How to process and what to do if strawberry leaves are in holes

Treat strawberry leaves, if holes appear, you need chemicals (fungicides, insecticides). And first you need to establish the cause: the problem can be associated with both diseases and the action of insects. If the disease is not running, it is permissible to use folk remedies.

Why are strawberry leaves in holes

The reasons for this phenomenon are always associated with the development of diseases or the appearance of pests. In some cases, only holes with even or uneven edges may appear on the foliage. In others, spots form first, after which the tissues die off, so holes appear.

Most often, such phenomena are observed with the appearance of such diseases and pests:

  • different types of spotting (white, brown, black, brown);
  • leaf beetle;
  • leaflet;
  • nettle-leaf weevil;
  • raspberry-strawberry weevil.
Attention! In some cases, strawberry leaves are perforated and curled up. This indicates the appearance of various pests and diseases.

For example, twisting is often associated with spider mites and strawberry mites. And if holes appear, these are fungal diseases. But it can also be caused by other pests (weevil).

What diseases cause strawberry leaves in holes and what to do

If holes appear on the foliage, it is most often associated with certain diseases. They are infectious in nature, so they quickly spread from one plant to another. The most common pathologies are spotting (black, white, brown, brown).

Anthracnose (black spot)

Anthracnose is a dangerous disease that does not give any symptoms for a long time. Although during this period the mycelium of the fungus already affects all parts of the strawberry. The main signs of damage are dark spots resembling burns. As a result, the fabric dies and literally crumbles. If holes appear, this indicates an advanced stage of infection.

How to process and what to do if strawberry leaves are in holes

Anthracnose leads to spots and drying of strawberry leaves

The spores are carried by the wind to neighboring plantings. They are especially active in conditions of excessive humidity. Therefore, non-compliance with the norm of watering can provoke anthracnose and other diseases manifested by holes.

The use of folk remedies is ineffective. If the first signs appear, it is recommended to immediately treat with fungicides (preferably before fruiting begins):

  • “Quadris”;
  • “Ridomil Gold”;
  • “Previkur Energy”;
  • Fundazol;
  • “Cuproxat”;
  • “Acrobat MC”.

Ramulariasis (white spotting)

How to process and what to do if strawberry leaves are in holes

If whitish spots with a brown border are visible on the leaves, this is a sign of white spotting.

Gradually, the dots begin to dry out, after which holes form instead. The main measure of treatment is treatment with drugs. Bordeaux liquid, Bayleton, Kuproksat, Euparen are suitable for this purpose.

A week later, a second spraying is carried out. If spots or holes reappear, strawberry bushes are re-treated. During fruiting, it is better to use biological pesticides – Fitoverm, Vertimek and others.

brown spot

If strawberry leaves are in holes and brown spots, then the bushes are affected by brown spotting. At first, the spots are painted in a dark purple color, and they appear not only on the foliage, but also on the stems and fruits. Over time, the spots become red or brown in color. The affected areas begin to dry out, and holes form in their place.

If such signs appear, it is necessary to carry out a total treatment with fungicides:

  • “Ridomil Gold”;
  • “Score”;
  • “RAW”;
  • Bordeaux liquid.

During spraying, you need to ensure that the solution also gets on the underside of the leaf plates. After that, the bed should be weeded and cleaned, as well as fertilizing with superphosphate (40 g per 1 m2) and potassium salt (20 g per 1 m2). But it often happens that these measures do not help. Then the bushes will have to be completely destroyed so that they do not infect neighboring plants. After that, the soil must be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

How to process and what to do if strawberry leaves are in holes

Holes on strawberry leaves can form due to brown spotting.


How to process and what to do if strawberry leaves are in holes

Dendrophomosis – this pathology is also called brown spotting

Outwardly, the disease resembles a brown pathology. But if spots of angular shapes and holes appear, this is precisely dendrophomosis. Most often, symptoms develop in the second half of summer, especially against the background of heavy rains. Treatment measures are exactly the same as in the case of brown spotting.

