How to properly cut salmon: the process of cutting, tricks, useful properties

How to properly cut salmon: the process of cutting, tricks, useful properties

Salmon species of fish are of particular value due to the unsurpassed taste of meat and the presence of a whole bunch of vitamins and minerals in it. In order not to cut fish at home, it is enough to buy salmon meat in the form of a fillet.

Unfortunately, the buyer cannot be protected from surprises, and negative ones at that. In addition to the fact that it can be more expensive, you can buy a low-quality, not fresh product. It so happened with us that no one is responsible for the quality of the goods. Another thing is the purchase of fresh fish, in extreme cases, fresh-frozen. If you know how, then you can buy a fresh product, and cutting it at home will not be difficult, and it will cost less in the broad sense of the word.

Cutting process

How to properly cut salmon: the process of cutting, tricks, useful properties

The technology of cutting salmon fish, as a rule, includes several stages, and the very first of them is a preliminary stage.

This stage includes several fairly simple operations. For example:

  • If this is a live fish, then it is better to stun it immediately, otherwise it will not be possible to cut it without problems.
  • If the fish is freshly frozen, then it will have to be thawed at room temperature, without resorting to defrosting, for example, in a microwave oven or other methods that speed up this process.
  • Moreover, it is better to cut fish that has defrosted, but not completely. If the salmon is completely defrosted, then it is difficult to cut.
  • After these preparatory operations, you can proceed to further operations, such as cleaning, gutting, which are carried out at the same time. It is impossible to stretch these processes for several days: this is out of the question.

How to quickly butcher salmon and properly salt the fillet. Master class and recipe by Uriel Stern

Cleaning and gutting fish

How to properly cut salmon: the process of cutting, tricks, useful properties

At this stage, it should be remembered that the larger the fish, the better it is to butcher. It is difficult to clean and butcher small fish, such as carp, not to mention perch.

Before that, the fish lies on a cutting board and is cut along the belly. Thereafter:

  • All contents are removed from the belly. This operation requires special care, because inside it is a gallbladder, which is easy to cut with a knife.
  • If you buy already gutted fish, then the process comes down to removing the head, fins and bones.

Cut off the head and fins

How to properly cut salmon: the process of cutting, tricks, useful properties

After gutting, they begin to rid the fish of the head and fins. There are some subtleties in carrying out these operations. For example:

  • To do this, you need to take the head of the fish in your hand and cut it at the level of the gill plates.
  • The head may not be thrown away. Gills are removed from it and tasty and healthy fish soup is cooked.
  • Next, proceed to the removal of the tail and fins. This will require a small but sharp knife.
  • The tail and fins are also not thrown away, as they can serve as an addition to the head.

Taking out the bones

How to properly cut salmon: the process of cutting, tricks, useful properties

This is one of the most responsible and long-term operations. Many salmon recipes call for boneless meat. For the operation to be successful, you must:

  • First of all, the fish is removed from the spine. To do this, the carcass of the fish is cut along the ridge into two equal parts.
  • After that, the bones are removed along with the ridge.
  • In conclusion, proceed to the removal of costal and other bones, if any.

Separating the skin

How to properly cut salmon: the process of cutting, tricks, useful properties

If required, the final stage is carried out – this is the separation of the skin from the meat. To begin with, the skin is peeled off with a knife in the tail area, and then slowly, using the same knife, the skin is removed from the fish. After this operation, it is necessary to check the salmon meat again for the presence of bones. If all the bones are pulled out, then the meat can be transferred to the next stage – the cooking stage.

Tips for carving salmon

How to properly cut salmon: the process of cutting, tricks, useful properties

Many are faced with such a problem as difficulties in keeping fish. To stop it from being slippery, it is better to immediately rinse it well and dry it with paper towels. Besides:

  • It is better to put a towel or piece of cloth on the cutting board.
  • When the fish is cut along the belly, the belly should be slightly raised, and the knife should be directed slightly at an angle to prevent puncture of the gallbladder.
  • To remove bones, it is better to take tweezers, and it is better to find bones with your fingers.

Taste qualities and useful properties of salmon

How to properly cut salmon: the process of cutting, tricks, useful properties

This type of fish (and there are many) is different in that their meat contains a complete set of vitamins and minerals that can ensure the normal functioning of human internal organs.


Somewhere in 100 grams of salmon meat contains many vitamins, such as vitamin A, D, E and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. It also contains about 30 grams of easily digestible protein. The presence of such an amount of protein helps to strengthen bones and nails.

The presence of B vitamins, namely vitamins B6 and B12, can positively affect the quality of the skin, making it beautiful, elastic and attractive, as well as the quality of the hair, making them strong and healthy. The presence of healthy cholesterol in fish leads to the cleansing of blood vessels, which positively affects the functioning of the heart.

Trace Elements

How to properly cut salmon: the process of cutting, tricks, useful properties

Salmon meat contains trace elements such as iodine, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, fluorine and others. To really benefit from its use, salmon should be eaten properly.

Rules are as follows:

  • It makes no sense to eat fish more than 3 times a week.
  • At one meal, it is permissible to eat several small pieces.
  • Fish is healthy when it is not fried or salted. Salmon is most useful in slightly salted form, dried and boiled. It is no less useful in baked form.

Caloric value

How to properly cut salmon: the process of cutting, tricks, useful properties

100 grams of pure product contains about 250 kcal. Therefore, dietary fish cannot be called. Those who care about their kilograms should know this.

What dishes are prepared with salmon?

How to properly cut salmon: the process of cutting, tricks, useful properties

Thanks to the amazing taste, people have come up with many recipes. Therefore, among this variety, you can find salmon baked with beans or peas. When preparing such a dish, you do not need to get involved in adding liquid, as the salmon meat can fall apart. It is enough if the liquid only covers the bottom.

A wonderful and healthy dish is a salad of salmon and fresh vegetables. It is very important that the product is refrigerated. Fish goes well with any side dish or potatoes. You can cook a lot of dishes with salmon, as it goes well with almost all products. In addition, this fish can be consumed without side dishes, as an independent product, thanks to its exquisite taste.

Salmon (or salmon) is a fairly valuable product, moreover, very useful. It is enough to eat one piece of meat and you can replenish your body with a whole bunch of useful substances.

The art of cutting. Salmon

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