How to prepare and take bear bile tincture

Bear bile has been widely used in Chinese medicine for centuries. In the treatises of ancient Eastern healers, about four hundred recipes with a miraculous remedy were found, which were used to treat many diseases – from colds to indigestion. Modern pharmacological studies of bear bile confirm its healing properties. The bioadditive is effective in the complex therapy of diseases of the liver and gallbladder, and also has an antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect.

Useful properties of bear bile

The healing properties of the contents of the gallbladder of bears are due to the peculiarities of their life and nutrition. By winter, animals accumulate a large amount of fat, which during hibernation serves as food for the body. Bile neutralizes all toxins during the processing of the nutrient medium, so the bears are not harmed by prolonged suspended animation, although their excretory system is not working at this time.

In the human body, bile works in exactly the same way – it breaks down fat. The lack of bile acids leads to diseases of the hepatobiliary system, which regulates digestion and removes metabolic products. Problems in its work cause a violation of metabolic processes, a decrease in immunity, and the accumulation of toxins. It is believed that bear bile compensates for the lack of essential substances and helps with hepatitis and malignant liver diseases.

How to prepare and take bear bile tincture

Scientists have studied the composition of bear bile well and identified its main components:

  • bile acids;
  • phospholipid;
  • cholesterol;
  • bile pigments;
  • inorganic salts.

The main healing component is ursodeoxycholic acid, which effectively dissolves gallstones, prevents the formation of “bad” cholesterol and fights gastritis and inflammatory diseases of the esophagus caused by disorders in the hepatobiliary system.

Bear bile tincture is often presented by manufacturers as a panacea for all cancers, without exception, at any stage. Scientific studies have confirmed that the active components of the substance are able to inhibit the growth of cells of malignant tumors of the liver; with neoplasms of other organs, the effectiveness of the remedy has not been proven.

Preparation of tincture of bear bile on vodka

In Russia, raw materials are mined by hunters. The gallbladder is removed, processed and dried in a special way. It can be used only in dried form, freezing makes the biomaterial unusable.

Bear bile is sold both in the form of a powder and cut into pieces, any tincture is suitable. Ideally, it is recommended to infuse the entire bubble at the rate of 0,5 liters of vodka per 25 g of the substance.

Tincture Recipe

  1. Place the bile at the bottom of a clean, dry jar.
  2. Pour 0,5 liters of vodka.
  3. Put a closed jar in a dark place for a month.
  4. Shake container daily.
  5. Strain through several layers of cheesecloth and pour into another bowl.

How to prepare and take bear bile tincture

You should not buy Chinese raw materials from “bear farms”, where animals are kept in cramped cages, and bile is obtained by animal methods. It has been repeatedly proven that the component composition of the biomaterial changes due to the daily torment of bears, while the healing properties of bile decrease many times over.

Currently, the activity of farms is being actively curtailed in Vietnam, where animals undergo treatment and rehabilitation, after which they become residents of national parks. Animal rights activists are actively fighting farms in China, but business in this country continues to flourish.

How to take bear bile tincture

Ready bear bile tincture on vodka takes on the color of strongly brewed tea. It must be taken 3 times a day for half an hour or an hour before meals, the dosage depends on the weight of the person:

  • up to 75 kg – a teaspoon (5 ml);
  • 75-100 kg – dessert spoon (10 ml);
  • over 100 kg – a tablespoon (15 ml).

The duration of admission is from 1 to 2 months, before a second course, a break of 30 days is necessary.

The bioadditive is used as an adjuvant therapy for pancreatitis, viral hepatitis, cholecystitis and gastrointestinal diseases. Also, the tool is recommended for the prevention of seasonal diseases, strengthening immunity. The tincture helps with pneumonia, rehabilitation after surgery, recovery after chemotherapy.


Serious contraindications for taking the dietary supplement have not been identified, since the agent rarely causes allergic reactions. You can not take tincture with individual intolerance, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in the acute stage of infectious diseases.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

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