How to properly grow flowers at home

How to properly grow flowers at home

I always had problems with the green corner of the house, but now everything is different, and I know what the secret is. Several years ago, even blooming cacti perished in my life, and today female and male happiness blooms in a riotous color. Very beautiful and joyful, and most importantly – easy and cheap.

I did not come to this effect right away. When I came to visit my mother, my acquaintances, I was sincerely glad that they had so many flowers, and did not understand why I was not succeeding. All in one voice repeated: “It’s simple. Here, take a shoot and water it. They are unpretentious. ” But even these unpretentious ones twisted ropes out of me, and in the end I again remained in bitter loneliness.

The Internet offered to tune in to the same wavelength with flowers and not demand the impossible from them. A miracle happened when I once heard my mother talking to them. “What are you, crazy, or what, they will not answer,” – I was surprised. “But they will bloom,” my mother simply answered, and I believed.

Now with each of my houseplants I have something to talk about, and they love me.

Lilia and Arturchik became friends from the very beginning

This is not the name of my children, these are the names I gave my flowers. Last summer I made the decision to go into color cultivation. Not because it is fashionable, but because finally a huge, unconditional desire has ripened in my soul to fill the space of my kitchen with greenery, which sometimes fires arrows, blooms and exudes an unusual, but tasty aroma.

Among my acquaintances there are girls whose houseplants do not take root at home, and I understand them, because I went through this torture when I brought flowering plants into the apartment, and eventually took out empty flower pots to the trash can.

It’s different now, because I grew up to this relationship. I like to take care of my green pets: insist on water for them, choose the best place in the house, observe the “feeding” regime and, of course, communicate.

Waking up in the morning, when the family is still asleep, I go to the kitchen, where my flowers now live and tell them: “Good morning.” I stroke their petals and carefully examine each leaf, it seems to me that they like my attention, for my sake they grow. I pour myself coffee and dreamily admire them, telling me that over time there will be more of them, because I want to have another flower.

I heard that the more female energy in the house, the richer the owner of the greenhouse

Indoor plants will live a long time, constantly produce offspring, bloom around the clock, if a woman is doing well, and, conversely, if a woman is exhausted, worried about pressing problems, fixated on something, has ceased to draw attention to herself, is not sure of herself, then everything around will quickly wither away. Even the presented bouquets will last for a short time.

You have to talk to flowers. I understand, it’s funny to look at me from the sidelines, when, turning to Artur, I ask in the evening: “Well, how are you today?” Soon? Waiting, waiting. “

Previously, my son grinned at my dialogues with flowers, but now I look, he will inadvertently come up, bend over, sniff, touch with his hands. Contact is establishing, then. Well, good.

At home, everyone should live in harmony.

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