How to pluck a duck? Video

Autumn hunting often turns into a headache for housewives, to whom their husbands bring shot game. Butchering a bird is not as difficult as plucking it.

Experienced housewives know the “magic” rule: the bird must be plucked either immediately after slaughter, or 3-4 hours after it. Before this time, even touching is not worth it, the pen simply will not come out of the bag without breaking.

Game, including those popular among culinary experts, can be cleaned dry or scalded beforehand. Both are fine, but take different amounts of time.

Warm water in a large pot; it is good to use a basin or pot with a capacity of 20-25 liters. There is no need to boil, the approximate water temperature should be about 70 degrees. Holding the bird by its paws, lower it into the water for a couple of minutes, then begin to pluck from the paws to the head. This must be done quickly, because the pores of the killed bird are not elastic, the feather hardly comes out of the bag as soon as the skin cools. It is most convenient to pinch with thin rubber gloves. Preferably together.

The disadvantage of a wet nip is that the feather suffers – it cannot be used as filler

The bright red color of the plucked carcass should not embarrass the housewives, this is a normal process of pigmentation.

The dry feather is cleaned immediately after slaughter, while the blood is still moving and the bird is warm. It is most convenient to do this while sitting. Place the basin on the floor and sit on the stool next to it. Hold the duck carcass with your knees so that the head hangs into the pelvis.

Pull out the flywheels with a sharp motion. Then, holding by the paws, pluck the duck in the direction from the tail to the head. The feathers are taken out sequentially: do not try to twitch randomly, small feathers and fluff will remain, which is difficult to remove. In addition, removing feathers in rows, it is convenient to disassemble them: large for fishing, medium for filler (for example, in pillows), small for blankets and toys.

It is better to pull out the tail feathers last, because the “naked” bird tries to slip out of the hands, and it is convenient to catch it by the tail

Try not to damage the skin, otherwise the look of the carcass will be very unpresentable. Even hemp from broken feathers must be removed with a special device, and in its absence – with a blunt knife.

The feather is usually not removed from the head, firstly, it is tough, it can only be used for crafts, and secondly, it is easier to remove the feather on the head together with the head itself.

You need to singe the bird if there is a lot of fluff and hemp left on the carcass. Before lighting the burner, the duck skin must be carefully straightened out, otherwise fumes will accumulate on the folds. If the carcass is damp or the flame smokes heavily. you can rub the duck with flour, and then clean off the remnants with a coarse sponge. The scorched carcass must be washed in warm water and gutted, cut, baked and eaten.

Read about the rules of massage with banks in the next article.

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