How to plant dill: simple rules for growing greens

Dill is the best assistant to the hostess in the kitchen. A simple plant that does not require complex care, grown both in the garden and on the windowsill, can transform any dish. And if you know how to sow dill properly, fresh herbs will be on your table all year round.

Terms of planting

Garden dill is an unpretentious plant. It sprouts at a temperature of +3 degrees, so it can be planted in the garden in the spring, as soon as the snow melts. How many times a year is dill planted? For the next planting, the land will be ready in 20 days. If you want to harvest in early spring, seeds can be sown in late October or early November. Early shoots of sprouts can also be obtained by sowing germinated seeds, but such cultivation requires proper preparation.

But if you plan to grow greens at home, on a balcony or windowsill, then you can not wait for spring. The optimum temperature for dill growth is +15 – +20 degrees, and you can maintain this temperature on a kitchen windowsill or a glazed and insulated balcony all year round. Dill can grow in shady places, but blooms best in good light. Therefore, if your windows face the sunny side, the home garden will be green and lush, and plant care will not cause any problems. 

How to plant dill: simple rules for growing greens

Preparation for sowing

Before planting, rinse the dill in hot water, so you wash off the essential oil that prevents the shoots from pecking. When soak them in a damp cloth to see if the greens germinate. You need to soak for 2-3 days. Unsprouted seeds can spice up any dish.

When the sprouts have appeared, you can proceed to the next stage of preparation – soaking in potassium permanganate. This must be done to disinfect the plant – in the future it will hurt less. Dilute the potassium permanganate in a glass of water to a rich pink color and leave the seeds in it. In 2-3 hours they will be ready for further work.

It happens that there is no potassium permanganate in the house, do not worry. For disinfection, 3% hydrogen peroxide is suitable. Heat it up to 40°C, place the seeds in the liquid. Soak for 8 minutes. Another option is a solution of boric acid. Take half a teaspoon of boric acid and dissolve in a glass of warm water, then soak the seeds for 2 hours.

How to plant dill: simple rules for growing greens

Before planting, wash the seeds. The choice of soil for planting is also an important stage. Stop your choice on a neutral soil, which is used for indoor plants. Mix it with loose garden soil in equal proportions. Before use, it is worth disinfecting the earth from harmful microorganisms (applies only to cases when you prepare the earth yourself) – ignite it in the oven. Remove after 30 minutes and let stand for 24 hours.

While the seeds and soil are in the right condition for planting, it’s time to take care of the place where your dill plantation will grow. On the windowsill, even the narrowest, it is convenient to place a rectangular pot. The pot needs to be deep enough. Remember that dill is a light-loving plant, so make sure your balcony or kitchen window sill has good access to sunlight when you plant it.

You can always buy a fluorescent lamp and place it at a height of 50-60 cm above the pot. Turn it on for 5-6 hours daily. If you hang a lamp on the balcony, it will not interfere with your daily activities.

How to plant dill: simple rules for growing greens

Before filling the pot with soil, cover the bottom with expanded clay, broken bricks, pebbles or rubble, that is, create a drainage layer. Place a layer of sand on top of the drainage, and only then pour the prepared soil. Moisture will easily pass through such a mixture, and more is not needed to care for the greens that you plan to grow on a balcony or windowsill.

Video “Sowing dill” 

Video tips on planting this crop, the rules for growing and caring for it.

How to sow dill. Dill in the garden

Correct landing

Planting dill is not difficult, but responsible. You can sow greens as early as February or March, depending on weather conditions. And if you want to get a crop as early as possible, you should prepare the seeds – before planting, soak for 3-4 days in warm water, changing it as soon as it cools down and drying the seeds, or hold it in an ash solution for a couple of days.

In the spring, plant greens in the ground to a depth of 2 cm. How much space is needed for proper planting: there should be at least 20 cm between the beds. This will facilitate the care of sprouting dill. Or for 1 sq.m. you need to sow no more than 1-2 g. So the greens will grow densely, but there will be enough distance between the plants, which will facilitate the process of weeding and hilling.

When growing dill on the windowsill, you should follow some rules, especially in winter. dill – plant sun-loving, therefore it is worth giving him additional light – for 4-5 hours in the morning and in the evening. Remember to feed your greens with concentrated fertilizers. So it will sprout faster and bloom more abundantly.

How to plant dill: simple rules for growing greens

Growing greens in the garden or on the balcony, you must not forget about caring for the plant. Watering, hilling, loosening the soil. And then fresh herbs will grow quickly, decorate your table, make dishes fresh and unique.

Secrets of cultivation

How to plant dill and get a rich harvest? It is enough to follow simple rules for caring for the plant.

  • It is best to water your dill garden every other day. When overdrying, dill turns yellow and dries.
  • For cooking, pick only young shoots when they reach a height of 17-20 cm.
  • Growing dill on a windowsill or balcony – feel free to plant it in January-February. In a month and a half, that is, in early spring, you will harvest the first crop.
  • Make sure that the plant receives enough light, otherwise it will dry out.
  • Bed Care: Thin out your beds regularly to give your plants more room to grow.

How to plant dill: simple rules for growing greens

  • Immediately after planting, cover the pot with foil and put it in a dark place for 7-8 days. The greenhouse effect will allow the plant to germinate quickly. When you see the dill sprouting, place the pot on a windowsill or balcony.
  • Pinch off the greens from the top to encourage the growth of side stems.
  • Feed dill with mineral fertilizers every two weeks.
  • Seedling care requires lowering the temperature at night – open a window or place the pot on a glazed balcony.

As you can see, planting dill and caring for it is not fraught with any difficulties. A little attention and patience is enough to get fragrant greens all year round.

Video “Growing dill on the windowsill” 

How to grow dill at home in winter


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