Basil is an annual spicy herb that contains many useful substances, phytoncides and essential oils. Due to its rich vitamin composition and amazing spicy aroma, basil greens are widely used in cooking to add exquisite taste and aroma to dishes. The culture is quite whimsical, but in suitable conditions it grows quickly and gives a bountiful harvest. Planting basil in the ground can be carried out both from seedlings and seeds – in both cases, growing plants has its own characteristics.
Types of basil
Despite the huge number of existing varieties of basil, no more than thirty items are used for growing in the garden, bred by breeders specifically for human consumption. In general, basil can be divided into two main types: green and purple – it was the purple variety “Yerevan” and the green variety “Spoon-shaped” that were taken as the basis for the cultivation of hydrides of the culture. These basic types of basil have some differences between themselves:
- purple varieties have a more pronounced aroma (they have more essential components), contain more vitamins. Often cultivated as ornamental plants, planted in flower beds, in flower pots;
- green basil has a milder flavor and a more subtle aroma. It is a versatile seasoning for cooking various dishes.
Now, in addition to the main varieties, gardeners grow many different plant hybrids that differ in taste and aromatic notes:
- “Carnation” – a green mid-season variety, a compact bush with small leaves, astringent taste and clove aroma;
- “Table” – a green variety, the bush reaches a height of 60 cm, the leaves are large, juicy and very fragrant;
- “Anise” – green basil with the taste and smell of anise, a little sprawling bush, leaves with a bubble structure;
- “Caramel” – mid-season variety, compact bush, greens have a characteristic aroma of caramel, used for making desserts;
- “Lemon” – a light green low bush with the aroma and taste of lemon, in addition to eating, is recommended for relieving headaches, treating respiratory diseases;
- “Philosopher” – early ripe purple variety, compact bush, spicy clove aroma;
- “Cinnamon” – a purple variety, the bush reaches a height of 0,5 m, the aroma and taste resembles cinnamon;
- “Fragrant” – it is also called “camphor” for its characteristic aroma, the plant reaches 0,5 m in height, the taste is tart, similar to clove.
Video “How the greenery is planted for seedlings”
Informational video with an illustrative example of how greenery is planted for seedlings.
When to land
For germination of basil seeds, soil with a temperature of at least 14 degrees is required, so it is better to plant basil from seedlings to get an early harvest. Seeds for seedlings are best sown in containers in late February – early March (about 45 days before planting in the ground). In the spring months, daylight hours are longer – the plants will not need additional lighting.
If you want to sow spicy greens right in the garden, then you need to wait until the soil warms up. As a rule, this happens by the end of April – mid-May. In warm climates, basil can be sown earlier. In such regions, planting greenery is usually carried out not from seedlings, but immediately from seeds. It is possible to plant basil seedlings in the garden only when the threat of night frosts has completely passed, at the end of May, in June.
Landing instructions
There are several ways to plant basil seedlings. The first and most traditional In February-March, the seeds are planted in small containers or boxes. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom of the tank, after which a soil mixture is poured from equal parts of humus, earth and peat. Self-prepared mixture should be fed with mineral complex fertilizers. As soil, you can use ready-made “universal” soil, sold in flower shops.
The prepared soil is well moistened with warm water, then small depressions of 10-15 mm are made, into which seeds are planted. Next, the container with seedlings is covered with glass or film, and placed in a bright, warm place. After the first shoots appear, the cover is removed. Caring for seedlings in containers consists in systematic watering, and maintaining the required temperature (22-25 ° C). When the plants have a few leaves, they can be planted in the garden.
Planting seeds in a snail. A snail is a seed germination device made from a foam backing. Planting seeds in a snail is a little troublesome, but this method saves a lot of space, and, in addition, the foam rubber retains moisture well, which is important for seed germination. It is not difficult to prepare a snail: a layer of soil or other substance is laid out on a piece of foam rubber substrate, on which the seeds are laid out at a distance of about 5 cm from each other. Then the foam rubber, together with soil and seeds, is welded into a roll, and a container with earth is obtained, similar to a snail. Special care for seedlings is not required, as the soil dries out very slowly. After the seedlings get stronger, they must be transplanted from this container.
Germination of seeds in hydroponics. Hydroponics is a technology for growing crops without the direct use of soil. Habitual earth in this case is replaced by moisture-absorbing materials: yellow peat, sawdust, expanded clay, household mineral wool, which are mixed with mineral complex mixtures. Care for seedlings grown hydroponically is minimal. Hydroponics dry out quickly, so the plants only need to be watered frequently. On such a “soil”, seedlings can live for 20-25 days, after which a transplant into ordinary soil is required.
Hydroponics is the cheapest and easiest way to grow any seedling.
Before planting basil seedlings or sowing seeds, you must choose the right place:
- the plant loves the sun and heat, so it should be planted in open sunny areas;
- the soil for growing basil must be loose and fertile – in heavy and very wet soil, the culture grows slowly and often dies;
- you can’t plant basil for several years on the same bed, as the plants start to get sick from this, the leaves become covered with brown spots, and rot;
- the soil into which it is planned to transplant young plants must be properly prepared: mixed with compost, humus and peat in the amount of 2 kg of fertilizer / 1 sq. m of soil;
- seedlings should be planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other, the distance between rows in the garden should be about 30 cm;
- after the transplant is completed, the plants are abundantly watered with settled water.
How to care for seedlings
Caring for basil seedlings consists of regular watering, top dressing and periodic loosening of the soil between the rows. You need to water as needed, preventing the soil from drying out and waterlogging. In the first few days, you can water daily until the plants take root. For irrigation, it is recommended to use only settled water, the temperature of which is not lower than 25 ° C.
The first top dressing with mineral fertilizers is carried out when the plants take root and take root, approximately 10-12 days after planting. For top dressing, it is recommended to use nitrophoska 2 tbsp. spoons / 12 liters of water at a flow rate of 3 liters of solution / 1 sq. m. The next stage is the care of the soil in which basil grows. Loosening is carried out approximately 1 time in 2 weeks. The earth needs to be loosened between the rows and around the plants, while removing weeds. After weeding, seedlings need abundant watering.
Basil care also involves the timely removal of dry and damaged shoots, leaves, as well as harvesting. When flowers appear on the bush, the basil will become unusable. To prevent this, it is recommended to break off the tops of the shoots along with the leaves, leaving 3-4 leaves on the branch. Then the bush will branch better, and will not bloom.
Video “A new way of planting greenery”
Informative video with a new way of planting greenery at home.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina