How to plant bulbous plants: tips

It is time to plant bulbous plants – the planting material of the new crop is on sale. Our consultant Dmitry Lukyanov, agronomist-vegetable grower, candidate of agricultural sciences, tells how to do it correctly.

15 September 2016

When choosing, adhere to the rule: the larger the onion, the brighter the flower will be, the more massive the head, if it is onion or garlic. This is especially evident in the example of tulips. The most expensive bulbs of “extra” parsing are used by professionals for forcing indoors, gardeners should not spend money on them. Onions of the 1st and 2nd parsing are quite suitable for you. High-quality planting material has no damage, fungal diseases, the covering scales are well developed.

All bulbous are unpretentious. Limiting factors are only heavy clay soils and waterlogging. Even the lighting conditions are not particularly important, since almost all bulbous plants have time to bloom before the leaves bloom on the trees. Only in crocuses, with a lack of light, the buds practically do not open. If your site has heavy clay, then add sand and organic fertilizers to it, preferably rotted manure (6-8 kg per sq. M). Sandy soil – mix with humus (10 kg per 1 sq. M). If the site is dominated by peat soils, it is necessary to add sand, add humus or compost (6-8 kg per 1 sq. M.) And phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, since there are few nutrients in peat. Please note: foliage also dies off in fading bulbs. Therefore, it is better to place plantings among perennials so that they, expanding, cover the brown meadow.

Almost all bulbs are planted in accordance with the rule: the planting depth is equal to three diameters of the bulb. That is, if the size of the onion is 3 cm in diameter, then the planting depth is at least 9 cm.The exception is some types of lilies. White lily bulbs are planted almost at ground level, and lilies with supra-bulbous roots (on the stem above the bulb), on the contrary, are somewhat deeper. The mechanical composition of the soil also affects the depth: on light soils, planting can be deeper (by 2-3 cm), on heavy soils – shallower. Before planting, the bulbs are disinfected by immersing them in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.

A very practical way: you can dig in a basket of bulbs in any corner of the garden, and after they have faded, take them out and transfer them to the place where the plants will completely form the bulbs and bloom next year. Baskets are sold at a gardening store. In such a container, you can make a multilayer planting from different bulbous, they will bloom for a long time, replacing each other. A little soil is poured at the bottom of the basket and the largest bulbs, such as hyacinths, are placed there. They are covered with a small layer of soil and smaller ones are planted – daffodils, tulips, which are also sprinkled with soil. Small-bulbous and daffodils with small bulbs are placed in the top layer and also sprinkled. The basket is dug in to the full depth plus 2-3 cm from above. For the winter, it is better to cover such plantings with fallen leaves.

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