How to prepare for breastfeeding?

Preparing for breastfeeding during pregnancy: zoom on colostrum

Every woman is different, and the question of whether or not to breastfeed may seem obvious to some when others will need the keys to make an informed decision. At the turn of the second and third trimesters, Some women see drops of a yellowish liquid and quite thick bead at the tip of the nipple. It’s about Colostrum, the first super nourishing and protective milk that your baby will feed on while waiting for your first milk flow, around the third day after birth. Important note: if you do not notice, or very little, this presence of colostrum, it does not bode well that you will not have milk! It is therefore not a concern if you do not have colostrum draining from the nipples during pregnancy.

Should you prepare the breasts and nipples for breastfeeding?

Over the years and fashions, a plethora of advice has been given to women to prepare breasts for breastfeeding, more or less wacky…. For’soften the nipples, we have long recommended the practice of Hoffmann exercises, firm pressure of the thumbs at the base of the nipple. In order to strengthen them, we talked about tanning them by rubbing them with a towel, or even with a toothbrush! In order to hydrate them, to apply oil (almond, wheat germ…), ointment… In order tostretch nipples considered not protruding enough. We advised to wear your clothes without a bra, or to cut off the end of the cup. Or to suck the tips of the breasts using a syringe, or even a special device, the Niplette d’Avent when they are umbilicated at rest (they look like the navel) … Or leave the breast to the open air, and even to have the nipples suckled by her partner! So much restrictive if not unnecessary care, according to the Leche League, the main association supporting breastfeeding. In any case, there is no solid proof of the effectiveness of these methods to prepare her breasts for breastfeeding.

Breast hygiene for breastfeeding

In terms of care, there is no need to do more than your usual daily toilet when you were not pregnant, with lukewarm water and soap (preferably mild). Too scrupulous hygiene could irritate your nipples and open the door to infections, the nipple being a mucous membrane, extremely sensitive and fragile.

In video: How to prepare to breastfeed?

Get informed through readings or specialized associations

The best advice to prepare for breastfeeding is to inquire. A number of very well-made guides, such as “The art of breastfeeding” or “Breastfeeding” by Dr Marie Thirion (Albin Michel, 2004), will provide you with invaluable information on the physiological functioning of lactation, without obscuring any start-up difficulties you may face, and providing you with the solutions. You will also be able to attend with profit in one or more meetings ofbreastfeeding support association. In a friendly atmosphere, without judgment or obligation, you will be able to discuss with other future mothers and with experienced mothers on your questions, your hopes or your doubts. After the birth, you will be welcome there with your baby in your arms, to help you correct a position or to comfort you if you think you are running low on milk.

Breastfeeding aid associations:

  • La Leche League France: 01 39 58 45 84 and
  • Solidarilait: national answering machine: 01 40 44 70 70 and
  • CoFAM (French coordination for breastfeeding):
  • A directory of associations is available at

Preparing for breastfeeding: zenitude and self-confidence essential

If you follow these tips, you’ll face the home stretch of pregnancy with peace of mind and confidence in your natural ability to feed your baby. You will know that lack of milk or “not rich enough” milk are, in the vast majority of cases, the result of a cruel lack of information. You will be aware of any difficulties you are likely to encounter, but confident in your ability, on your own or with outside help, to resolve them quickly.

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