antioxidants. Besides:

  • they have a very small percentage of fats, and they are ideal for dietary nutrition, are recommended for diabetes mellitus;
  • carbohydrates are in the form of dietary fiber;
  • the pulp contains vitamins, potassium and sodium.

Tamarillo is indispensable for a balanced but low-calorie diet. Doctors recommend pampering yourself with tamarillo to recover from illness or to get an extra dose of vitamins and minerals. There are no contraindications.

How is tamarillo eaten and why is it peeled?

They eat only the pulp of the fruit, after removing the dense skin from it. It is rough, and in order to gently remove it, the fruits are placed in hot water for half a minute and then carefully peeled off the skin with a knife. You can cut the fruit in half and eat the contents with a spoon.

These “tomatoes” are kept in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks. You can also peel them off and freeze them. Use as an addition to food. In this case, valuable properties are preserved.

How to properly use exotic fruit in dishes

These red fruits are an addition to salads, meat and vegetable dishes. For desserts, yellow and orange are better because they are sweeter. Fruit slices are great for sugary drinks, especially smoothies.

Here are some culinary tips:

  • bake pieces of fruit in foil in the oven, pre-pepper and salt, go with meat as a side dish;
  • wrapping the slices in pieces of ham or sausage, we get a cold appetizer;
  • if you add this exotic to salads – green, meat, with seafood – they will get an unusual and pleasant taste;
  • slices are used to decorate confectionery – pastries, cakes.

Experiment, and this exotic fruit will diversify your table and enrich it with vitamins.

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