How to properly dry dill at home for the winter

How to properly dry dill at home for the winter

Gardeners strive to preserve as much of the harvest as possible. Freezing, conservation, drying come to the rescue. These processing methods are available to almost everyone. Let’s figure out how to dry dill at home and store this blank.

Preparing dill and other herbs for processing

Fresh greenery grows on the site effortlessly. And this is worth taking advantage of. Wondering how to dry dill and other herbs? After all, even in winter you want aromatic vitamins. First of all, you should correctly harvest the crop.

  1. Any greens for drying are removed either early in the morning, before dew falls, or in the evening, when the sun is near the horizon. It is important to choose a time when there is the least moisture in the air and at the same time there are no burning rays.
  2. Dill is pulled out of the ground by the roots and carefully sorted out. It is important not to allow sick and spoiled plants to be harvested.
  3. Rinse delicate leaves with warm water only. If you are afraid of parasites, then soak in a soda solution for a couple of hours.
  4. Large stems and inflorescences are dried separately. They give too strong a scent.

When collecting dill for drying, be very careful to get rid of insects. Bugs and small midges can ruin all your workpieces.

How to properly dry dill and other herbs

There are several ways to dry greens. Each of them has its own pros and cons.

Dill drying methods:

  • in a suspended state in whole bunches;
  • sliced;
  • in a special home dryer;
  • using the oven if there is a blower function.

Choose the option that suits you and start harvesting spicy herbs. The harvested crop must be sorted out, washed and dried a little.

Large plants are best tied in bunches and hanging dry. Choose a dark but well-ventilated area. This can be an attic, a veranda, a storage room. Dill brooms are tied with a cotton cord and hung on a rope at some distance from each other. Make sure they are not exposed to direct sunlight. They will spoil the taste and aroma of the seasoning.

Young and fluffy leaves in a bunch will dry for a long time. It is better to cut them. Collect the most beautiful and juicy twigs. Be sure to remove any thick stems that taste too harsh. Chop the leaves with a dry, sharp knife and place them on a linen towel or clean board. After drying, fold into a linen bag.

Now you know how to dry dill for the winter. Its greens are actively used in cooking, homemade spice preparation will make your dishes incomparable.

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