How to propagate lemon cuttings at home

Propagation of lemon cuttings at home is a less common procedure among beginners than planting seeds. But it is this method that makes it possible to grow a full-fledged plant that can bear fruit.

The technique has its own nuances, which are desirable to know before cuttings. The procedure allows you to grow a fruit-bearing tree at home or use the plant for grafting.

How to propagate lemon cuttings at home

Is it possible to propagate a lemon with a twig

Lemons can be propagated in two ways – planting a seed and rooting a cutting. A sprig is a faster option that is not suitable for all citrus fruits. However, the lemon is perfectly propagated by cuttings, blooms well and bears fruit under favorable growing conditions. Planting a lemon at home using a cutting is a more popular option due to its effectiveness.

Benefits of propagating lemon cuttings

If we consider both methods of planting a lemon, then the advantages of cuttings should be highlighted. This will allow gardeners to decide which breeding method to choose:

  1. Although a plant grown from seed will be stronger and more active in growth, it will still not be able to preserve all varietal characteristics. Propagation by cuttings guarantees 100% preservation of the genetic parent material. This is very important when propagating a variety you like with quality characteristics.
  2. Another important advantage is the beginning of the fruiting of the lemon. With the seed method, the first fruits will appear in 8-10 years. Cuttings cut this period in half.
  3. Financial savings are the next advantage compared to buying ready-made seedlings. Harvesting cuttings will cost much less than buying an adult lemon in a garden market.
  4. Cuttings make it possible to graft plants. You can cut branches from wild lemon and plant the desired variety. Wild plants take root more easily, they are more hardy and more stable than cultivated species.

Given these advantages, gardeners grow lemon from cuttings much more often than other methods.

How to grow a lemon from a cutting

To get a healthy strong plant, you need to perform certain actions, as well as observe the conditions for growing a lemon from a cutting at home:

  • prepare cuttings at the appropriate time;
  • root sprigs of lemon;
  • transplant to a permanent place;
  • provide cuttings with quality care.

With good care, the tree will bear fruit for a long time and regularly. Before starting the procedure, you must familiarize yourself with the description, stages and rules for performing each action. It is useful to read the reviews of those who have already propagated lemons at home using cuttings.

Harvesting cuttings

This is a very important step. The quantity of planting material and its development depends on the quality of the blanks. The first requirement is to choose a strong healthy plant at the age of 3-4 years.

Lemon sprigs are cut from last year’s growth. At the same time, lignified shoots with green bark are chosen. The optimal time for harvesting is March or April, although it is allowed to be carried out throughout the growing season. You can root a twig after pruning a lemon.

Important! Cuttings are carried out after the completion of the active life cycle of a lemon.

The cut is made a little obliquely, immediately processed with garden pitch. The top cut can be left straight. Before cutting a lemon, the tool must be disinfected and sharpened. Usually a clerical knife or garden scissors is used.

A properly cooked lemon stalk should have 2-3 leaves and 3-4 buds. The distance between the ends of the cuts and the extreme buds is about 0,5 cm. The length of the chisel is 8-10 cm, the thickness is 4-5 mm.

The leaves on the cutting of the lemon must be trimmed to facilitate root development. The smallest upper ones can be left untouched, the rest can be shortened by a third, large ones by half.

How to propagate lemon cuttings at home

Tie the prepared branches and place for 24 hours in a solution of Heteroauxin (take 1 g of the substance per 0,1 liter of water) or potassium permanganate. Then dip the lower cut of the cutting into crushed charcoal and you can proceed to the next stage – rooting.

How to root a lemon at home

For the successful rooting of a lemon, you will need to prepare a planting container, soil and create conditions for the cutting to take root. In addition to the usual method of rooting lemon cuttings in the ground, propagation by layering is used. They are also rooted before separation from the parent plant.

There are other ways to plant a lemon shoot – a greenhouse with peat or peat tablets. The first gives quite successful results, the second has not yet received proper distribution.

