How to plant Jerusalem artichoke in autumn

Planting Jerusalem artichoke in the fall is preferable than in the spring. The culture is frost-resistant, the tubers are well preserved in the soil at -40 0C, will produce strong, healthy shoots in the spring. Planting material in autumn is more viable, the plant does not need to spend nutrients on the formation of stems.

How to plant Jerusalem artichoke in autumn

When to plant Jerusalem artichoke: in autumn or spring

In a zone with a cold climate, spring work is hampered by late thawing of the soil. In order for the fruits to reach biological ripeness, Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear) needs 4 months for vegetation. Delayed planting will delay maturation. By the onset of frost, Jerusalem artichoke will not have time to fully form tubers. If a plant is planted in the spring in the ground, then it will give a full harvest only in a year.

In temperate climates, planting Jerusalem artichoke before winter is recommended. Freezing the root crop will not hurt, as soon as the soil warms up, the plant will enter the active phase of growth. Autumn planting is better because the planting material placed in the soil will take root before the onset of cold weather, the root system will go deep, and there will be no need for constant watering, as in spring.

Spring work is complicated by return frosts, Jerusalem artichoke feels comfortable in the ground at low temperatures, and young growth is enough -4 0C to kill her. It is difficult to determine the timing of early planting, the culture itself controls the vegetation in accordance with a favorable temperature regime.

Important! The advantage of planting Jerusalem artichoke in the fall is a decrease in rodent activity.

The freezing of the soil does not allow the mice to make passages and destroy the tubers. Moles and other small pests go into hibernation.

How to plant Jerusalem artichoke in autumn

Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial plant, reaching a height of 3,5 m, this factor is taken into account when planting an earthen pear in the fall on the site. In order for the seedling to feel comfortable, to have time to take root before frost, they are determined with terms in accordance with the characteristics of the regional climate. Choose quality planting material.

Recommended dates

You can plant Jerusalem artichoke before winter 2 weeks before the onset of frost. If the root crop was planted on the site, and winter came earlier than the expected time, there is nothing wrong with that. Subject to the technology of planting Jerusalem artichoke, it will remain viable until spring. In the Central zone of Our Country, work is carried out at the end of September, plus or minus 10 days.

Site selection and soil preparation

To plant Jerusalem artichoke, you must choose a site located in the open sun. The shade slows down the ripening of the vegetable. You can plant a plant near the fence, which will be protection from the north wind, this function will also be performed by the wall of the building on the south side.

How to plant Jerusalem artichoke in autumn

 It is recommended to plant Jerusalem artichoke along the perimeter of the site, the plant will act as a hedge.

The culture grows on all types of soil, but for a good harvest, soils are chosen light, loose, drained. Jerusalem artichoke will not grow on a site with close groundwater. The composition is preferably slightly acidic. Alkaline or saline soil requires correction. Before planting at the end of summer, ferrous sulfate is added to the soil, it raises the acid level.

The site is prepared 5 days before the autumn planting of Jerusalem artichoke. The bed is dug up, harrowed, you can use a rake. Compost or peat is added with the addition of potassium salts and superphosphate. 1 m2 you will need 15 kg of organic matter, 20 g of fertilizer.

How deep to plant Jerusalem artichoke in autumn

Planting Jerusalem artichoke in the fall is carried out in several ways. You can plant tubers in a trench on a previously prepared ridge. Here the depth will be at least 15 cm. If the hole is located on a flat surface, the depth should be within 20 cm. The dimensions are indicated for cold regions, in the south 12 cm depressions are enough.

Preparing the tubers

The choice of planting material for autumn work is approached more carefully than for spring planting. The tubers will remain for the winter, and how they overwinter depends on their quality. Requirements for Jerusalem artichoke seeds:

  1. Root crops are no larger than a chicken egg.
  2. The surface of the tubers selected for planting should be as flat as possible.
  3. On the surface there should be no stains, cuts, signs of decay.
  4. The structure of the planting material should be rigid, elastic; sluggish tubers are not suitable for planting in the fall.
Advice! In order for the tubers to take root faster, before planting in the ground, they should be soaked in water for several hours.

Then the root crops are dipped into the growth-stimulating preparation “Immunocytofit” for a few minutes.

