How to prepare strawberries for winter and save from the cold

Strawberry is a perennial plant, so it belongs to frost-resistant crops. But still, every responsible gardener should know how to prepare strawberries for winter in order to protect them from frost. Preparing berries for the onset of cold weather is a simple matter, but a must, because the wealth of the next season depends on it.

Care after harvest

Only plants with healthy leaf apparatus can resist frost. That is why the preparation of strawberries for winter consists in pruning old leaves. At the beginning of autumn, you should process the strawberry plantation and cut off all the old leaves. Do not spare the extra mustache, anyway, by the winter they will not be able to have time to give a decent outlet. All they can do in autumn is to weaken the mother bush. You can leave only the first outlet from the mother plant, since it can be used for transplantation, all other mustaches must be cut off without regret.

Use scissors to trim the mustache and leaves, then you can do everything neatly without damaging the plant or its root system. In no case should you cut off the mustache, because they are stronger than the bushes themselves. You can also cut the berries with secateurs.How to prepare strawberries for winter and save from the cold

Not all gardeners agree that plants can be pruned. Some argue that this procedure is not only optional, but also detrimental to strawberries. Of course, there is some truth in this, because by cutting a bush, we deprive it of its main vegetative organs. Leaves are the organ by which strawberries breathe, because they are needed for photosynthesis. But, on the other hand, old leaves are a favorite habitat for a variety of diseases and pests. Therefore, most are completely sure that strawberries need to be cut for the winter.

You probably noticed yourself that the leaves can maintain an attractive, aesthetic appearance for no more than two months. Then spots appear on them, “rust”. Such a leaf, of course, needs to be cut off so that a new healthy one can grow in its place.  

In the fall, the garden bed also needs to be fertilized. Many gardeners believe that after the last berry has been plucked from the bushes in the summer, it is no longer necessary to feed. But during the fruiting period, strawberries managed to squander all the useful substances from the soil. And if you do not want the berries to go weakened for the winter, they need to be fertilized.How to prepare strawberries for winter and save from the cold

For top dressing, it is best to use organic fertilizers, such as humus or mullein.

Hilling and mulching

Important steps in preparing a plant for winter are hilling and mulching. When should you start loosening? This can be done at the beginning of autumn, because immediately before the onset of frost, it is not necessary to loosen the ground, as this can cause damage to the root system. The roots will not have time to restore their strength, and this may adversely affect their stability in winter.

Hilling is a mandatory procedure that must be done before the onset of frost. This is due to the fact that adventitious roots grow on strawberry shoots, which form the upper tier of the root system. The roots grow from above, but so that they do not dry out and receive nutrition, they need soil. You can spud with earth or compost, or mix it with peat. When hilling, make sure that the growth point is not covered with earth, because this can cause oppression of the bushes.How to prepare strawberries for winter and save from the cold

You can also mulch the soil around the bushes with humus or peat. They perform a dual function: they feed the plants, and also warm the strawberries during frosts. Mulching in the fall should be done carefully so that humus or peat does not get on the bushes.


Snow serves as a natural warming for the bushes in winter. But we cannot predict the vagaries of the weather. What to do when the winter is snowless? After all, under the influence of severe frosts, plants can simply die. But this is what you need to think about in advance. In order for strawberries to be prepared for the winter, in the fall they need to be insulated with plant materials. Straw, spruce needles, spruce branches, leaves should be used as heaters.How to prepare strawberries for winter and save from the cold

However, remember that these materials absorb and accumulate moisture too well, so under some weather conditions they can do more harm than good. Shoots of berries will only reproach under such shelter. Do not forget also that straw and hay are a favorite habitat for rodents, the proximity to which will adversely affect the root system of plants. So when you’re choosing an organic shrub cover, consider all of these factors. The best option is warming with coniferous needles or dry raspberry branches. Spruce branches can also come in handy, because when frosts come, it will perfectly protect the berries from freezing.How to prepare strawberries for winter and save from the cold

Inorganic materials, such as agrofibre, can also be used as shelter for bushes. It not only prevents the ingress of excess moisture, but also provides excellent protection against frost. Having covered the bushes under such material, you do not have to worry that it will be invaded by rodents or insects, so the wintering of strawberries will be successful.

Plants will be able to return to normal life after winter only if you strengthen and also heal them before the onset of frost. To do this, it is very important to know how to prepare strawberries for winter in order to avoid irreparable mistakes. Remember that prepared plants are not afraid of frost. If they are healthy, then the cold will only make them stronger and more hardened.

Video “The nuances of growing strawberries”

After watching the recording, you will learn how to prepare strawberry bushes for winter.

6_Preparation for winter. ALL ABOUT STRAWBERRY GROWING. Part 6

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