How to prepare for preventive examinations?

Abdominal ultrasound should be done on an empty stomach, and on the day when we go for a mammogram, the balm should not be used in the area of ​​the upper body. Read how to properly prepare for various types of research. 40 to 50 percent cancer could have been avoided if we had taken more care of our health. If you are still wondering whether to do preventive examinations – do not hesitate any longer. Make an appointment and read how to prepare for research.

  1. Mammography is a breast examination that allows for early detection of abnormalities
  2. Colonoscopy should be performed by all people over 50 and everyone over 40 years of age and having at least one first-degree relative diagnosed with colorectal cancer
  3. Cytology is a safe and effective method of prevention and early detection of cervical cancer
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Preventive examinations – we still underestimate their importance

– 70 percent of cancer patients, he comes to the doctor when the disease is already in an advanced stage, and then the cancer cells are scattered in other parts of the body – says Dr. Janusz Meder, head of the Conservation Department at the Lymphatic System Cancer Clinic at the Oncology Centers in Warsaw. – It is a pity that we still underestimate the power of preventive examinations. It is worth remembering that women should remember that, thanks to cytology, cervical cancer can be detected even at an early stage of development. Thanks to this, even minor abnormalities in the cervix can be diagnosed, and such early changes can be completely cured.

Dr. Meder emphasizes that colonoscopy is also underestimated, which should be done by all people over 50 and all those over 40 and having at least one first-degree relative diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

– During colonoscopy, polyps can be excised, which are often found in precancerous conditions, says Dr. Meder.

The Supreme Audit Office published a report on how to prevent and treat cancer. The data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) show, for example, that although the number of cancer cases in Poland is lower than in most European countries, the mortality rate is much higher. This means that we get sick less often, but if we get sick, we die more often.

How to prepare for the research?


Pap smear (also known as smear or smear) is one of the basic gynecological tests. It is a simple, safe and effective method for the prevention and early detection of cervical cancer. It allows you to assess the condition of the cervix and detect disturbing changes or abnormalities. The examination is painless and takes only a few minutes.

Principles of preparation for the examination:

  1. You should not come to the examination during menstruation (monthly bleeding),
  2. The test is best performed around the middle of the menstrual cycle, at the earliest 4 days after the end of the bleeding and no later than 4 days before the start of the next menstruation (the first day of the cycle is the first day of menstrual bleeding),
  3. 3-4 days before the examination, all vaginal medications should be discontinued,
  4. 4 days before the examination, do not use vaginal medications / preparations, tampons or irrigation (vaginal irrigation),
  5. You should refrain from sexual intercourse at least 24 hours before the examination,
  6. 24 hours before the cytological examination, do not undergo a gynecological examination, transvaginal ultrasound examination, as well as collecting cultures or smears from the cervical canal,
  7. In the event of inflammation of the reproductive organ (it can be evidenced by, for example, vaginal discharge), you should first cure the inflammation and then go to the examination,
  8. You should also wait at least 1 day after gynecological examination or transvaginal ultrasound,
  9. Irrigation (vaginal irrigation) should not be performed on the day of the examination.

Before visiting the doctor, it is good to remember the date of the last menstruation, calculate the duration of the cycle and prepare information on the use of any medications and contraception (good if we know the names), past and chronic diseases, pregnancies and childbirth.

  1. What to do so that the gynecological examination does not stress?


Gastroscopy allows the doctor to view the gastric, pyloric and duodenal mucosa directly. The examination is performed with the use of an endoscope, i.e. a flexible tube with visual tracks allowing the presentation of an image from the gastrointestinal tract on a color monitor. An important advantage of the endoscope is the possibility of assessing the condition of the mucosa during a single procedure, as well as collecting a sample of tissue suspected of lesions for further examination.

