Reproduction of an apple tree by air layering is one of the ways to get a seedling with the specific properties of the mother plant. Therefore, it is used by many gardeners to preserve their favorite crop variety. In order for the breeding procedure to be successful, it is necessary to comply with the terms and rules for its implementation. Only in this case it is possible to obtain a viable seedling, which will subsequently be able to fully develop and produce a generous harvest.

This method allows you to save your favorite variety without resorting to grafting.
Is it possible to propagate an apple tree by layering
Almost every gardener used the method of propagation by layering to obtain a shrub seedling at least once in his life. In this case, it is enough to bend the branch of the plant to the ground, deepen it by 10 cm, fix it and sprinkle it. In the future, it remains only to control the soil moisture so that the shoot forms roots, which will feed the seedling in the future.
But in the case of the apple tree, not everything is so simple. After all, its branch cannot be bent to the ground. However, it is still possible to apply the method of propagation by layering to an apple tree, but with air, while maintaining species properties without vaccinations. To do this, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions for the formation of roots in the air.
When is the best time to propagate apple trees with air layering?
The most favorable time of the year to prepare for propagation of an apple tree by air layering is early spring before the tree begins to grow. In the future, work on rooting the shoot is recommended to be carried out in early summer. This will allow the young seedling to form the rudiments of roots before the onset of autumn cold weather.
Preparation for breeding
Before proceeding directly to the procedure, it is important to prepare all the necessary materials and tools so that everything is at hand at the right time. You will need a plastic bottle with a volume of 1,5 liters, a plastic sleeve and a special nutrient substrate. It is also worth worrying about the knife in advance, that is, sharpening it and disinfecting it immediately before work so as not to infect open wounds.
For successful propagation of an apple tree by air layering, a moisture-retaining substrate is required that can remain moist for a long time and at the same time pathogenic microflora should not form in it. Otherwise, all the efforts of the gardener can be wasted.
Possible substrate options for this propagation method:
- moss sphagnum;
- a mixture in equal proportions of moss, turf, compost and rotted sawdust;
- the same parts of rotted manure and vegetable humus;
- garden soil and vermiculite half;
- special mineral wool for hydroponics in the form of cubes.

An apple tree grown from an air layer begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years
How to propagate apple trees by air layering
To get a new seedling, you need to pick up a branch with a high life potential and build the structure correctly. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the main features of this method of reproduction.
Escape selection and preparation
To make air layers on an apple tree, you need to choose healthy, even, fruiting branches from a well-lit side of the crown. The best option for propagation are two- and three-year-old shoots, slightly lignified, having a diameter of 1-1,5 cm and young growth, which can be determined by the greenish tint of the bark. The selected branch must be of sufficient length, but not fork.
Before proceeding directly to reproduction, it is necessary to knead the bark on the shoot. This will make it possible to make an incision of the required size without much difficulty. To do this, you will need to put a plastic sleeve on the branch section and wrap its edges with electrical tape on both sides to create a greenhouse effect inside. The length of this design should not exceed 40 cm. In this form, the shoot to create an air layer should remain until the first half of June.
Rooting air layering apple trees
After the waiting period, it is necessary to remove the sleeve, find the junction of the young growth with the main branch and step back from it 10 cm closer to the main conductor. It is here that you need to remove a layer of bark 1 cm thick into a circular layer. Then you need to make several additional longitudinal incisions from the damaged area up 1,5-2 cm long.
Algorithm for further actions for the successful propagation of an apple tree:
- Put a plastic sleeve on the branch and fix it at the bottom with electrical tape below the cut made.
- Pass the shoot through the bottle upside down so that its neck rests against the rewind.
- Pour Kornevin’s solution into the container so that it completely covers the incision.
- Close the upper part of the sleeve over the bottle and fix it with electrical tape on the branch.
- Tie up the air-layered shoot so that it remains upright to maintain sap flow in the tissues.
- After a day, make small holes in the structure at the bottom so that the liquid flows out completely.
- Unwind the sleeve from above and fill the bottle with a well-moistened prepared substrate so that the soil level is 2 cm above the bark damage site.
In the future, it is necessary to slightly shade the structure on a branch using ordinary cardboard or newspapers. This will prevent overheating of the substrate inside. It is also necessary to periodically check the soil moisture and, if necessary, irrigate the air layer. In hot weather, moisturize once every two days, and in cloudy weather once a week.

The rudiments of roots on the shoot appear before the end of the season
Growing apple seedlings
It is important not only to take a layer from an apple tree for reproduction, but also to plant it correctly. After all, the mistakes made can cause the death of a young seedling.
In early autumn, the upper part of the air layer to the annular incision of the bark must be shortened by half. And a week later, it must be completely cut off with pruners from the mother apple tree under the lower part of the sleeve. At the same time, it is not recommended to remove the structure itself before landing.
After that, you need to prepare a hole for the seedling. It should be 50 by 50 cm in size. It is recommended to pour a drainage layer of 10 cm at the bottom of it, and fill the rest of the space with a nutrient substrate. To do this, mix sod, humus, leafy soil and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1. The planting hole should be watered abundantly and a recess made in the center. Place the detached air outlet at an angle into it, without removing the soil from the bottle from the bottom. This will allow the seedling to grow a powerful root system in the future. After that, it is necessary to compact the soil at the base of the rooted layer and mulch the soil surface with humus. For the winter, it needs to be insulated with spruce branches.
It is not recommended to plant an apple seedling in open ground in the northern regions of the country in autumn. Therefore, in order to keep the air layering until spring, it is necessary to plant it in a pot with a nutrient substrate and transfer it to the basement for wintering. Throughout the entire period of storage, the seedling needs to be watered. In this case, it is recommended to plant a rooted cutting in a permanent place in mid-April, when the soil warms up enough.

Trees grown from air layering are characterized by increased endurance
The first year after planting, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the seedling. It is recommended to water it regularly so that the soil always remains slightly moist. It is also necessary to remove weeds growing around and loosen the soil at the base. This will allow air to reach the roots.
When the seedling is fully rooted and grows, it needs to be fed with nitroammophos at the rate of 20 g per 10 liters of water. And in the second half of summer, a young apple tree should be fertilized with wood ash to increase winter hardiness. To do this, you need to pour 100 g of the component into 1 liter of hot water and insist for a day. After the time has elapsed, the volume of liquid must be brought to 10 liters. It is recommended to water the young seedling with the resulting solution. For the first three years, the grown tree needs to be insulated for the winter.
Reproduction of an apple tree by air layering is one of the ways that allows you to independently obtain high-quality planting material. However, it should be understood that its use does not give a XNUMX% guarantee of the preservation of the crop variety you like. After all, not all apple trees take root easily. But it’s still worth trying, even if it takes several attempts to reproduce.