It is also easy to root a lemon in water. For this, some conditions must be met:

  1. Constantly maintain the water temperature at least + 23-25 ​​° C.
  2. Put the lemon stalk in an opaque container.
  3. The volume of the container should be small, even a little cramped for the plant.
  4. It is necessary to immerse only the very tip of the cutting – up to 2 cm.
  5. Cover the dishes with a handle with a film or jar.

There is a useful trick for those who want to use a similar method. The lower cut of the handle is wrapped with cotton material, and the end of the fabric is lowered into the water. The cutting receives enough water and air, takes root well and develops. After the appearance of strong roots, the plant is transplanted into the ground.

How to plant a lemon cutting

Planting a lemon stalk at home is quite realistic. First you need to prepare the chubuchki, choosing for this the optimal time and a suitable plant for cutting them. Then prepare containers and components for the soil mixture, materials for building a greenhouse. To create optimal conditions, it is necessary to take care of sufficient lighting, humidity and temperature at which the cutting will take root. Greenhouse conditions allow twigs to quickly adapt and take root. It is important not to overdo it with humidity. The slightest violation of the conditions will cause rotting of the planting material.

Preparation of containers and soil

When choosing containers, the main attention is paid to the diameter of the pot. Cuttings do not need a large volume in which the soil can turn sour.

In order to develop a powerful root system, it is necessary to prepare a nutrient mixture for cuttings. Gardeners use different combinations, but the main components are clean sand, humus or compost. An important point is the presence of a drainage layer so that excess moisture leaves. Some people prefer to buy ready-made soil for citrus fruits, but it is more suitable already at the time of transplanting the cutting to a permanent place.

The prepared container is disinfected. The flower pot is thoroughly washed with a disinfectant solution, dried. The box is fired from the inside.

Then layers are laid. The first is drainage. A small stone, expanded clay with charcoal is suitable for him. The second layer should be nutritious. It is the highest and should be 2/3 of the height of the container. Make a small hole in it. When the roots develop, the lemon will immediately receive the necessary substances. The top layer is made of pure sand 2 cm thick. It must be washed with water several times so that the flowing water does not contain dirt impurities. Some gardeners mix sand with sphagnum moss or peat in equal parts. This technique allows the cutting to hold on tighter and retains moisture. The total height of the layers depends on the size of the planting container.

Important! A hole is made in the bottom of the pot or box for water to drain and air to enter.

How to propagate lemon cuttings at home

Planting cuttings of lemon

The landing technology is clear and not difficult to perform. To propagate indoor lemon cuttings, you need to perform certain steps.

First, the soil in the container is moistened, and the branches are deepened to the level of the second eye, slightly pressing the soil around the stem. Then spray the plant with warm water from a spray bottle.

It remains to make greenhouse conditions for the cuttings. The container is covered with a glass cap or jar, polyethylene. Every day for 10 minutes, the greenhouse is opened for airing and spraying (3-4 times a day until rooting). If a lot of condensation is noticed on the film, the frequency of irrigation should be reduced to prevent the appearance of mold.

The ambient temperature should be + 20-25 °C. If there is no possibility of artificial heating, some gardeners use biological. To do this, a layer of manure is placed in a bucket, then a pot with a cutting is installed and covered with a film.

Lighting should be sufficient, but without direct sunlight. In darkened rooms, additional lighting is used.

Video about propagating lemon cuttings at home:


Important! Experienced citrus growers do not recommend planting several cuttings in one pot. But if this option is used, then the distance between them should be at least 5-7 cm.

How to propagate lemon cuttings at home

Rooting time is usually 3-4 weeks. If the cutting produces buds, they are removed. When the cutting takes root, they begin to accustom it to the air. The greenhouse is opened daily for 1 hour, increasing the hardening time for 1-2 weeks. The container can then be fully opened. After 7 days, the rooted plant is transplanted into a pot with a diameter of 9-10 cm, filled with a constant nutrient mixture. During this time, the lemon adapts to the ambient temperature and will tolerate the transplant well.

