How to propagate grapes by cuttings in autumn and spring
Propagation of grapes by cuttings is one of the easiest ways. New bushes have all the characteristics of a mother plant. Before propagating grapes, you need to make sure of the quality of the “donor”. If they become a healthy and abundantly fruiting plant, you can count on a similar harvest.
How to propagate grapes by cuttings
How to propagate grapes in autumn
The right time to prepare cuttings is from October to the beginning of winter. During this period, the plant is filled with the maximum amount of nutrients, and it easily tolerates a drop in temperature. For rooting you will need:
- honey solution;
- pruner;
- sawdust;
- large amounts of water;
- heating device.
Cuttings are cut obliquely from below and from above, the trunks are slightly scratched with a thin needle or knife. 2-3 days before planting, they are dipped into a special solution – 1 tsp is needed for a bucket of water. natural honey. After the expiration of the time, the slices are updated, the eyes are removed. The cut should be bright green when it is ready for germination.
The lower part of the shoot sinks into steamed wet sawdust. Once every 5-6 days, they are moistened, they cannot be allowed to dry out. For good germination, the top of the shoots should be cool and the bottom warm. To ensure this separation, a container with sawdust is placed in water with a heating device. The optimum temperature is 24 degrees.
After 3 weeks, roots appear. If by this time there are leaves on the shoots, and the roots have not formed, they are not suitable for planting. All nutrients will go into the foliage, after a while the shanks will dry out.
How to propagate grapes by cuttings in spring
If the propagation of grapes is planned for the spring, autumn cuttings need special preparation. To do this, they are processed with copper sulfate, collected in bundles and wrapped in a transparent film. Store the cuttings in a cool, dark place.
In the spring, the grafting process starts. The shanks are cut, the “live” ones let the juice out. If there is no liquid, the plant has died and is not suitable for reproduction. A cut from a healthy cutting has a light green or rich light green hue.
The cuttings are immersed in warm water for two days, the water is regularly changed. Then you need to use a root growth stimulator. Grapes are germinated in a container filled with a substrate of sawdust, sand, humus and garden soil, proportions – 1: 1. After a week, top dressing is added in the form of potassium or wood ash.
Rooted plants are planted in open ground in the first decade of May. For grapes, moisture-permeable, loose soil with a moderate amount of top dressing is suitable. After planting, regular abundant watering and loosening of the soil are required. Active growth and the appearance of the first fruits are expected only after a year.
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