What pests cause strawberry leaves in holes and how to deal with them

If holes appear on strawberry leaves, this may also be due to insects; in this case, you can help the plant with folk remedies and insecticides. The preparations should be used according to the instructions, observing the dosage, the frequency of processing and the waiting period (the minimum period of time after which it will be possible to harvest).

strawberry leaf beetle

A dangerous pest, it is a small brown beetle (body length is only 4–5 mm). He gnaws strawberry leaves, because of which all the bushes will be in holes. If nothing is done, then over time the pest will completely destroy the foliage. The insect is very prolific – the female lays up to 200 eggs per month on the back of the leaf plate. And after two weeks, new larvae are formed, which again make holes.

How to process and what to do if strawberry leaves are in holes

If holes appear on strawberry leaves, this may indicate an invasion of the strawberry leaf beetle.

Beetles can be seen with the naked eye. At the first stage, they are recommended to remove them manually or rinse with water, although this is ineffective. It is better to use folk remedies – an infusion of garlic (cloves, herbs), dandelion or wormwood. Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Mow 200–300 g of grass (you can use one or a mixture of different ones).
  2. Put in a bucket of warm (but not hot) water.
  3. Insist 4-6 hours under the lid.
  4. Strain.
  5. Add 40–50 g of laundry soap (you can use liquid soap).
  6. Copiously spray strawberry leaves, where holes appeared, and the rest (for prevention).

You can also cope with the strawberry leaf beetle with the help of mustard powder – 200 g per 10 l, infusion of wood ash (200-300 g per 10 l) with laundry soap. If the invasion is too large, you need to use insecticides:

  • “Aktellik”;
  • “Bankol”;
  • Carbophos;
  • “Decis” and others.

These are chemicals that completely destroy both the strawberry leaf beetle and other pests. Although it is preferable to apply biological insecticides during the fruiting period:

  • “Fitoverm”;
  • “Vertimek”;
  • “Aktofit”;
  • “Agravertin”.

They have a gentle effect, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of the crop. But it is better to start collecting at least 3-5 days after the last treatment. This period is called the waiting period. It differs depending on the characteristics of the drug (the specific value can always be found in the instructions).

Attention! If holes appear on strawberry leaves, processing is carried out in the early morning or late evening. But if the weather is cloudy, it is permissible to spray the bushes during the day.

Raspberry strawberry weevil

The presence of a weevil can be determined visually, although its body is small – only 2-3 mm in length. It is painted black, so it stands out on the surface of the sheet in contrast. The weevil eats not only foliage, but also buds and flowers, which leads to a decrease in yield. Its females overwinter in young fallen leaves, so it should always be removed from the site in early autumn.

In the spring, weevils begin to breed, and as a result, each female damages 40–50 buds. Pests feed on leaf tissue. If holes appeared massively on them, then there were a lot of insects.

Attention! The main sign of the appearance of weevils is the smooth edges of the holes.
How to process and what to do if strawberry leaves are in holes

One of the reasons that can cause holes in strawberry leaves is the strawberry weevil.

Important! The earliest sign of pest invasion is the deformation of flower stalks and blackening of tissues.

You need to start the fight already at this stage. When holes appeared on the leaves, it means that there were even more insects.

The standard control measure is treatment with a Karbofos solution at a concentration of 3%. If there are a lot of pests, the following means are used:

  • “Fufanon Neva”;
  • “Corsair”;
  • “Kemifos”;
  • “Karate”.

These are powerful chemicals that are best used before the fruiting stage. If fruits have already appeared on the bushes, use other means:

  • “Fitoverm”;
  • “Cesar”;
  • infusion of garlic cloves and herbs;
  • tobacco dust (dust all strawberry leaves).

If insects are on the leaves in autumn or spring, they can be shaken off on a film, and then the bushes can be processed.

nettle leaf weevil

The nettle-leaf weevil is a large beetle with a body length of 10–12 mm. It is painted in rich green with a hint of turquoise. The insect feeds on young leaves, gnawing them around the edges. The weevil does not disdain roots. The buds also suffer – during flowering, they begin to fall off, which leads to crop loss. A beetle can appear not only on strawberries, but also on raspberries, as well as on nettles.