Principles of preparation for the examination:

  1. The patient is to be fasting. Do not eat anything for 8 hours before the examination,
  2. 4 hours before the examination, do not drink anything, smoke cigarettes or chew gum,
  3. People with diseases that require constant, regular medication (e.g. hypertension, heart disease, epilepsy, etc.) on the day of the examination should take the morning dose of the drug with a little water,
  4. People suffering from diabetes should consult a physician on how to prepare for the test and inform the referring physician about diabetes before issuing a referral and the laboratory staff immediately after reporting for the test,
  5. People taking medications that reduce blood clotting should inform the doctor performing the test,
  6. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should consult a doctor on how to prepare for the test,
  7. In patients at risk, including those with prosthetic heart valves, with a history of endocarditis, with a vascular prosthesis, or with severely low white blood cell counts, antibiotics may be required immediately prior to the test. The decision on the necessity and method of antibiotic administration is made by the referring physician,
  8. The examination cannot be performed without the written consent of the patient. Before the examination, the dentures should be removed,
  9. Before inserting the endoscope, the doctor or nurse will numb the throat by using a suitable spray anesthetic. Relieving any unpleasant symptoms during the test makes it easier to focus on calm, deep breathing. Proper breathing rhythm makes the test easier for the patient to bear and allows the doctor to examine the digestive tract more closely.

After the test:

  1. You should not eat, drink or smoke for two hours after the examination.
  2. If anesthetics and / or hypnotics have been used, driving for several hours after the examination is contraindicated.

It is recommended to bring and show the doctor before examining the medical records, e.g. hospital discharge cards, descriptions of previous endoscopic examinations, ECG, echocardiography. Patients should know the names and doses of the medications they take.

If the test is performed under general anesthesia, the patient will have a short observation period and then may go home under adult supervision. In rare cases, longer observation may be necessary. You must not drive or drink alcohol for 12 hours after the procedure.


The examination consists in inserting a special speculum through the anus and viewing the entire large intestine. For this purpose, a flexible instrument called a colonoscope is used, with a length of 130 to 200 cm. The video tracks located in the speculum allow for the presentation of the image from the inside of the gastrointestinal tract at an appropriate magnification on a color monitor. The test is designed to assess the surface of the colon mucosa. Using additional instruments, it is possible to take mucosal specimens for histopathological examination and perform endoscopic procedures, which often allow the patient to avoid surgery.

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Preparation for a colonoscopy involves cleaning the colon. For this purpose, a liquid diet should be used 24-48 hours before the examination, and oral laxatives (macrogols or phosphates) should be used on the eve of the examination. Some centers also use rectal enemas (called hegars) during preparation for the examination.

Each endoscopic laboratory that performs colonoscopy provides patients with guidelines on the preparation for the examination.

Principles of preparation for the examination:

  1. People with diseases that require constant, regular medication (e.g. hypertension, heart disease, epilepsy, etc.) on the day of the examination should take the morning dose of the drug with a little water,
  2. People suffering from diabetes should consult a physician on how to prepare for the test and inform the referring physician about diabetes before issuing a referral and the laboratory staff immediately after reporting for the test,
  3. People taking medications that reduce blood clotting should stop using them 7 days before the test, but it should be consulted with the attending physician in advance. Sometimes it may be necessary to switch to low molecular weight heparin administered subcutaneously,
  4. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should consult their physician on how to prepare for the examination. It is worth bringing and showing the doctor before examining the medical documentation, e.g. hospital discharge cards, descriptions of previous endoscopic examinations, ECG, echocardiography and current laboratory test results, e.g. morphology , electrolyte levels, coagulation system, blood group. Patients should know the names and doses of the medications taken or have a list of them.

If someone has been sedated, they are usually monitored for 1-2 hours. He will need someone to drive him home after surgery. If you do not remember the instructions your doctor gave you after the test, contact him the next day.

If the test is performed under general anesthesia, the patient remains under observation for a short time, then he can go home under the supervision of an adult. In rare cases, longer observation may be necessary. You must not drive or drink alcohol for 12 hours after the procedure.

You should report to the examination under anesthesia with an accompanying person.

After the test:

  1. You may feel bloating and cramping from the air entering your intestine during the test. This feeling passes after you give up the winds.
  2. You can eat and resume normal activities on the same day.
  3. You should not drive a car or other devices on the day of the test as sedatives may impair your reflexes.


Mammography is a method of breast imaging that allows for early detection of abnormalities.

