How to process a wooden gazebo on the street: impregnation for walls, floors of an open pavilion + photo of wood painting options

A wooden gazebo is a simple architectural design for a summer residence. However, wood is subject to negative environmental influences. It must be protected from ultraviolet radiation, insects, moisture. From the article you will learn how to process a wooden gazebo on the street in order to maintain its attractive appearance.

Why processing is needed

Wood processing allows you to protect it from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation, as well as from fungus, mold, and insects. Otherwise, after 1–2 years, the tree will lose about 90% of its mechanical stability, and the structure will simply collapse. Impregnation will also help preserve the natural pattern of the wood cut, and if it is planned to apply paint on top, then the treatment will reduce its consumption by 50-60%.

How to process a wooden gazebo on the street: impregnation for walls, floors of an open pavilion + photo of wood painting options

Another important nuance: wood impregnation must be performed in several passes. This is true for primers, natural and synthetic oils. Only in this case, a wooden gazebo can be protected by 99% from environmental influences.

Video “Budget wood processing method”

From this video you will learn how to process wood from moisture and decay at no cost.

how to process wood, the cheapest and highest quality option

Fund options

According to the composition of impregnation for wood can be divided into:

  1. Antiseptics. For gazebos that are operated on the street, they are mandatory, as they help prevent the occurrence of mold and fungus. It is impossible to prevent spores from getting on a tree, but an antiseptic will prevent their germination. Some of the most popular: Farbex, “Titan” (series S).
  2. Oils. The most common options are linseed oil and drying oil. They protect against moisture. If a tree is treated with them, then its moisture absorption coefficient will decrease to about 0,2%. Accordingly, moisture will not accumulate in the wood and freeze in winter, which is why cracks most often appear.
  3. Primers. It is recommended to cover the tree with such a product before painting – this increases adhesion, prevents cracking and fading of the paint layer. By the way, there are also primers with antiseptic additives. In many cases it is better to use them. Popular models: Pinotex, Kompozit.
  4. Varnish. Completely covers the wood, so it is applied only to well-dried wood. It allows you to preserve the natural pattern of wood materials, but at the same time it perfectly protects against moisture, fungi, mold, and ultraviolet radiation. Popular models: Euromix, Mav Brava.
  5. Dye. It is better to use oil-based, as it penetrates deep into the structure of the tree, does not create an outer polymer film. But the consumption is quite large, even with preliminary priming. Popular paints: Kompozit, Bayris.

Processing technology

For maximum protection of boards or timber, they must be processed according to the following technology:

  1. The first layer is a deep-penetrating antiseptic. It is recommended to use combined antiseptics containing both an oil base and synthetic additives. It should be processed in 2-3 layers.
  2. The second layer is oil impregnation, drying oil or linseed oil. Apply with a brush, carefully “rub” into the wood, wipe off the remnants with a soft sponge. If there is a lot of oil, and it is not completely absorbed, then a sticky stain will remain. The floor is best treated with drying oil. It contains synthetic additives that are more aggressive to fungus and mold.
  3. Primer. If the above steps are completed, then apply in one layer. Can be selected with a color base to lighten or darken the wood.
  4. Paint.

New wood is processed according to this technique. If the timber or boards have already been used before, then they are preliminarily polished. It can also be processed with a planer to a depth of 1 mm.

Previously painted wood is simply sanded with a belt sander. A more aggressive option is sanding with an angle grinder with an emery wheel. This method is suitable for those cases when there are traces of shallow corrosion on the wood.


With paint, everything is extremely simple: it is applied with a brush or roller, it can be done in two layers, but allowing the first layer to dry completely. Lacquered in 2-4 layers, depending on the tone of the coating, which in the end needs to be obtained. You should not use an airbrush, it is better to give preference to ordinary brushes with natural pile.

Thus, there are many options for processing an open and closed gazebo. The main thing is to prevent moisture absorption, since fungus and mold grow only at high humidity. Keep in mind that it is much easier to process before assembling the structure.

Author: Svetlana Golitsina


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