Planting peas at home is quite simple. The culture is unpretentious and grows year-round. It develops normally even at 10-12 degrees of heat. In food, you can use not only peas, but also greens, which are suitable for salads and soups.
Is it possible to grow peas at home on the windowsill
You can grow peas at home, because the plant is unpretentious. To do this, take an ordinary box of moderate depth and put it on the windowsill. You can take any soil, as long as it is light and moderately fertile.
Since peas love cool conditions and calmly withstand even relatively low temperatures (10-12 degrees), the room should be periodically ventilated. At the same time, you can grow peas on the balcony, as well as on the loggia. This is where you need to take out the box if the room is too hot.
You should not be afraid for the formation of ovaries – peas are self-pollinated crops. Therefore, growing it at home is quite simple. Pods form on their own.
Another advantage – peas on the windowsill can be grown in winter. This is a year-round crop that feels good at different times of the year.
Varieties of peas for growing at home in a pot
You can grow a variety of varieties of this plant at home. It is worth choosing them, focusing on yield indicators and taste.
At home in a pot, you can grow the following varieties of sugar peas:
- Ragweed.
- Zhegalova 112.
- Sugar girlfriend.
- Sugar Oregon.
- Children’s sugar.
- Inexhaustible 195.
In the apartment you can also grow shelling varieties of peas: Oscar, Adagumsky, Early Gribovsky 11, Khavsky pearls, Vera, Voskhod.
The necessary conditions
Growing peas at home is not so difficult, but in order to get a good harvest, you must create the minimum conditions:
- cool temperature (optimally in the range of 16-18 degrees);
- moderate hydration (no more than 2-3 times a week);
- regular top dressing, but without nitrogen;
- sufficient lighting with light shading in the afternoon (a constant stream of sun in summer is not allowed).
It is also important to remember that the soil is in a closed container. Moisture can stagnate, so you need to make as many holes as possible at the bottom and lay out a drainage layer of small stones.

Peas are unpretentious, so they can be planted on the balcony
How to grow peas on a windowsill at home
Growing peas at home is not that difficult. The culture is unpretentious and requires minimal care. The most important thing is to monitor the temperature so that the plant does not get too hot. It is better to keep it with a constantly open window and even in drafts.
Preparing the seeds for planting
Growing peas on a windowsill from seeds begins with their preparation. Seed material is purchased in a store or collected independently at the end of summer. Seeds have a shelf life of two years – during this time they remain viable.
To grow productive peas at home, you must:
- Inspect the seeds and discard those that have damage, specks, rot, as well as peas of atypical size and shape.
- Immerse in a container of water (a little salt and a few drops of vinegar are dissolved in it) and remove those that float.
- Leave the remaining seeds for a day and rinse under running water, and then soak for half an hour in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide. This is necessary in order to safely grow peas at home.
- The peas are washed again and dried at room temperature, laid out in one layer.
- Then soak overnight in “Epin”, “Kornevin” or other growth stimulant.
- Lay out on a dense damp cloth (it is better not to use gauze) and cover the top with the same layer. Keep at room temperature for 5-6 days.
- Immediately after this, the peas are planted in the ground.
Capacity selection
You can grow peas at home in a common container made of plastic, wood or other materials. There are no special container requirements, but it should be wide and shallow (up to 10-15 cm), because otherwise the soil may rot due to constant moisture.
To prepare the container, it must be thoroughly washed and, just in case, disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If there are no drainage holes, they are made at the bottom with an awl and other tools. Drainage is covered with the first layer – pebbles, expanded clay and other stones (2 cm high).