Principles of preparation for the examination:

  1. It is good for menstruating patients to report for the examination in the 5st phase of the menstrual cycle (preferably between the 12th and XNUMXth day of the cycle), because the breasts are then less sensitive to touch and the examination does not cause discomfort,
  2. On the day of the examination, do not use cosmetics (deodorant, talcum, cream, body lotion, perfumes) around the armpits and upper body, as they may change the mammographic image and, consequently, require another examination,
  3. It is worth paying attention to wear comfortable clothes on the day of the examination, which are easy to take off and give up decorations and jewelry (chains, earrings),
  4. You should come for the examination with a referral, previous results (mammograms and transcripts), if they were performed, as well as proof of identity,
  5. You should report for the examination a few minutes in advance, because before the examination, patients are asked to fill in a questionnaire (it is worth remembering to bring glasses with you, if necessary).
  6. For the examination, the patient undresses halfway. X-rays are made in two basic projections: up-down and sideways; the patient remains standing.
  7. The examined breast is pressed between the stand with the X-ray cassette and the plastic compression plate. Lateral projection is performed in order to visualize changes deep in the gland, especially close to the chest wall, i.e. changes that are difficult to detect by palpation.

Before the examination, you should report to the person performing the examination:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. results of other tests: nipple ultrasound, mammography;
  3. radiological examinations – performed in the last few months;
  4. injuries of the nipple and its vicinity.

Ultrasound of the urinary tract

Ultrasound of the urinary tract should be performed after the bladder is filled, which improves the examination conditions and allows for careful observation of the urinary bladder, the reproductive organ in women and the prostate gland in men.

This test assesses the organs by placing the transducer on the skin of the torso, after wetting it with the test gel. The examined person usually lies in a position as instructed by the examining physician (usually in several different positions during a typical examination). The examination lasts from a few to several minutes.

Principles of preparation for the examination:

  1. The day before the test, it is recommended to eat an easily digestible diet, excluding vegetables, fruit, dark bread and grains.
  2. In addition, it is advisable to take a drug for flatulence (3 × 2 capsules) to remove excess gases from the digestive tract,
  3. At least 6 hours before the examination, do not eat any food, drink carbonated and sweetened liquids (you can drink still water), smoke tobacco, chew gum, eat candy, etc.,
  4. Two hours before the examination, you should drink 1-1,5 liters of non-carbonated water and not urinate,
  5. The doctor performing the examination should be presented with the results of previously performed ultrasound examinations and other imaging examinations.

abdominal ultrasound

Abdominal ultrasound should be performed on an empty stomach.

Principles of preparation for the examination:

  1. The day before the test, it is recommended to eat an easily digestible diet, excluding vegetables, fruit, dark bread and grains.
  2. In addition, it is advisable to take a drug for flatulence (3 × 2 capsules) to remove excess gases from the digestive tract,
  3. At least 6 hours before the examination, do not eat any food, drink carbonated and sweetened liquids (you can drink still water), smoke tobacco, chew gum, eat candy, etc.,
  4. The doctor performing the examination should be presented with the results of previously performed ultrasound examinations and other imaging examinations.

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PET / CT examination

PET / CT (positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography) allows for quick and accurate examination of the patient’s entire body.

The combination of PET (imaging the activity of vital processes) and CT (anatomical images) methods enables the detection of pathologies at the level of minor changes, which is of particular importance for the identification of neoplastic changes.

Principles of preparation for the examination:

  1. 5 hours before reporting for the test, the patient is fasted, drinking only non-carbonated mineral water is allowed,
  2. On the day preceding the examination, you must not smoke, drink sweetened, carbonated and caffeinated beverages (e.g. coffee, cola, tea, etc.). It is advisable to drink mineral water,
  3. Considerable physical effort should be avoided on the day before the examination,
  4. On the day of the examination, the patient should take the drugs that he is taking on a regular basis (or have them with him),
  5. You should reserve about 3 to 5 hours for the test, due to external deliveries of the isotope and other circumstances – the test procedure itself takes 1,5 to 2 hours,
  6. In patients of childbearing age, it is possible to perform a pregnancy test,
  7. During the examination, the patient may not carry metal objects (jewelry, removable dentures, stiffened bras, belt buckles, clips, clasps, coins),
  8. Contact with children and pregnant women should be avoided for 6 hours after the examination.

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