How to plant raspberry seedlings. Video
Selection of quality seedlings
Raspberries grown in a container take root well and practically do not get sick. Its roots are not injured during excavation and transportation. These plants can be planted throughout the summer season.
Site preparation and planting
For a raspberry tree, you need to choose a properly lit area with fertile soil. In direct sunlight, raspberries should be at least 6-7 hours a day. If you decide to completely replace the old raspberry bushes with new ones, then the planting site should be chosen further from the old site. Even with the complete destruction of old plants, pathogens of raspberries and pest larvae will remain in the soil for a long time.
It is advisable to prepare the grooves for planting raspberries in advance. For 20-30 days, dig a trench 50 to 60 cm wide and no more than 40 cm deep. If you plan to plant several rows of raspberries, there should be at least 1,5 m between the trenches. Place a mixture of rotted manure, superphosphate and ash on the bottom.
Place the seedlings at a distance of 60–80 cm from each other. Spread out the root system well before covering it with a fertile layer. Container plants are planted by transferring them from the container along with a lump of earth.
Fertilizing and watering raspberries
In the first year after planting on raspberries, a small number of berry ovaries may form, which must be torn off. Raspberries are sensitive to watering, it must be done at least once a week right along the rows of the plant, sparing no water. Plants are fertilized three times during the growing season, avoiding potash and nitrogen fertilizers. For feeding, it is best to use mullein, bird droppings, nitrophoska and ash, which can be applied throughout the entire growing season of the plant.