How to properly lay chicken eggs in an incubator
The success of their maturation and the appearance of chicks depends on how and when the eggs were laid in the incubator. So that this process does not cause problems, you need to strictly follow the basic recommendations.
How to properly lay eggs in an incubator
First of all, you need to prepare the incubator and eggs. To do this, they are left in a warm room for at least 9 hours.
It is correct to lay eggs in the incubator in the spring.
The optimum room temperature is + 24 … + 26 degrees with an air humidity of no more than 80%. At the same time, sharp jumps or drafts should not be allowed.
Eggs can only be laid after they have warmed up. Otherwise, the embryo will die.
For laying one cycle, eggs of the same size as possible are selected. In this case, the chicks will appear at the same time.
If you have eggs of different sizes, you need to bookmark in several stages. First, the largest specimens are selected and placed in the incubator. After 4 hours, averages are added to them. After another 4 hours, the smallest eggs are carefully loaded. With this method, chicks will appear from eggs of different sizes as much as possible at the same time.
Chicken eggs should be placed in the incubator only vertically, with the sharp end down. This will ensure that the embryo receives the required amount of oxygen and proper further development.
The selected eggs must meet certain requirements. First, they should be no older than 4-5 days. Models that are 18-20 hours old are ideal. Secondly, no defects. The shell should be even, without chips, cracks, build-ups and spots. Third, they are clean. Since they cannot be washed, you need to choose specimens that have a minimum of dirt, or it can be easily cleaned without the use of water.
What time do you need to lay eggs in the incubator?
From what time of the year or day the eggs were laid, not only the time of appearance of the chickens depends, but also the overall success of incubation.
You can lay eggs in the incubator when the first spring warming begins. In this case, the increased amount of natural sunlight will have a beneficial effect on the embryos. They will grow and develop in conditions that are very close to natural ones.
In the summer months, bookmarks are highly discouraged.
The time at which the chicks appear can be adjusted. So, if you put the eggs in the incubator in the evening from 17:00 pm to 19:00 pm, the chicks at the end of the ripening period will begin to hatch in the morning hours and further throughout the day. This will facilitate the task of monitoring and controlling the process.
The incubation period of the egg is 21 days. In order to end up with a healthy and full-fledged brood of chicks, you need to follow simple recommendations for the preparation and laying of embryos.
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