Canned porcini mushrooms can be the basis for sauces and soups, an addition to a side dish, or an independent cold appetizer. Cooking canned porcini mushrooms according to a recipe that has been tested by thousands of housewives and approved by eminent chefs is the easiest way. A selection of just such methods are offered on this page. Everything here has been verified over the years and tested in practice in the preparation of preservation at home. Therefore, you can safely follow the step-by-step recipes for preparing canned porcini mushrooms for the winter and get amazing results. Before canning porcini mushrooms, it is recommended to sort them by size, since large specimens and small ones cannot be salted or pickled together. And after sorting, porcini mushrooms canned for the winter will turn out to be evenly salted and crispy. Read about how to preserve porcini mushrooms at home, choose the appropriate cooking methods and experiment in your kitchen.
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Canned porcini mushrooms for the winter: recipes and methods
Fresh mushrooms are not subject to long-term storage due to the large percentage of water they contain. A few days after harvest, mushrooms wither, lose their freshness and juiciness, and become unfit for consumption. Therefore, mushrooms should only be used for consumption after a suitable heat treatment or processing into stable food products, i.e. canned, only a few hours after harvest.
We usually preserve porcini mushrooms according to recipes that have long been well studied. But do not discount the new ways. Some of them are presented in this article. At home, mushrooms are harvested for future use by drying, pickling, salting and canning in hermetically sealed glass jars. Mushroom canned food is a good semi-finished product that replaces fresh mushrooms.
The best canned food comes from porcini mushrooms.
[“wp-content/plugins/include-me/goog-left.php”]Only the youngest mushrooms with a cap no more than 3–5 cm in diameter, completely fresh, can be preserved. Only mushroom caps or caps with a stem no more than 1 cm long are used. The cut off legs of porcini mushrooms can be dried or pickled. For preservation, mushrooms are thoroughly cleaned with a sharp knife, then sorted by size and poured with clean cold water for 10 minutes.
After washing, the mushrooms are thrown back onto a sieve to dry and blanched in a boiling saline solution (2 g of salt and 0,5 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water). Blanch for 5-10 minutes, counting from the beginning of the boil. Mushroom broth is used for filling canned food. After blanching, hot mushrooms are laid out in prepared heated jars and poured with the broth in which they were blanched, sterilized in boiling water, immediately rolled up and cooled.
- Mushrooms prepared – 700 g.
Brine 2%:
- water – 300 g
- salt – 6 g
- citric acid – 1/5 teaspoon.
In hermetically sealed jars, mushrooms completely retain their fresh taste and smell. Mushrooms for storage in hermetically sealed jars can be prepared in various ways.
Recipe for canned porcini mushroom
We offer a simple recipe on how to preserve porcini mushroom in stew and get a ready-to-eat dish at the exit.
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- Mushrooms prepared – 700 g
- vegetable oil -100 g
- salt – 2 teaspoons
- onions – 50 g.
Prepared mushrooms are blanched and then stewed in a saucepan for about 30 minutes with the addition of oil and salt. When the mushrooms give juice, the stewing is stopped. When hot, they are laid out in prepared glass jars, clogged with the sauce in which they were stewed, and sterilized, as in canning mushrooms, and then rolled up.
How to preserve porcini mushrooms for the winter
Before canning porcini mushrooms for the winter, they need to be cleaned, washed, allowed to drain and cut into bars or slices. In an enamel pan, heat the oil, put the mushrooms there, salt and cook in its own juice, covered with a lid at a low boil for 40-50 minutes. Then you need to remove the lid and fry them until the juice evaporates and the oil becomes clear. Mushrooms should be hot decomposed into small jars, sterilized in advance in boiling water for 15 minutes (the lids should also be sterilized), and pour at least 1 cm of melted butter on top. If the mushrooms are to be stored at room temperature, the jars should be sterilized for 1 hour and seal hermetically. If they are stored in a cold room, it is enough to simply clog the jars. In any case, they must be stored in the dark, because fats break down and become rancid in the light.
Canned porcini mushrooms: recipes for their preparation
- Mushrooms clean, rinse, cut and boil in salted water.
- Pour hot boiled water with a little vinegar (3 teaspoons of 5% vinegar per 100 g of water) into each jar for a fifth of the volume, fill with mushrooms and sterilize.
- Banks clog and put in storage.
- When using, the liquid is drained, and the mushrooms are fried in a pan, like fresh ones.
- Next, we offer various canned porcini mushrooms and recipes for their preparation with the addition of various ingredients.
Boletus canned.
- Mushrooms young
On a half-liter jar you need spices:
- Bay leaf – 1 pc.
- Allspice – 4-5 peas
To prepare the marinade for 0,5 liters of water:
- salt – 2 incomplete teaspoons
- sugar – 1 teaspoon
- table vinegar – 0,25 cups
Peel the mushrooms, rinse and blanch in boiling water for 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the mushrooms or their parts. Then throw the mushrooms into a colander, let the water drain and put in half-liter sterile jars, on the bottom of which put the spices first. Pour the cucumbers with the prepared hot marinade, cover the jars with sterile lids and sterilize in boiling water for 35–40 minutes. Then remove the jars, roll up, turn upside down and cool under the covers. Store in a dark, cool place.
Canned mushroom preparation.
- young porcini mushrooms
To boil mushrooms in 1 liter of water:
- salt – 20 g
- citric acid – 5 g
Clean and rinse freshly picked mushrooms. Cut large mushrooms into several pieces and boil in salted and acidified water until tender. Transfer the boiled mushrooms to sterile jars, pour strained hot broth, cover with sterile lids and sterilize half-liter jars in boiling water for 1 hour 10 minutes, liter jars for 1 hour 30 minutes. After sterilization, immediately roll up the jars, turn upside down and cool under the covers. Store in a dark and cold place.
Porcini mushrooms canned with vegetables.
Components per liter jar:
- White mushrooms – 500 g
- Carrots – 300 g
- Onions – 50 g
- Parsley roots – 100 g
- Tomatoes – 400 g
- Garlic – 1 clove
- Parsley and celery – 1 small bunch each
- Bay leaf -1-2 pcs.
- Allspice – 4-5 peas
- Salt – 30 g
- Sugars – 10 g

Marinated (salted) canned porcini mushrooms.
- White mushrooms marinated
For a liter jar you need:
- Bay leaf – 2 pc.
- Allspice – 4-5 peas
- Vinegar essence 80% – 1 teaspoon
- Salts – to taste
Remove the pickled mushrooms from the marinade, put on a sieve and let the liquid drain. Then put the mushrooms tightly in sterile jars, after putting spices and salt on the bottom of the jars. Pour boiled water over the mushrooms, cover with sterile lids and sterilize half-liter jars in boiling water for 35 minutes, liter jars for 45 minutes. After the sterilization time has elapsed, remove the jars from the water, add a teaspoon of vinegar essence to each and immediately roll up. Turn the rolled jars upside down and keep under a blanket until they are completely cooled. Store in a dark, cool place.