How to pronounce a toast for a holiday or anniversary

The pronunciation of toasts is one of the integral traditions of the Russian feast. True, not everyone can boast of the ability to say an appropriate memorable toast when the eyes of the guests are directed at him, and the hopping is already felt. The tips below will help resolve this issue.

A toast is a congratulatory table speech in honor of the holiday, which is pronounced in turn by the participants in the celebration with filled glasses, at the end of the speech everyone drinks. The tradition appeared in England in the first half of the XNUMXth century, but had a slightly different meaning. In those days, a glass of drink (usually non-alcoholic) and a slice of toasted bread were placed on the table in front of speakers with public lectures.

Toast Rules

1. Training. It is better not to hope that inspiration will come at the last moment and the right words will flow like water. In most cases, on the contrary, it is difficult to build intelligible speech. To make the toast interesting and meaningful, you should prepare in advance.

The structure of the classic toast:

  • thematic introduction (connects the speech of the toast with what is happening at the table);
  • history from the past (as it used to be);
  • the denouement or how it has become now (it is inappropriate to criticize, lie and frankly flatter in toasts);
  • ending (wishes in honor of the celebration and a call to raise glasses).

Say the written toast aloud several times in front of the mirror. Remember that written and spoken language are different. Not always the text is well perceived by ear. Choose the right pace, intonation and voice strength, plan pauses in the right places. Speak in short, understandable sentences. The optimal performance time is 1-3 minutes. Learn the toast by heart so that you can speak at the right time without a clue leaflet.

How to pronounce a toast for a holiday or anniversary
Pre-preparation for toast is never superfluous

Think in advance of several options for congratulations or even toasts, in case another speaker says your planned wish.

2. Priority. According to etiquette, the first toast is made by the owner of the house or the leader of the highest rank, then close relatives, friends or bosses one step lower. Knowing the number and composition of invited guests, you can roughly calculate your turn.

If you are afraid that alcohol will hit your head before the word is given to you, it is better to drink less, but do not demand to say a toast ahead of time, those present will consider this ignorance. It is also considered uncivilized to demand a toast from a neighbor sitting next to the table, a person may not be ready at this moment. Usually a toast is said every 10-15 minutes.

3. Beautiful pronunciation. Even a beautiful memorable toast can be spoiled by the wrong serving. Before starting a speech, the toast should take his glass, stand up and make sure that all those present have filled glasses. Then turn to the hero of the occasion (if the whole team is celebrating, smoothly look around all the guests), take a deep breath and clearly with intonation, the right volume and a smile on your face (on a joyful occasion) say a toast.

Do not drag out the speech for more than 3 minutes, as the guests get bored with it, and the speech itself turns from congratulations into moralizing. Be sure to end the toast with a call to raise glasses, this is a kind of go-ahead to those present who did not follow the course of your thought, and there are such people at almost every holiday. Some companies have a tradition of clinking glasses before emptying the glasses.

The ability to toast is not innate, in many ways, eloquence at the table depends on oratory, which needs to be learned. Perhaps not everything will work out the first time, but after several trainings, experience and self-confidence will come to you.

How to pronounce a toast for a holiday or anniversary

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