
In winter, hair needs special attention – constant contact with unfavorable external factors, such as precipitation, frost, wind, does not create a good environment to maintain its healthy appearance. Among the undesirable symptoms there may be constant electrification, frequent oiliness, loss of volume or traces of dandruff. What is it caused by? Should you wear a hat or try to protect yourself from the cold with only a scarf and a jacket hood? How to take care of your hair in winter?
Hair care in winter – different than in other seasons?
Winter is not the easiest conditions for taking care of beauty, it is especially difficult for hair to survive this season intact. While the hair itself is not disturbed by the frosty air, it affects the scalp, slowing down the work of the sebaceous glands, and thus exposing the hair to damage. Cold additionally causes narrowing of blood vessels, which makes it difficult to properly nourish the hair follicles.
How to care for oily hair?
Winter usually requires us to wear a hat and protect ourselves from frost and unfavorable weather. This, in turn, is a factor that causes excessive overheating of the scalp and intensified work of the sebaceous glands, resulting in unwanted greasy hair. How to prevent it? Try to wear airy hats that don’t put too much pressure on your scalp. For washing, it is worth using shampoos intended for oily and delicate hair and conditioners for rinsing. Shampoos moisturize the skin without drying it or causing excessive secretion of sebum. It is recommended to pour cool water on the head during the final rinse, which will slow down the work of the sebaceous glands and cool them down.
Frizzy hair in winter – what to do with it?
Electrifying hair in winter is another problem faced by a significant number of women. This happens as a result of rubbing the hair against the artificial fibers of the material from which the hat or scarf was made. Damaged and neglected hair have the shortest path to electrifying, so it is worth taking an interest in proper protection against such winter consequences. Positive effects will be brought by regular moisturizing of the scalp with masks and the use of conditioners intended for hair care at this time of the year. Everyday use should include a brush with natural bristles and a dryer with ionization. If possible, get rid of all artificial fiber headgear.
Hair in winter – tips
Oily hair and static electricity do not exhaust the list of hair problems that you have to reckon with in the winter. Lack of time very often forces you to leave the house quickly, with not dried hair hidden under a hat, and this is the first step to make it look flat. That is why it is worth spending a few more minutes on proper drying of the head and the use of preparations that lift the hair at the roots, thanks to which the subsequent application of a hat will not weigh them down so much. Another problem resulting from excessive overheating of the scalp and creating an environment conducive to the proliferation of fungi is dandruff. Here, a simple way to deal with this ailment is to use anti-dandruff shampoos and avoid styling preparations, which unfortunately can aggravate the symptoms of dandruff.
Take care of your hair in winter!
Hair problems that are aggravated in winter are well known. So how to protect them? How to care and wash? First of all, choose cosmetics designed for delicate hair, because they will not burden the scalp to a large extent, and will additionally provide it with care. It is also necessary to thoroughly rinse the applied conditioners with a cool stream of water and to regularly apply moisturizing and regenerating masks.