In order to achieve a good and plentiful harvest of cucumbers, there are several agricultural practices. One of them is the preliminary cultivation of seedlings. In this article, we will look at how to plant cucumbers for seedlings correctly in order to get an excellent harvest in the summer.
Planting dates for seedlings
Many people ask the question “when to sow cucumbers for seedlings?”. The difficulty of choosing the time lies in the fact that it is very easy to miss. Otherwise, cucumber seedlings can “overstay”, which will significantly reduce its survival rate when transferred to a new place of growth. To correctly determine the time for planting cucumber seeds, you need to know a simple rule – you can transplant seedlings to the garden only two to three weeks after you have sown the seeds.
At the same time, you should definitely know the climate of your region, because cucumbers are heat-loving plants. Therefore, in planting cucumbers for seedlings, air and soil temperature play an important role. The temperature of the soil for seedlings of cucumbers should be at least +15 degrees. However, +15 degrees is not the most optimal, on the contrary. Seedlings at this temperature will germinate very slowly. At this soil temperature for seedlings of cucumbers, the seeds will grow only during the day under the influence of sunlight, and at night they will freeze.
Approximately, landing is carried out in the middle or end of spring (end of April or beginning of May). By correctly calculating the time for sowing cucumbers for seedlings, you will ensure yourself a guarantee of an excellent harvest in the future.
Landing technology
Now let’s proceed directly to the analysis of the question of how to properly grow seedlings of cucumbers.
The process of planting cucumbers for seedlings begins from the moment the seeds are harvested. In the case of buying seeds, you can immediately start growing seedlings of cucumbers. They are sold already disinfected and prepared, so it is not necessary to soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In the case when you harvest seeds yourself, then you need to know how to do it correctly. It is necessary to store the seeds in a place whose temperature does not exceed + 15 ° C, and the humidity is 50-60%, under such conditions they can be stored for up to 10 years without loss of germination quality. The most productive seeds are considered to be 3-4 years of storage.
Technology for planting cucumber seeds for seedlings:
- seed soaking. To do this, they are wrapped in a cloth and then soaked in a container of water with a temperature close to room temperature. The water should only slightly cover the seeds. Its excess will negatively affect the quality of seedlings;
- pre-sowing hardening. This process involves placing the seeds wrapped in a damp cloth for two days in the refrigerator. Some gardeners also recommend wrapping in foil. Seeds should be monitored periodically to ensure they do not germinate. Such hardening will increase their cold resistance;
- sowing seeds. They can be planted in cups, boxes or peat tablets. Remember that the soil for cucumber seedlings must contain the appropriate nutrient media that will ensure the normal growth of vegetables. In the case when you plant in a separate container, the picking stage is skipped (when the plants are planted in individual containers), which is very important for this plant;
- soil for seedlings of cucumbers is best prepared as follows: 2 parts of soil and 1 part of peat. You can add some sand if you like. Pour the resulting mixture into a container so that 1 cm to the top is free. This will make watering easier.
- after sowing, it remains only to periodically water.
Caring for seeds until they germinate consists in observing the following rules:
- it is best to put a container with seeds in a tray or box;
- there must be holes in the bottom of the container that will provide the necessary air access;
- the soil must be disinfected by watering it with a solution of potassium permanganate (the solution must be bright in color);
- only one germinated seed is placed in one container. This will promote faster germination;
- at the end of sowing, the pallet with seedlings is transferred to a warm place where the air temperature will be +23 – 25 degrees;
- plants need to be watered twice in 7 days;
- the seeds planted in the soil are covered from above with plastic wrap and put in heat;
- when they grow, the film is removed;
- after the appearance of the first sprouts, the pallet is transferred to a light windowsill. Remember that there should be no drafts;
- in a month, your seedlings will be strong and strong enough to transfer the transplant to the ground.
Some gardeners complain that their seedlings are very stretched. Why are cucumber seedlings stretched? Seedlings can stretch out when the plant lacks natural light. Therefore, to avoid this, you need to expose seedlings in areas with good lighting.
But amateur gardeners are faced with a similar phenomenon even when plants already have access to light. Why is cucumber seedlings stretched in this situation? Seedlings are able to stretch even if the light period is short. To eliminate stretching, additional lighting can be installed.
Germination of seeds before sowing is carried out in order to accelerate the process of germination of the seedlings themselves. Germination itself occurs in the following way:
- cucumber seeds need to be treated with special microelements that stimulate their metabolism;
- then the seeds are dried;
- after drying, they begin to germinate them.
Germination begins by soaking the seeds in damp gauze or a napkin on a small saucer. It is covered with glass on top to prevent water evaporation. Gauze or a napkin should be periodically moistened with water at room temperature. Stimulates germination by hardening seeds in the refrigerator for two days. After these manipulations, the seeds will grow in 2-3 days. Then they start sowing.
Also, to accelerate the process of germination of 6-8-year-old seeds, they are bubbling for 18 hours. To do this, you need to lower the aquarium processor into a jar filled with water. Then the seeds wrapped in a porous cloth diaper are lowered there (gauze is also suitable). After this procedure, the seeds can be sown immediately.
Additional lighting will help speed up aging. To do this, fluorescent lamps are placed above the seedlings (approximately 5 cm from the seedlings). As the seedlings grow, the lamp will need to be slightly raised.
The pre-germination process will make the seedling process much easier and stronger.
Planting in the ground
When the seedlings have grown well enough, you can start planting them in open soil in fresh air. Usually, the landing dates are determined by weather and climatic conditions. This process is carried out only after all spring frosts have passed. The best time is the beginning of June. It is possible earlier, but only if you live in a mild and warm climate. In greenhouses, you can plant earlier – in May. Planting is started only when the soil has warmed up to + 16-18 ° C, and the air temperature is set at an average of + 18-20 ° C.
Before planting, seedlings are hardened by taking them out into the open air. The day before planting, the sprouts are watered. Before direct planting, the soil must be fertilized with compost or manure. Holes are dug in the ground with a depth of about 15 cm. The hole must be poured abundantly with water. Landing pattern – absolutely any.
If you grew seedlings in a separate plastic glass, then everything is very simple – you just need to carefully cut the glass and lower the sprout along with the earth from the glass into the previously prepared hole. Then the seedling is sprinkled with earth and rammed a little. Quality seedlings are planted vertically, and overgrown – obliquely. It is recommended to treat the root collars with river sand (just sprinkle them), this will protect the vegetable from root rot.
Before planting cucumbers for seedlings, you need to remember that when planting them, crop rotation should be observed. Cucumbers are not recommended to be planted in those places where they already grew last year. In the place where the pumpkin grew, cucumbers can only be planted after 4 years. The optimal predecessors for these plants are cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, as well as legumes and green crops.
Cucumbers should be planted in well-lit areas that are well protected from northern winds. They grow best on light, loose and fertile soils. After planting, during the first days, the seedlings are abundantly watered. You can install arcs and cover the plants with a film.
By following the technology described above, you can get good and strong plants, and later a good harvest.
Video “Growing seedlings of cucumbers”
In this video you can see how to properly carry out the entire process of obtaining seedlings.