How to process and what to do if strawberry leaves are in holes

Nettle leaf weevil often causes holes in strawberry leaves

To destroy the pest, it is better to carry out the treatment even at the stage of bud formation. Secondary spraying can be scheduled for the second half of the summer, i.e. after harvesting. Moreover, it is better to act at the moment when the first signs appeared – damaged edges of the foliage. Effective remedies against weevil:

  • “Alatar”;
  • Carbophos;
  • “Fufanon”.

Spraying is carried out in cloudy weather, and after a week you need to repeat the treatment.

Important! If nettle-leaf weevils appeared, but the measures to combat them were ineffective, then in the fall the pests will lay their eggs in the surface layer of the soil.

Therefore, experts recommend changing the planting site of strawberries every 3-4 years.

strawberry leaflet

The strawberry leaflet is a small butterfly (wingspan up to 1,5 cm) of a light brown color. If holes appear on strawberry leaves, this indicates a caterpillar invasion (the butterflies themselves do no harm).

How to process and what to do if strawberry leaves are in holes

Most often, leafworms are found in the southern regions.

Young caterpillars of light green color eat foliage. But if holes appear, this indicates that the caterpillars have already grown, since it is adult insects that cause the main damage (their body is colored brown). As a result, the leaf plates are folded and covered with a layer of sticky cobwebs.

The main preventive measure is the removal and burning of old leaves in early autumn. If pests and holey leaves of strawberries appear, it should be treated with such chemicals:

  • Carbophos;
  • “Phosbecid”;
  • “Binom”;
  • “B58”;
  • “Atom”;
  • Fufanon and others.
Attention! Along with this pest, other types of leafworms also feed on foliage tissues.
How to process and what to do if strawberry leaves are in holes

The most dangerous for bushes are currant and winter moth

Insects damage leaf plates, buds and flowers. As a result, holes appear on them.


It is almost impossible to avoid the invasion of pests and the occurrence of diseases. Although it is quite realistic to warn them and reduce crop losses. There are several proven preventive measures for this:

  1. Purchase strawberry varieties that are resistant to major diseases. Hybrids are especially hardy. In addition, they tolerate frost and temperature changes well.
  2. Always manually pluck the leaves in early autumn, remove them from the site and burn them. But this should be done at the moment when they already turn yellow and wither, so that the foliage has time to give nutrients to the stem and roots of the plant.
  3. In the spring in April (before the formation of buds), a single treatment against pests should be carried out – Bordeaux mixture and insecticide (for example, Aktellik, Inta-Vir, Metaldehyde).
  4. Another factor that can trigger the development of anthracnose and other fungal infections is excessive watering. Strawberries are given water twice a week, but you need to follow the weather forecast, as well as focus on the characteristics of a particular variety.
  5. Plants should be watered only with warm, settled water. Cold liquid provokes the development of white spotting.
  6. If, nevertheless, small holes appeared on the strawberry leaves, here’s what you need to do first: carefully examine the bushes and determine the cause. Then carry out a total treatment, not only of the affected, but also of healthy plants.
How to process and what to do if strawberry leaves are in holes

In mid-spring, strawberries should be sprayed with fungicides and insecticides.


To process strawberry leaves, if holes appear, you can use folk remedies and chemicals. But if the defeat is massive, some of the bushes will have to be destroyed. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to carry out spring treatments and observe other preventive measures.

Reviews on what to do if strawberry leaves are in holes

Irina Pavlova, 56 years old, Novosibirsk
In the summer, small holes appeared on the leaves of strawberries, which had never happened before. The season is not rainy, care is as usual. It turned out that these were strawberry leaf beetles. There were already a lot of holes, so they immediately treated them with Karbofos. It helped, I just don’t want to use chemistry sometimes. For myself, I decided that it is better to process the bushes in the spring for prevention.
Antonina Smirnova, 49 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
We have holes on the strawberries appeared even before flowering. And immediately the leaves were covered with dark spots. The spring was rainy, so they thought that it was brown spotting by external signs. Treated with “Hom”, which is always at hand. You can take other preparations with copper. As long as everything is in order – nothing like this has happened again.
Holes and spots on strawberry leaves

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