How to prepare feijoa for the winter

The exotic feijoa fruit appeared in Europe relatively recently – only a hundred years ago. The birthplace of this berry is South America, so it loves a warm and humid climate. In Our Country, fruits are grown only in the south, because the plant can only withstand temperatures down to -11 degrees. This amazing berry is valued for its extremely high content of iodine, vitamins and microelements, there are also fruit acids, pectin, and delicate fiber in fruits.

How to prepare feijoa for the winter

It is difficult to overestimate the influence of the South American fruit on human health and immunity, so many today are trying to eat as much feijoa as possible during the season. The season for fruits is the period from September to December, it is at this time of the year that they can be found on the shelves. Feijoa is stored fresh for only a week, so housewives use all methods to prepare a valuable fruit for future use. What can be prepared from feijoa for the winter is easy to learn from this article.

Feijoa recipes for the winter

The best preparations for the winter from any berries and fruits are, of course, jams. However feijoa is not only used for jams, this berry is added to a variety of dishes. For example, salads with feijoa are very tasty, sauces for meat or desserts are often made from fruits, wonderful jellies and healthy vitamin compotes are made from outlandish berries.

How to prepare feijoa for the winter

But the most popular preparation is jam. You can make raw jam from feijoa, which must be stored in the refrigerator, there are many such recipes that involve heat treatment of blanks. Feijoa goes well with citrus fruits, there are many recipes for making jam with the addition of apples or pears, walnuts and almonds. You need to experiment to create your own recipe for winter harvesting from fragrant fruits!

Attention! Store fresh berries in the refrigerator. To extract the pulp, the feijoa fruits are cut across and the tender contents are taken out with a teaspoon.

How to prepare feijoa for the winter

How to make raw feijoa jam

The popularity of raw jams is explained by the extreme simplicity of preparation, as well as the safety of all valuable vitamins and minerals contained in berries and fruits. To make raw feijoa jam for the winter, you will need the berries themselves and sugar.

Important! Usually housewives keep the proportion of feijoa and sugar 1:1.

How to prepare feijoa for the winter

The cooking technology is quite simple:

  1. First, the berries should be washed well. Then dry and cut off the tips of each fruit.
  2. Now each fruit is cut into four parts.
  3. Sprinkle fruit with sugar and mix well. It is better to leave the workpiece in this form until it releases juice and the sugar begins to dissolve.
  4. Now, using an immersion blender or a meat grinder, the preparation of berries and sugar is crushed to a homogeneous puree.
  5. The finished jam is transferred to sterile jars and closed with lids.

It is best to store raw feijoa in the refrigerator.

How to make compote from feijoa

Such a compote will turn out to be very fragrant and very useful. You can drink the drink immediately after preparation, but many housewives use this recipe to prepare compote for the winter.

To implement this recipe you will need:

  • 0,5 kg of ripe feijoa;
  • 2 L of water;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar.

How to prepare feijoa for the winter

Important! For the preparation of compotes, only purified or spring water should be used. Ordinary tap water can greatly spoil the taste of the drink and affect its “usefulness”.

Feijoa compote is prepared for the winter as follows:

  1. The berries are thoroughly washed and cut off their tips with inflorescences.
  2. Banks for compote are sterilized with boiling water or steam. In still hot jars, fruits are placed in dense rows, filling the container by about a third of the volume.
  3. Make syrup from water and sugar. Pour sugar into boiling water and boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Now hot syrup should be poured over fruits in jars. After that, the jars are covered with lids and the compote is left to infuse for a day.
  5. The next day, the syrup is drained from the jars and simmered for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Feijoa is still poured with hot syrup and the workpiece is rolled up with lids.

How to prepare feijoa for the winter

Advice! It is better to turn the jars with the workpiece over and wrap them with a warm blanket. Compote is taken out to the cellar only the next day.

Feijoa fruits prepared for the winter in syrup

In this case, feijoa is harvested as a whole, the berries are not cut or crushed. That is why the fruit retains more nutrients and vitamins, such a preparation is more useful than ordinary jam.

To implement this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 cup of water;
  • 1,1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 1 kg of berries.
Attention! In this recipe, the syrup needs to be boiled twice!

How to prepare feijoa for the winter

So, to prepare healthy fruits for the winter, you should:

  1. First of all, sort through the feijoa, choosing only whole and undamaged berries. Fruit should be ripe, but not too soft.
  2. Now the berries are blanched in water, the temperature of which is about 80 degrees. Blanch fruit should be no more than 5 minutes.
  3. Syrup is made from 2 glasses of water and 0,7 kg of granulated sugar.
  4. In another container, a stronger syrup is prepared in parallel, consisting of a glass of water and 0,4 kg of sugar.
  5. Ready syrups are combined, boiled again and poured over the berries.

How to prepare feijoa for the winter

Feijoa will be soaked in syrup in about 5-6 hours – after this time, you can taste the workpiece. When the syrup has completely cooled, the jars with blanks are corked and sent to the basement or to the refrigerator.

Jam from whole berries and cognac

And yet, it is most convenient to prepare feijoa in the form of jam – such preparations are stored for a long time and are made very quickly. The addition of cognac will make the usual jam more spicy, similar to gourmet confiture. BUT Whole berries can be used to decorate pastries or as a filling.

Advice! Feijoas for this recipe should be slightly underripe, dense to the touch.

You need to prepare:

  • 0,5 kg of fruit;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 0,5 L of water;
  • ½ teaspoon brandy.

How to prepare feijoa for the winter

Preparing jam is easy:

  1. Fruits should be washed and lightly dried.
  2. The peel is cut off from the fruit and collected in a separate container – it will still come in handy.
  3. Peeled fruits are poured with cold water so that they do not turn black. Too hard berries can be pierced with a fork in several places.
  4. Pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom or into a frying pan and add a spoonful of water, mix the mass. Turn on a small fire and, stirring constantly, boil the caramel.
  5. Turn off the fire and pour 0,5 liters of boiling water into the caramel, stir quickly.
  6. Feijoa peel is poured into caramel syrup and boiled for about 7 minutes. After cooling, the syrup is filtered, the peel is discarded.
  7. Berries are poured into the strained syrup and boiled for about 45 minutes over medium heat with constant stirring.
  8. A minute before readiness, cognac is poured into the jam, mixed, the fire is turned off.
  9. Now it remains to pour the blank into sterile jars and cork.

How to prepare feijoa for the winter

Store ready-made feijoa jam in the basement or in a cool pantry.


To the question of what to cook from feijoa, you can find a lot of interesting answers. This berry perfectly complements salads, both fruit and vegetable or meat. Syrups and sauces are prepared from fruits, which are ideally combined with meat.

How to prepare feijoa for the winter

But most often feijoa is used for desserts: cakes, pies, muffins, jellies and various mousses. To prepare valuable berries for the winter, they make jam or compotes, and also, they make excellent tea.

Live feijoa jam. Pantry of B vitamins

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