Propagation of hydrangeas by cuttings in spring allows gardeners to grow a spectacular flower on their own. This is one of the easiest ways to get a view on a lot. But there are nuances, without knowing which the procedure may be ineffective. It is important to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for propagating hydrangeas using cuttings.

How to propagate hydrangea cuttings in spring

An effective way to help yourself propagate a flower for your site

Features of propagation of hydrangea cuttings in the spring

Gardeners consider this method more troublesome, but the most versatile and productive. It is applied to all kinds of amazing flower. Cuttings are especially shown for paniculate hydrangea. The technique allows to obtain a large number of new plants.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure before the start of tying the buds. In addition to cuttings, hydrangea is propagated by dividing the bush or layering. But these options are less productive.

How to propagate hydrangea cuttings in spring

In order for the process to be of high quality, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules and stages. The main ones will be:

  • deadlines;
  • correct preparation of chubuchkov;
  • soil preparation, containers;
  • implementation of rooting technology;
  • care and further cultivation of the seedling.

Panicle hydrangea cuttings are carried out in the spring. The best time is the end of May, in some regions – the beginning of June. The operation is performed with green “spring” cuttings, or, more correctly, with the tops of the shoots. If you take the cuttings at a later date, they will already be lignified. And such shoots take root much harder.

The main stage is the preparation of the material.

Rules for cutting cuttings

According to the recommendations of experts, as soon as buds begin to appear on the branches, it’s time to cut the cuttings.

How to propagate hydrangea cuttings in spring

The final result depends on how correctly the cuttings are cut.

New shoots grow on the shoots at this time. These green parts are the material for harvesting chibouches. For rooting, you will need a part of the shoot, on which more than one well-developed kidney is located. The bush must be over a year old.

Important! Cuttings cut from lateral shoots at the bottom of the crown take root best.

You need to take the upper part of the stem, but you should not cut the cuttings from very thin shoots. They quickly rot, and the gardener is left without planting material. Then care must be taken to retain moisture. Therefore, the optimal time for cutting is early morning, when the plant tissues are saturated with moisture. Make the lower cut at an angle of 45 °, the upper one is straight. Cut branches should immediately be removed in a container with water and not left in the sun. It should be recalled once again that the reproduction of paniculate hydrangea with lignified cuttings in the spring is not recommended. This species is propagated only by green chubuchki.

How to propagate hydrangea cuttings in spring

Competent preparation of the cutting is the key to successful reproduction of hydrangea

Preparation of cuttings

This process does not take much time, but requires accuracy:

  1. First of all, you need to remove the 2 bottom sheets, shorten the rest by half. If buds have formed on the branch, they are cut off.
    How to propagate hydrangea cuttings in spring

    It is imperative to cut the inflorescences, they pull a lot of strength from the stem

    Place the cutting in the growth stimulator solution for 2 hours. In this case, you need to make sure that the leaves remain dry. Epin Extra, Zircon or HB 101 preparations are suitable, which are used according to the instructions. If there are no such funds at hand, you can prepare honey water at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1 glass of water. It also stimulates callus formation.

  2. When the cuttings are removed from the solution, they must be powdered with Kornevin or Heteroauxin before planting.
    How to propagate hydrangea cuttings in spring

    Dusting increases the cutting’s ability to take root.

    Parts of the shoots prepared in this way are ready for further rooting.


You can plant chubuchki in a special container or directly into the ground. The execution options are not much different. But it is worth considering each separately.

In container:

  1. Fill the prepared container with wet sand.
  2. Knead the prepared planting material at an angle of 45 °, deepening the lower internode by 2-3 cm.
    Important! Parts of the shoots should not come into contact with leaves with sand and with each other.
  3. Spray planting with clean water.
  4. Cover with a glass or film cap, transfer future hydrangea seedlings to the shade.
  5. Monitor the soil moisture and the general condition of the cuttings.

If it is summer with the usual daytime (+ 20-25 ° C) and night (+ 18-15 ° C) temperatures, then 1 month is enough for rooting. Then you need to grow in separate containers. Experienced gardeners advise propagation of hydrangeas by cuttings in the spring at home, immediately start in separate transparent cups. This makes it possible to clearly see the appearance of the roots.

Directly into the ground

  1. Arrange a cutting plant in a shady spot in the garden. To do this, dig a trench 20 cm deep. Lay a drainage layer on the bottom, then a layer of nutrient soil and then sand (1-2 cm).
  2. Plant prepared hydrangea cuttings at an angle.
  3. Set arcs.
  4. Cover with foil.
  5. Water 1-2 times a week, periodically ventilate.

As soon as new apical leaves appear on the hydrangeas, remove the shelter.

There is another popular way to propagate hydrangeas in the spring – germinating cuttings in water. It requires some skills so that the planting material does not rot.

Important! The propagation method in water is suitable for both garden and room hydrangeas.
How to propagate hydrangea cuttings in spring

Ordinary water can replace the laborious cutting process

Process algorithm:

  1. Cut the branches into pieces 15 cm long.
  2. Cut off the upper part above the last kidney.
  3. Remove leaves.
  4. Take a transparent container, pour settled clean water. You can add any root.
  5. Change the water daily to keep it from rotting. However, many gardeners prefer to simply add water, considering this option to be more practical and gentle on the roots. One careless movement can injure them and lead to the death of the cutting.
  6. Keep the cuttings in water until the root length is 2 cm. Usually this period takes 3-5 weeks.

Do not put many branches in one container. It is better to leave no more than 3 pieces.

Additional information about the propagation of hydrangea cuttings:

Hydrangea. How to propagate

Cutting Care

Good rooting takes place only in a shady place. Therefore, containers with planted plants are removed from the light, periodically watered and ventilated. As soon as the first signs of rooting appear, each specimen is transplanted into a separate container with loose nutrient soil. It will be possible to plant plants the next year, so they will have to be grown in winter. The best place is a greenhouse. If this is not possible, then the containers need to be dug up on the site and covered with high quality. It is recommended to build a small frame, pull lutrasil on top, then a layer of spruce branches and again a heater. Do not cover with polyethylene, which does not allow air to pass through.

Transfer to a permanent place

The following spring, rooted hydrangea cuttings are ready for transplanting to a permanent place. First, they need to be hardened a little, gradually accustoming them to the ambient temperature. If the seedlings are not strong enough, then you can move them to a school for additional growing. Transplantation can be carried out only with the onset of heat.

When transplanting, add 1 tbsp. to each well. a spoonful of mineral complex fertilizer. Do not water the plant the day before the procedure! This will allow you to well separate the earthen lump from the walls of the container.

After planting, cut the hydrangea to 2/3 of the length so that the bush grows more luxurious. If the composition requires a medium-sized plant, then pruning is not needed.

How to propagate hydrangea cuttings in spring

Accurate execution of hydrangea grafting points makes it possible to decorate the site with amazing flowers


Reproduction of hydrangeas by cuttings in the spring is within the power of even novice gardeners. It takes a little knowledge, practice and confidence. The plant takes root very well if the rules of procedure are observed.

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