How to preserve youth, secrets of longevity; aging horoscope: find out what wrinkles are typical for your zodiac sign

Unbelievable, but it is a fact! Not only the character depends on the date of birth, but also how your face will change with age!

How many times, seeing the absent-mindedness or tediousness of a friend, we threw up our hands: “So she is a Scorpio or Aries … What to take from her?” Or here’s an example: MCH for the third time does not come to the meeting, and the fault is, of course, the planet! Well, he happened to be born under such a constellation, is it his fault?

But the astrologers have forgotten about one thing. Date of birth can affect not only our character, but also age-related changes. We understand this together with the head of the department of dermatology and cosmetology of the polyclinic of the Russian State Social University, cosmetologist Zoya Evsyukova.

Aries (march 21 – april 20): kissette wrinkles around the lips

People are stubborn, persistent and very selfish … Just remember how many times the creators of “Sex and the City” branded Sarah Jessica Parke for selfishness, and Victoria Beckham ended up in the top 10 most vain stars in journalistic ratings.

Whatever you say to Aries, they grit their teeth and bend their line. So their teeth are erased faster than those of less stubborn signs.

– And the teeth are the skeleton of the lower part of the face. The frame is aging – the fabrics sag. Formed “kissetny” wrinkles around the lips, lips turn into thin stripes, tightly pressed against each other. From the hypertrophy of the chewing muscles of all our Aries women, we can see that they often strain these muscles, and not necessarily while eating, but just when clenching their jaws. In general, Aries, you go to the dentist first, and then to the cosmetologists.

Taurus (april 21 – may 21): the palpebral fissure narrows

Calm, generous, simple in every sense. But one thing: they are still the owners. But behind the external calmness there are strong emotional experiences that cannot but affect the appearance.

– These are the eyes. Taurus grows old with eyes in which you can read a lot. The eye slit narrows, the look becomes even deeper and more penetrating. In my opinion, this is a very successful variant of aging, what do you think?

Gemini (may 21 – june 21): facial wrinkles appear on the forehead

It is enough just to imagine before your eyes Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman or Naomi Campbell, who almost beat her assistant to death with a mobile phone, to understand that emotionality is the main feature of all those born under this sign. And they are also unbalanced, prone to grotesque, but very smart and smart.

– It can be seen that girls like to laugh a lot, cry – in general, to show a range of emotions. Therefore, wrinkles around the eyes are inevitable. I think that facial wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, as well as nasolabial wrinkles (not folds, but small creases) are the main signs of aging in Gemini.

Cancers (June 23 – July 23): the skin becomes covered with a network of fine wrinkles

Kind, well-developed intuition, compassionate. People are loving and affectionate. Take, for example, the mother of many children, Meryl Streep, who has organized over 10 charitable foundations.

– They do not have sharp corners in their features, the line of the lower jaw is smooth, like all the other lines. Have you noticed what kind old grandmothers look like? They look like a small baked apple. Their features, even in old age, remain soft, smooth, just the skin is covered with a uniform network of fine wrinkles. Watch the movie with our Cancer Meryl Streep “Julie and Julia” – one of the best films of the last 10 years, in my opinion. And you will understand how Cancers get older, or maybe just get older.

Lions (July 24 – August 23): The neck is the first to age

In a word, kings. Narcissistic, selfish, sometimes generous and magnanimous. They prefer luxury in everything. Think of the owner of the most luxurious heel Jay Lo or “Miss Congeniality” Sandra Bullock …

– They will take care of themselves in advance, so they will start aging later than emotional Gemini or compassionate Cancers. Therefore, in Lions, the first signs of aging appear on the neck, because the Leo’s face is carefully monitored, but the neck, which bears the heavy royal head, is constantly forgotten.

Virgo (august 23 – september 24): glabellar wrinkles

A sign of loneliness. They weigh everything, think it over, they are completely self-sufficient individuals. Fatal beauty Claudia Schiffer or maybe the famous “childfree” Cameron Diaz?

– They do not worry about their aging, therefore the first signs of this process appear relatively early with mimic wrinkles in the eyebrow region – a sign of frequent thoughtfulness and immersion in oneself.

Libra (september 24 – october 23): nasolabial fold

– Compliant, sentimental and gentle. They are very sociable, often emotional. They talk and smile a lot. Do you remember Kate Winslet without a smile? It seems that she smiled, even telling reporters about her divorce. And Catherine Deneuve? A light playful smile is her second calling card.

– Therefore, do not be surprised if your Libra friend at the age of 26 already has a nasolabial fold and puppet wrinkles (on the sides of the corners of the mouth). Libras are good friends, so they are forgiven for such cute and even cute imperfections.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22): the hall under the lower lip

Did you know that not only journalists, but also directors are afraid of Julia Roberts? Yes, in life, “Pretty Woman” from Rodeo Drive is very aggressive! Scorpio is a sign of passion. And its representatives are stubborn, quick-tempered and prone to aggression, always decisive and unshakable.

– Such natures age in combination: both mimic wrinkles appear relatively early, and the lines of the face sharpen. The chin is always tense, as people say, strong-willed, and in the process of aging, due to the constant tension of the chin muscle, it increases, appears in a hall under the lower lip, and the skin over the muscle is covered with small grooves, like the skin of an orange.

Sagittarius (november 23 – december 21): flews appear

– Witty, funny and resourceful. At the same time, they are fickle and have a penchant for adventurism. Sharp fluctuations in weight, to which such natures are subject, cannot but be reflected on the face.

– Therefore, Sagittarius age with a deformation type: flews appear, the zygomatic region flattens, and the volume of tissues moves towards the nasolabial folds, making them heavier, a furrow forms under the eyes, which is often combined with edematous paint bags. By the way, most persons of Slavic appearance are subject to this type of aging.

Capricorn (december 22 – january 20): deepened eye sockets

How many times have you been amazed at Kate Middleton’s miraculous endurance? And her prudence? Typical Capricorn. Simple, humble, wise and patient. And also sensible, sometimes even too much. Economical. Like all Capricorns, she is prone to peace of mind. The complete opposite of Leo.

– Such signs age beautifully, neatly. And if they also take care of themselves, then only the lowered tip of the nose (by the way, the nose grows and grows all life) and a deep, gaze directed into the distance (deepened eye sockets as a result of thinning of the bone) will tell us about the old age of Capricorn.

Aquarius (january 21 – february 19): nasolabial folds combined with crow’s feet

The sign that gravitates towards freedom and independence. Aquarians are always polite, simple, a little naive and always full of good intentions.

– Therefore, in their opinion, aging does not threaten them, and if it does, then they age naturally. Since Aquarians smile a lot and sincerely, they are characterized by nasolabial folds in combination with crow’s feet – wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes.

Pisces (february 20 – march 20): genetics and lifestyle related wrinkles appear

When thousands of girls were crazy about Ryan Gosling, Eva Mendes got him. But even without doing anything for this …

Such are they, Pisces! Usually they go with the flow, they clearly lack perseverance and perseverance in overcoming the obstacles encountered on the path of life.

– They are dreamy and indecisive, so Pisces will not subscribe to any radical methods of fighting aging (for example, a circular facelift). Therefore, genetics, environment, lifestyle have a great influence here. If the Fish smokes and tans a lot, then the wrinkles will be fine, but all over the face, like age spots, and if it is an adherent of a healthy lifestyle, then the wrinkles will be either folds (manifestations of ptosis) or mimic wrinkles-creases.

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