When transplanting a cutting, a drainage layer is necessarily laid, then 1 cm of coarse-grained river sand, and 2 cm of nutrient soil mixture on top. The rooted cutting is taken out of the nursery along with a clod of earth and placed in a new pot. The root neck is not deepened. Then they transfer the container for 10 days to a shaded place, gradually increasing the lighting.

How to propagate lemon cuttings at home

These are the basic requirements, the fulfillment of which will allow you to grow a fruiting lemon from a cutting at home.

How to plant a shoot of a lemon without roots

In this case, it is important to create all conditions for the formation of roots. To plant and grow a lemon from a twig, you need to provide:

  1. Constant air humidity, for which the process is covered with a dome.
  2. Nutrient substrate for root growth.
  3. Illumination of medium intensity, partial shade is better.
  4. Regular airing.
  5. Spraying with warm water 2-3 times a day.

If there are large leaves on the branch, they need to be cut in half. Small ones can be left as is.

How to grow a lemon from a twig

After transplanting a rooted cutting, he needs to provide competent care. Otherwise, the development of the lemon will be very long. Be sure to prepare a place for the plant. Lemon does not like unnecessary movements, so you need to take care of this in advance. The south side of the room is considered the best place. In order for the crown to form evenly, the tree can be rotated, but at a small angle and gradually. It is important that the lemon has time to turn the leaves.

Moments that need attention:

  1. Soil composition. It should contain enough nutrients. It is recommended to take a ready-made citrus mixture or cook it yourself. Suitable garden soil with humus in a ratio of 1: 1. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the pot to avoid moisture stagnation.
  2. It is best to take a clay container for a plant. Good moisture permeability of clay allows you to balance the moisture of the earth.
  3. Watering is sufficient to carry out 2 times a week. In this case, you should make sure that the soil does not dry out. In this case, the roots will dry out and the plant will get sick. Waterlogging is also harmful, which will lead to decay of the root system. The desired percentage of humidity is maintained by spraying the crown 2-3 times a week. When the heating season begins, the procedure is done daily.
    Important! If overflow occurs and the soil begins to rot, then a complete replacement of the soil is required.
  4. Lemon loves lighting. But direct sunlight should not fall on the tree for more than 2 hours a day. You should choose a place where the plant will not be lit by the sun during the entire daylight hours.
  5. Comfortable temperature for a lemon at home is + 18-27 ° С. It should be remembered that drafts are very harmful to the plant. Lemon pots should be placed in a protected area.
  6. Top dressing is needed throughout the warm season – from early spring to autumn. It is best to use special formulations for citrus fruits, which are sold in specialized stores. At the same time, organic and mineral fertilizers must be alternated.
  7. Transplantation is carried out every year. As the plants grow, they take a pot 1-2 cm larger than before. It is important not to damage the root system, so the lemon is carefully removed with a clod of earth, then a new one is added to the desired volume. When the pot size reaches 8-10 liters, transplants are replaced with top dressing and renewal of the topsoil twice a year.
  8. Crown shaping and pruning are necessary to give the lemon an aesthetic appearance and ensure harmonious development. The first time the central shoot is cut in the spring in the second year of the tree’s life. You need to shorten it to 20 cm. Thanks to this, the seedling will start up side shoots. Then the lower kidneys are removed, leaving only the top 3. The following year, the same procedure is repeated, but with side branches. When the tree takes on a beautiful shape, it will be enough to pinch or remove fast-growing shoots.
  9. Lemon grown at home begins to bloom in 3-4 years. At this point, you need to pollinate with a cotton swab. When there are a lot of set fruits, it is recommended to remove some of them. Otherwise, the lemon will be depleted and may die. The normal proportion is one fruit per 10-15 leaves.

When you need to transport a tree to another place, it is better not to do this in winter. Lemon is very responsive to changes in air temperature.

Breeding lemon at home with cuttings is a very popular method. There are few basic care requirements. If you do them regularly, then after a few years you can taste your own lemons.

How to propagate lemon cuttings at home


Propagation of lemon cuttings at home is quite a doable task. Not only an experienced, but also a novice gardener will cope with it. The main thing is to be attentive to the plant and perform the necessary procedures on time.

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