How to plant Jerusalem artichoke in autumn

The root system of Jerusalem artichoke is widely branched; when planting, the height of the stems and the width of the bush are also taken into account. Culture is uncomfortable in cramped conditions. When distributed in the garden, 40 cm are measured from the first hole to the second, then they are planted according to this scheme. The rows are stuffed with an interval of 90 cm. One root crop is placed in each hole. For a good example, the video shows the planting of Jerusalem artichoke in the fall.

Jerusalem artichoke care in autumn after planting

The culture is not whimsical, therefore, after planting in the fall, it grows without much care. When creating favorable conditions, there are no problems with culture. Autumn care for Jerusalem artichoke becomes more complicated if the autumn is long and warm, and the plant has started up young sprouts.

Watering Schedule

The culture responds well to moderate watering. In summer, it easily tolerates drought. But before wintering, the flow of moisture increases. Water in the morning every 5 days until frost. Moisture-charging watering will help deepen the root. If Jerusalem artichoke did not give sprouts and is at rest, water the bed with the same frequency, at least 10 liters per well, the water should be cold.

Soil loosening and hilling

Loosening is a mandatory procedure after autumn planting. Every day for 2-3 weeks, the beds are loosened. These manipulations give access to oxygen to the root, and destroy weeds. Loosening involves thinning the planting. If the growth is dense, leave a distance of 35 cm, the rest of the shoots are removed. A densely planted Jerusalem artichoke is prone to degeneration.

If the plant was planted on a hill in a comb, it is constantly trimmed and poured. In case of germination of Jerusalem artichoke after autumn planting, the soil is poured up to the upper leaves.

If the planting was carried out on a flat area, the soil loosening procedures are supplemented by hilling the young plant. It is covered with soil to the top. In 50% of the young shoots manage to survive until spring. Those sprouts that are frozen are quickly restored. The main task in the autumn care of plantings is to preserve the tubers.

Do I need to feed

When laying the beds, complex fertilizers are applied, which should be enough until spring. Before frost, it is recommended to apply products containing nitrogen. Wood ash is scattered on top of the bed. A week before the end of watering, an infusion of fermented freshly cut grass with bird droppings is added (1:10).

Do I need to cut Jerusalem artichoke for the winter

Jerusalem artichoke gives a large mass of shoots and leaves. To speed up the process of root ripening, pruning is carried out closer to autumn, around the beginning of September. Early pruning of the stem is undesirable. Vegetables in the soil will not have time to accumulate enough nutrients and gain the necessary mass.

In the spring, the vegetation of Jerusalem artichoke is aimed at the formation of green mass, the fruits will not be large and will lose in taste. By autumn, the bush begins to wither – this is an indicator of the ripening of the vegetable. By winter, the tops dry out completely, because the plant no longer needs it. Cut the stems 15 cm above ground level, in the spring it will be easy to determine where the bush is.

Preparation for winter

In regions with a warm climate, preparation for winter consists in cutting the stems. The plant is not covered for the winter. Tubers are well preserved and do not lose their chemical composition at a temperature of -40 0C. In temperate climates Jerusalem artichoke is covered with a layer (at least 15 cm) of leaves, peat, sawdust or crushed tree bark. Before mulching, it is recommended to spud the plant. In winter, snow is thrown over the crop.

How to plant Jerusalem artichoke in autumn

How to propagate Jerusalem artichoke in late autumn

In addition to tuber propagation, the following method is used to breed a crop:

  1. In autumn, when harvesting, large vegetables are sent for storage.
  2. Medium-sized root crops are planted in the garden.
  3. In the hole leave a few pieces the size of an egg.
  4. Small ones are completely removed.

The following year, the Jerusalem artichoke will give a harvest in the new and in the old place.

In autumn, you can propagate the culture by dividing the bush (when thinning dense plantings).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Plentifully water the bush.
  2. Choose a site of thickets with well-developed central stems.
  3. Dig around from all sides.
  4. Extracted from the soil with a root ball.
  5. Cut off excess roots and shoots.
  6. Divide the bush into several parts.
  7. Transferred to another location.

After planting, the stems are cut, the plant is spudded.


Planting Jerusalem artichoke in the fall will save time for harvesting. Next year the plant will form a sufficient number of large fruits. Tubers planted in autumn retain their germination well, there is no threat of damage by small rodents.

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