For some women, pregnancy goes perfectly: the body works like a clock, the child grows, nothing hurts them. And by the time of childbirth, they approach in such a blissful state, as if there are not several hours of contractions ahead, but a pleasant walk along the sea. “Witches!” you think. But everything is simpler: they have the correct “settings” of the brain. How is this possible? Let’s figure it out.
From the point of view of many physiologists, there is a zone in the woman’s brain that is responsible for the dominant of pregnancy. If it is activated, then the body gives priority to the bearing and birth of a healthy child, relegating other functions of the body to a secondary role.
The activation of this zone affects the expectant mother in a variety of ways. For example, in some pregnant women, chronic diseases disappear during the period of gestation. Their reaction slows down a little and concentration worsens even on simple tasks. But all movements become smoother and … anxiety disappears.
As a result, a woman acquires a deep confidence that everything will be fine with her and with the child.
Even if something goes wrong during a health check or some imbalance is noticed in the tests, she takes it calmly. As a task to be solved, and not as a reason for panic.
The dominance of pregnancy also affects what lifestyle expectant mothers choose. They go in for sports exactly as much as they really need. It’s the same with food: all these “jumps” and strange food addictions begin to appear, for which there is no logical explanation. But which quickly and effectively make up for the lack of what mother and child lack.
How to start the dominant pregnancy?
1. Slow down
Normally, deceleration occurs naturally. The speed of reaction, movement, even speech decreases – it seems that all life begins to flow more slowly. But if the expectant mother is used to living in the rhythm of the city, this can scare her. And she, contrary to the body, will try to “disperse” herself.
There are also women whose temperament makes them swim against the current: until the stomach grows, you need to finish all the work at work, finish repairs, organize a move, help your mother. Naturally, the body cannot withstand such an onslaught, and the start of a dominant pregnancy is postponed.
In this case, I recommend simply acknowledging the fact that it is too late to “run”. Now is the time when many questions should be left to chance. Fortunately, you have a powerful excuse: concern for an unborn child. Allow the body to direct all forces into this process.
2. Control the information background
It should be calm and peaceful. What will pacify you, of course, is unknown: Beethoven calms someone, and Metallica calms someone. The main thing is to read less and talk about the horrors of pregnancy and childbirth.
For some unknown reason, we have this tradition of sharing our experiences about childbirth. Even if a woman remains calm, such stories get inside and can bring down her natural settings.
Therefore, if you have people around you who like to sow panic, share bloody details about anything, or drop links to negative texts, you have a reason to temporarily refuse to communicate with them.
3. Prepare for pregnancy and childbirth
Previously, only preparation for childbirth was considered necessary, but in modern preventive realities, the practice of preparing for pregnancy has also appeared. It includes not only tests and health care, but also a detailed study of what will happen to the body during pregnancy and childbirth. This is interesting. And this is your guarantee of self-confidence.
What is desirable to work out before pregnancy:
Relaxation skill
It will come in handy both during the period when the stomach will “tighten”, change the entire structure of the body, and during childbirth. The body must be made flexible and relaxed. To do this, there are practices of active relaxation, for example, Qigong Xing Shen Juang. This practice will insure you against back pain during pregnancy, will allow you to maintain a beautiful posture and ensure a quick recovery after childbirth.
In addition, as the abdomen grows, it becomes more and more difficult to relax, even lying down. Therefore, many pregnant women in the later stages begin to complain about sleep. Qigong in this case is a real lifesaver: it relaxes the tension accumulated during the day, allowing you to fall asleep easily and quickly. And it can be done right up to the birth itself, if the pregnancy proceeds without complications.
Contraction relaxation skills
The better a woman can relax during a contraction, the stronger the contractions themselves and the more intense the birth process. To master this skill, you need special breathing, and better – voice exercises. As part of the voice control seminars, you will learn how to sound correctly at a fight – that is, to create a vibration with your head that will relax you.
Pulling Skill
No matter how strange this skill may sound, it is also desirable to master it even before pregnancy. Why? Because this is not the most familiar action for us, and there will be no time to study its details during childbirth. If you learn the correct procedure, then at the right time you will push as efficiently as possible – helping the child move through the birth canal, and not hindering him.
You can master this skill with the help of female Taoist practices with a jade egg: with the help of breathing exercises, the egg rises up the vagina – and then it is pressed out according to the same principle that is useful in childbirth. This pressing movement is obtained, as a rule, not the first time – it will be necessary to sweat over it, think, experiment.
Therefore, I recommend mastering egg practices with the assistance of an instructor. Don’t be scared! All classes are in clothes, the instructors are women, and they only correct the position of the abdomen, chest and breathing tactics. And only with a training egg that has a safety rope.
A calm, happy, confident expectant mother is a guarantee of health and the same confidence in the baby. And this is the main motivation to properly tune the brain from the very first days of pregnancy – that is, activate the dominant.