How to propagate raspberries

Almost everyone who has a garden plot grows raspberries. Bushes are grown to produce tasty and healthy berries. Unfortunately, these are not always varietal plants, the yield does not meet the needs.

It is not necessary to go to the store for seedlings if a neighbor has raspberries of different varieties on the site. If you plant one bush, then in a year, when the seedling has a good root system, you can get new varietal plants. The question of how to propagate raspberries by cuttings or in other ways worries many gardeners. Let’s see how good reproduction is by parts of a plant, whether varietal qualities are preserved.

How to propagate raspberries

What does it take to breed successfully?

In order for raspberry propagation to be successful, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. Planting material is planted in moist, fertile soil.
  2. Raspberry propagation should be done in cloudy weather, plantings shade for several days.
  3. Work is carried out at a temperature not lower than +23 degrees.

Stock up in advance with a shovel, secateurs, a sharp knife.

Methods of reproduction

Advice! In one place, raspberries can be grown for no more than 10 years.

The plant manages to use up the resources of the soil (even top dressing does not save), the yield decreases. It is necessary to transfer the raspberries to a new place, but there are no seedlings, and they are not cheap. How to be in this case?

Planting material can be grown independently using old plantings. Raspberry propagation will be discussed. There are many ways, thanks to which you can not only provide yourself with seedlings for raspberries, but also preserve the varietal qualities of raspberries.

Raspberry propagation methods:

  • lignified offspring:
  • green shoots;
  • shoots;
  • root cuttings;
  • division of the bush;
  • layering;
  • nettle;
  • microclonal way;
  • Scottish method.

You can breed a new plant from seed. The process is quite lengthy, in addition, there is no certainty that parental qualities will be repeated.

Lignified offspring in autumn

The most common way to obtain planting material is to propagate raspberries by root offspring. They are located from the mother bush at a distance of 30 cm, grow from the adnexal bud during the summer.

In autumn, the offspring are carefully dug up so as not to damage the roots. After that, you need to revise the planting material. If there is swelling or bluish spots on the stem, it cannot be used for propagation.

Advice! If there are leaves on the offspring before planting, they are cut off.

How to propagate raspberries

Green root suckers

When raspberries start growing after hibernation, a large number of shoots appear around the bush, and they are called green offspring. When they grow up to 15-20 cm, they choose the healthiest ones, stepping back from the bush by 40 cm, dig them out with a clod of earth.

Advice! Planting material must be grown in a separate bed. Planted in a permanent place in the fall.

Root cuttings

One of the most common ways is to propagate raspberries from cuttings in autumn or spring. They retreat 40 cm from the mother bush, dig out the soil and take an adventitious root with branches. The root must be at least two millimeters in diameter. When cutting the root (10 cm each), the presence of kidneys is taken into account. Roots do not need to be cut off.

How to propagate raspberries

The cuttings should be immediately laid (flat) in the fertile soil in the grooves, sprinkled with earth and watered.

Green cuttings

Throughout the season, gardeners thin out raspberries. No need to throw away healthy shoots, this is an excellent material that will allow you to propagate raspberries with green cuttings.

Choose shoots up to 15 cm in height and 2-3 leaves. The cut is made near the ground. You need to work with a sharp, previously disinfected knife. Several cut shoots are tied into a bundle. To help the cuttings quickly form roots, they are soaked in a solution of Heteroauxin for 17 hours. After that, they are planted for growing in a greenhouse or garden bed.

Attention! The root system is formed in about a month.

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There are valuable raspberry bushes that you want to propagate, but few root suckers are formed. In this case, raspberry propagation by roots is recommended. When dividing a bush, planting material must have healthy roots and at least two shoots.

How to propagate raspberries

Important! Propagation of raspberries by dividing the bush allows you to get up to 5 viable seedlings from one bush.

Reproduction by nettle

If you have only one bush of a valuable raspberry variety, and you want to have several of them on the site, use a small nettle shoot. Propagation of raspberries with nettles is a kind of cuttings. The growth should not be higher than 15 cm. They are cut off and immediately planted in the ground. Work is done in the evening. Can be timed for rainy weather. Planting material needs abundant watering and shading in the early days. This contributes to the rapid growth of the roots.

How to propagate raspberries

How to propagate raspberries, video:

Aunt Tanya’s advice. Raspberry cuttings

Method from Scotland

If you need to propagate remontant raspberry varieties, then use the Scottish method. It is based on plant propagation by roots. They are harvested in the fall and planted in the spring. The roots need to be dug up, cut into pieces of 15 cm, processed in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Planting material is stored in boxes in moss. For the winter put in the refrigerator or cellar. Sprinkle lightly with water from time to time.

Warning! It is impossible to store in plastic bags, the roots will simply rot.

How to propagate raspberries

In early spring, sprinkle the roots with soil or peat, water abundantly. When the leaves appear, the offspring are separated along with the upper part of the root and transplanted into a greenhouse in the shade, under polyethylene. If there is no greenhouse, you can plant in pots, covering the plantings with a bag.

Young plants take root in 20 days. Shelter is removed after 35 days. Landing in the ground with the arrival of warm days in early June. Each bush is covered with a plastic bottle.

The Scottish raspberry breeding method fully preserves parental qualities. It is widely used in Scotland.

Methods rarely used

Cultivation from seeds

Propagation of raspberries by seeds is rarely used at home, due to the laboriousness of the process. Seeds are collected from ripe berries. You can sow them in the spring, but experienced gardeners recommend doing everything at once.

Seeds need stratification, which will contribute to better germination. They are sown in a nutrient substrate to a depth of no more than 2 cm and sprinkled with sand. Sprouts will appear in the spring. Raspberry shoots are fed, watered. Transplanted to a permanent place in the fall.

How to propagate raspberries

Method for Scientists

Micropropagation of raspberries is carried out in the laboratory. To obtain a new plant, a piece of plant tissue is used, raspberries are grown in a test tube. Look at the photo below, it’s really interesting!

How to propagate raspberries

Useful Tips

Common and remontant raspberries propagate in different ways, but success will depend on the implementation of certain rules. Experienced gardeners advise:

  1. Seedlings are planted in moist nutrient soil.
  2. Use only healthy raspberry bushes for propagation.
  3. If seedlings have been grown indoors or in a greenhouse, harden them off before planting outdoors.

We hope that the material is interesting for gardeners. Choose any method to propagate raspberries and grow healthy bushes with delicious berries.

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