How to Prepare Saline for Nasal Wash

How to Prepare Saline for Nasal Wash

We are talking about an alternative to an expensive drugstore.

Rinsing the nose is a procedure that is useful for both adults and children. But the drugstore is unreasonably expensive for her, so it is useful to know how to make the saline solution yourself. Remember that only boiled water and quality salt should be used as starting ingredients.

Find out how to make your own nasal saline solution to save your budget

Rhinitis relief fluids can be made from sea salt and regular table salt. It is important to take high quality purified water. Filtered or bottled will do. Salt should be one-part, without flavorings and additional ingredients.

How to prepare saline solution for rinsing the nose for a cold

Recipe for Sea Salt Flush Fluid:

  • take 200-250 ml of warm water;

  • completely dissolve in water 1 tbsp. l. refined sea salt;

  • if there is sediment, it must be filtered through special paper.

If a high-quality seafood product is not available, then you can get by with a simple and cheap tool that is in every kitchen:

  • take 200-250 ml of warm water;

  • dissolve 1 tsp in it. refined table salt;

  • add 1 tsp. baking soda;

  • then add 1 drop of liquid iodine.

This mixture perfectly cleanses, softens and disinfects the walls of the nasal passages and pharynx. It can be used to gargle with laryngitis.

Remember: for babies, you should make a less concentrated liquid and be sure to check for an allergy to iodine.

How to use saline solution to rinse your nose and throat

Weakly concentrated liquids can gargle, rinse the nose with a runny nose and sinusitis, make lotions for edema. Several techniques are used to facilitate breathing.

The choice depends on personal preference and the age of the patient.

  • For babies under 2 years old, the procedure is carried out using a pipette. Lay the child on a flat surface, tilt his head back a little and instill the medicine. Children at this age do not yet know how to blow their nose and spit. Clean your mouth with a sterile bandage. Mucus from the nose is sucked off with an aspirator or syringe.

  • Older children and adults can use the method of irrigating the nasal passages with a small syringe or rubber bulb. You have to stand in front of the sink or sit over the basin. One nostril is clamped, a healing agent is sprayed into the other. After that, you need to either spit it out, or release the liquid through the second nostril. It can be difficult for children to master this procedure on their own, the task of the parents is to cheer and support the baby.

  • A small kettle with a very thin spout can be used to irrigate the nose. Tilt your head to one side over the bathtub, pour the solution into the upper nostril and out through the lower nostril. Then repeat the procedure in reverse.

Rinsing your nose with a special saline solution daily will help relieve rhinitis.

During epidemics, such actions will help to avoid serious illness.

– The most common cause of malaise, nasal congestion is rhinovirus, an acute lesion of the upper respiratory tract – the nose and nasopharynx. On the first day, nasal congestion appears, abundant discharge from the nasal passages, a rise in temperature not higher than 38 ° C, chilling, general malaise. Lacrimation, hyperemia of the eyelids is noted.

Treatment. In most cases, the disease stops on its own without specific treatment. In case of rhinovirus infection, symptomatic therapy is recommended: abundant warm drink, instillation of vasoconstrictor drugs into the nasal passages, rinsing the nose with saline solutions, taking anti-inflammatory and antihistamines.

Prevention. Rinsing the nose with saline solution after each going outside; hand washing; taking vitamins; hardening of the body; isolation of patients; airing and wet cleaning of the room using disinfectants; feeding patients from a separate dish.

Complications and prognosis. The prognosis of the disease is always favorable. All symptoms of the disease disappear completely within a week. An exception is cough, which can torment patients for 10-14 days.

Also interesting to read: apple pectin.

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