How to prepare the body for a diet

How to prepare the body for a diet

The editorial staff of Woman’s Day and the star weight loss trainer Mila Gritsenko have collected 9 tips on how to properly prepare the body for a diet.

The first and most important secret is the mindset to lose weight. After all, it is important to understand why you need it. To do this, write down your goals on a piece of paper and re-read them every day, presenting in great detail how you are transforming and how much pleasure you get from a new body.

Correct and clear motivation is an important add-on to your transformation.

The second secret is simple, but no less important. Often times, your attempts to lose weight are thwarted by self-doubt. Past failed attempts prevent you from believing that you will succeed this time.

When starting something new, you probably think that this next attempt will end in the same way as the previous ones. Believe me, thoughts strongly affect your subconscious, and if it is skeptical, this is already 90% of another failure.

If your past paths were unsuccessful, choose a new path and believe that it will become that way, special. The one who seeks always finds, and the one who despairs stands still. Therefore, do not be afraid, the next path will definitely be successful.

Before finding my way and losing 36 kg, I went through a hundred unsuccessful paths, and the 101st became that one! Everything is exactly like in the quote: “I never made mistakes, I just found a thousand ways how not to do it.”

Psychological and emotional addiction

Most women quit the diet without sitting on it for a couple of days, but all because their old habits begin to break in the first 10-21 days, during this process breaks themselves.

Few people understand that success can be achieved by someone who endures the so-called withdrawal and does not succumb to the temptation to break off the diet. This is where our first point is important – motivation should be stronger than momentary whims.

During this period, the main thing is to remember that after waiting 10-21 days, you will adapt to the correct lifestyle, the desire to break loose will pass, old habits will be forgotten, and with a free soul you will begin to lay a new foundation and build your slender, correct, tasty life.

Therefore, look at any method from the point of view of “can I make this nutrition system a way of life.” On one cottage cheese or buckwheat, you are unlikely to succeed, and you will surely break loose, and faith in your weight loss will be undermined again and again.

If you think that on a buckwheat diet you can quickly lose weight, and then switch to proper nutrition, I want to upset you: this does not happen!

After every starvation diet, there is a breakdown, you gain even more. This vicious circle may last forever, but everything is in your hands. Choose the most comfortable power system.

And this is, of course, a joke. Never start your diet on Monday. Monday is a day of empty promises.

Start your diet today. Yes, yes, right from this minute, stop chewing on a sandwich and have dinner with something right. Believe me, pride in yourself will increase, if only because you have overcome yourself.

Now let’s move on to the physiological secrets to consider before dieting. They will help speed up your metabolism while you are losing weight.

The day before the diet, I recommend an enema, unless, of course, you have any contraindications to this. Better to do it with chamomile.

It will help cleanse your body, make it a clean sheet, on which in the future you will draw a beautiful, slender picture.

In the evening before your diet, have dinner no later than 18:00. Protein with light carbohydrates is best. For example, cottage cheese with fruit or fish with vegetables.

This will prepare your body for a new beginning, in the morning you will wake up with the wonderful ease of a new slender day. Do not think that, having eaten to the full, you will more easily start a new life.

On the contrary, having stretched the walls of the stomach to an immense size, tomorrow you will experience a feeling of hunger more than before, and because of the sharp surges in sugar, you will walk with a bad mood, irritability and dream about when your “new way of life” will finally end.

And you will surely fall off. Not the best scenario for something new.

I recommend to spend the first day of the diet unloading. Choose one product, dividing it into 5 parts, and consume only it during the day.

For example: kefir, chicken breast, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals. Such a day will finally give your digestive system a rest, thereby speeding up metabolic processes for future endeavors.

The first week of the diet, be sure to try to keep a diary.

This will help control the amount eaten, and will also bring pride in the correctness of your actions!

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