How to prevent the formation of hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are such an embarrassing problem that many people ignore their first symptoms and do not consult a doctor. Instead of leading to situations in which we have to fight with ourselves for the sake of our health to overcome shame, it is better to apply prophylaxis. It turns out that preventing hemorrhoids can be very simple.

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1/ 7 Water – a cure for everything

Getting the right amount of fluids is essential to staying healthy. The same is true for hemorrhoids. Dehydration causes blood vessels to malfunction, which may contribute to the formation of varicose veins, including haemorrhoids. A small amount of water in the diet also makes the stool hard, making it more difficult to pass, which can also cause hemorrhoids.

2/ 7 Beneficial fiber

Another thing that should not be forgotten is the right amount of fiber in the diet, which improves the functioning of the intestines and thus regulates the rhythm of bowel movements. Fiber can be found in wholemeal bread or whole grain flour. To supplement its deficiencies, it is also worth eating fruit and vegetables. Alternatively, you can take fiber in the form of a dietary supplement.

3/ 7 Movement for health

In order to support the work of the intestines, it is also worth remembering about movement. It does not have to be strenuous training at all – just a few minutes’ walk after a meal is enough. If it is bad weather outside, it is worth doing light aerobic exercise at home.

4/ 7 Don’t sit down

If you spend several hours a day sitting at your desk at work, breaks are extremely important. All you have to do is get up for a few minutes every hour and walk. This will not only have a positive effect on the intestinal peristalsis, but also on the spine.

5/ 7 Bad habits

It may seem insignificant, but toilet habits also play a large role in preventing hemorrhoids. It is important not to push hard on the stools. Let’s go to the bathroom when we feel that the toilet will be fast and efficient. You should also not sit on the toilet bowl for too long.

6/ 7 Herbal help

You can also use the herbal medicine cabinet and use a squeegee from time to time. Oak bark is perfect for making an infusion. However, it should be remembered that the water in which we make the session should be warm, not hot (about 30 degrees Celsius) and that 10 to 15 minutes is enough.

7/ 7 Reliable pharmaceuticals

If you already feel burning, itching or pain around the anus and blood appears on the toilet paper, don’t wait and make an appointment to see your doctor. Before it happens, you can use ointments or suppositories, available over the counter at any pharmacy.

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