How to plant carrots so that they sprout quickly –

How to plant carrots so that they sprout quickly –

How to plant carrots so that they sprout quickly –

We all love early juicy vegetables. They have so many vitamins and other beneficial substances. And every gardener dreams that carrots rise as quickly as possible on his plot and he can harvest an early harvest. You can influence this process with the help of simple manipulations. Below we will talk about the main factors that can speed up seed germination, as well as consider the recommendations of experienced agronomists for planting carrots.

What affects germination

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the seed. Not every seed can give a healthy sprout from which a full-fledged plant will grow.

How to plant carrots so that they sprout quickly -

Surprisingly, carrot seeds have their own shelf life and they have a rather short shelf life compared to other crops. Raw materials for sowing can be stored for no more than 2-3 years.

It is also important to consider storage temperature. In a warm and humid environment, seeds may sprout unexpectedly or become moldy. In the cold, they will freeze and lose their ability to germinate. It is best to store carrot seeds in a dry and cool place. Humidity should not exceed 50%, and the temperature should not exceed +17°C. For packaging, it is recommended to use paper or burlap. Set aside plastic bags for other uses.

How to plant carrots so that they sprout quickly -

A good harvest of carrots can only be obtained from healthy seeds. Make sure that their surface is evenly painted, without stains or damage. In no case do not let the seeds get wet and re-dry, otherwise you will not see the long-awaited carrot bushes. In order for seedlings to appear faster, it is necessary to pay attention to the preplant preparation of the soil and material.

Another important factor affecting germination is the condition of the soil. The earth must be loosened, because in hard and compressed soil, thin and delicate sprouts simply cannot break through. It is especially important to ensure that a dense crust does not form on the surface of the sown beds.

Germination is also affected by weather conditions, so when planting in the spring you need to be sure that the morning and night frosts have moved away. Carrots love the sun, so choose the brightest areas for them, where direct sunlight shines most of the day. It is also important to remember that seeds love moisture. If the site is not sufficiently moist and the weather is still cold, cover your beds with foil to create the effect of a greenhouse.

Video “Planting in the spring”

Planting carrots in spring

Landing guidelines

To ensure even and high-quality seedlings, before sowing the seeds, they must be properly prepared. Most often at home, the soaking method is used. To do this, the seed is laid out on a soft cloth, moistened with water at room temperature and left for 3 days until the sprouts hatch. The room should be warm, about + 23- + 24 ° С. Germinated seeds grow much faster, especially if the weather is fine.

Another piece of advice given by experienced gardeners is to plant carrots before winter. This method is applicable in regions with snowy, but relatively mild winters. If the soil completely freezes even under a snow cover, then it is better to refuse the method. For pre-winter planting, varieties such as Shantane-2461, Nantes-5, Vitamin-6 and Incomparable are suitable.

How to plant carrots so that they sprout quickly -

Seeds are sown just before frost. The seed must be dry. When snow falls on top of the ground, it will need to be covered with a thick layer and covered with spruce branches until spring. After the snow melts, the beds are covered with a film or burlap. This helps the soil to warm up quickly, and the carrots to sprout. It is worth noting that any early carrot is poorly suited for storage, so if you grow this vegetable in reserve, do not chase fast shoots, but pay attention to quality care.

In order for carrots to grow quickly, it is necessary to make fertile soil. To do this, in the fall, the soil must be dug up and fertilized. Carrots respond well to wood ash, humus and Nitrofoska. Be careful with nitrogen supplements. When planting, the seeds should adhere well to the soil. In order for this to happen, the earth in the furrows is slightly compacted, and the bed is covered with loose soil.

There is also an interesting folk method of planting carrots, in which shoots appear very quickly. As soon as the snow in the garden begins to melt, dig a hole in the area as deep as the bayonet of a shovel. Moisten the seeds with water and place them in a linen bag. The bag must be placed in a recess in the ground, covered with soil and sprinkled with snow on top. After 10-12 days, the bag can be dug out and the germinated seeds can be sown in the garden.. For best results, the seed is mixed with dry river sand. This will help distribute everything evenly. After such a procedure, the first shoots will appear in 5-6 days. Do not forget to mark the place of instillation of the bag with a flag.

Video “How to grow fruitful carrots”

How to prepare the soil, seeds, how to sow and care for the garden – you will find the answer to these and many other questions in the video below.

How to grow fruitful carrots

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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