For growing, you can use a wooden box
Soil preparation
Before sowing peas at home, you need to prepare the soil. You can buy it at the store or make your own. Peas prefer moderately fertile and light soil. Therefore, you can take this option as a basis: garden soil, humus or compost, black peat, coarse sand (2: 1: 1: 1).
Instead of sand, coconut fiber or vermiculite can be used. The soil is sterilized the day before in the oven (15 minutes, 150 degrees) or placed in the freezer for several days. Then it is poured into a box on a layer of stones, moistened, allowed to lie down for several days.
Landing technology
You can plant peas in a pot at home in early April according to the following instructions:
- Mark several grooves with a depth of no more than 2 cm, maintaining an interval between them of 7–8 cm.
- Plant peas with sprouts down – then it is easier to grow them. The distance between adjacent seeds should be at least 5 cm.
- Sprinkle with soil, but do not compact it.
- Spray from a spray bottle and close the box with foil or glass.
- Air and water regularly.
- After a few days, shoots will appear – at this point the lid can be removed.
- Then continue to water, preventing complete drying of the surface layer.
- A week after germination, give the plants simple superphosphate (2 g per 1 liter). This will allow you to grow healthy peas at home and get a normal harvest.
All this time the plants are grown at room temperature. Before germination, containers can be placed in heat (23-25 degrees), and then grown in cooler conditions (16-18 degrees).
Pea care at home
To grow fruitful peas at home on the windowsill, he needs to ensure regular watering. A prerequisite for culture is the introduction of dressings.
If you need to grow healthy peas at home, it is worth remembering that the culture does not like abundant watering. At the first stage, it is enough to give water twice a week, and when flowers appear – 3 times. During the heat period, water every day, while the surface layer of the soil should remain moderately moist. During this period, it is also important to irrigate plantings in the late evening, after sunset.

When grown on a windowsill, peas need regular watering.
Additional fertilizing
Regular application of top dressing allows you to harvest a good harvest:
- The first time the plants are fertilized before picking. Superphosphate is added in the amount of 2–3 g per 1 liter.
- On the eve of flowering, the same composition is given, as well as potassium sulfate in the amount of 1 g per 1 liter.
- Two weeks later, the same top dressing is applied (you can also purchase special fertilizer for legumes).
- The last time they are fed in another two weeks (with the same fertilizers).
To grow peas at home, you must definitely pick. Plant transplantation is planned after they have a second true leaf. At this point, dive into individual pots (volume not less than 300 ml) or into a larger box. At the same time, the interval between adjacent plantings should be at least 10-15 cm, and between rows – 20 cm.
In the first week after diving, it is better to save peas from direct light – at home it is quite simple to do this by covering the glass with paper or a light cloth. You also need to regularly ventilate the room, especially if the apartment is too warm.
To grow peas at home, you need to provide for the installation of supports. They are placed at the moment when the seedlings reach a height of 12–15 cm.

As a support, it is enough to stick a strong stick into the soil, placing it next to the central shoot of the plant
Disease control
If you grow a culture at home, the risk that it will suffer from pests or diseases is significantly reduced, although it cannot be completely eliminated. The plant can be affected by gray rot, bacteriosis, downy mildew, rust. For prevention, you need to monitor the amount of watering, regularly loosen the soil and treat with fungicides:
- Bordeaux liquid;
- “RAW”;
- “Score”;
- “Tatu”;
- “Maxim” and others.
Of the pests, beetle larvae and aphids are especially dangerous. They are fought with folk remedies. At home, seedlings are sprayed with an infusion of homemade ash, chili peppers, onion husks, garlic, and tobacco dust. In extreme cases, insecticides are used (Aktara, Biotlin, Iskra, Fitoverm and others).
Possible problems in growing
It is not so difficult to grow a culture at home, but since the conditions in the apartment are different from usual, some difficulties may arise:
- Due to the high air temperature, the lashes begin to dry out. Peas love coolness, so the heating radiator must be turned off and the room regularly ventilated. If necessary, take it out of the house to a balcony or loggia, as well as increase watering.
- If the pods are not tied, watering is reduced. Also, the containers should be rearranged to a sunny window.
- If the leaves darken and begin to dry, you need to apply a fertilizer containing magnesium.
- If the pods turn out to be crooked and half-empty, it is necessary to give potash top dressing.
It is better to plant peas at home in early April, when there is enough sunlight. The room should be kept cool, because even at 25–27 degrees, the culture can stop developing. Otherwise, care is simple, so even a novice gardener can handle the cultivation.