How to properly dry homemade tobacco, video

How to properly dry homemade tobacco, video

Those who like to smoke with a pipe or cigarette often prefer to grow raw materials for their hobby on their own. After harvesting, the question arises of how to dry tobacco correctly in order to fully reveal its aroma and taste.

How to dry homemade tobacco

The first step in drying tobacco is called simmering. For him, the crop is placed in a closed room with minimal air circulation and humidity. The ideal option is a regular shed or attic. It is important that the air has the ability to penetrate all the leaves, so they are strung on a cord and suspended.

How to dry tobacco properly? Leaves should be placed in a windless place

Drying in this form lasts up to three to four days. During this period, it is important to ensure that everything goes right:

  • signs of rotting, mold should not appear on the leaves;
  • the leaf plate turns yellow at the edges, but remains green inside.

The next step is fixation. There are several options:

  1. Drying in the sun. Everything is extremely simple here. Leaves strung on cords are fixed in special frames, which are easy to carry and place under warm rays. Frames are needed not only for fixing the leaves, but also in order to be able to harvest the crop under a canopy at any time or transfer it to another place. Since drying can take a month or more, this is a very important point.
  2. Steam drying is carried out in rooms specially equipped with heating pipes that maintain a high temperature. This is not the most convenient way to use it at home.

When drying in the sun, it is important to find a quiet place without gusts of wind. The challenge is to keep the sheet plate intact.

Fermentation is the last step to getting the finished product. The essence lies in the activation of its aroma and taste due to the transformation of substances under the influence of high temperatures. How to dry tobacco after removing it from the frames?

Each of the leaves is processed:

  • first, the central – the thickest vein is removed;
  • then the sheet is cut into thin strips;
  • the resulting raw materials are placed in ordinary glass jars and sent to the oven.

Banks are not filled to the very top – about two-thirds. The oven temperature should be no more than 60 degrees. Drying lasts up to 10 days.

There is a way to significantly reduce the drying time. You need to use a microwave – then the whole process will take no more than 10 minutes.

A video on how to dry tobacco will tell you about the process in full detail.

Also on the topic: how to dry a melon at home

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  1. اين فيديو تخمير التبغ في المايكرويف

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