How to plant an avocado from a stone: we grow exotic at home
Avocado is a very healthy fruit, but it is not easy to buy it in our country. First, avocados are often sold unripe or of inadequate quality. Secondly, it is quite expensive. To solve this issue once and for all, you can grow this fruit at home. How to properly plant a pit avocado at home?
How to plant an avocado seed at home
Do not think that growing a small avocado tree in a pot at home is extremely difficult. In fact, the seeds of this fruit germinate very often, the main thing is to perform a sequential series of actions. To grow a sprout, follow the next step-by-step instructions:
• pick the right fruit first. It must be very ripe. A green avocado seed will not sprout;
• remove the brown husk from the stone;
• Put some water in a glass and put the bone there with the blunt end down. Make sure that the water covers it exactly half;
• put the glass on the windowsill and be patient. Do not forget to add water periodically;
• as soon as the bone hatches and a sprout appears from it, transplant it into the ground. This plant is not capricious, so any purchased land for flowers will do. However, you can also use the land collected in the garden;
• bury the bone in the ground halfway;
• make sure that the ground is constantly moistened. In this case, growth will be very rapid.
Sometimes people give up and think that the seed will not sprout. In fact, you just have to wait. It can germinate from 3 weeks to 3 months.
How to care for an avocado sprout
Now you know how to plant an avocado seed, but that’s not all. The sprout that has appeared must be properly looked after so that it begins to bear fruit.
Avocados are very fond of light and moisture. Place it in a well-lit place, but make sure that the direct rays of the sun do not reach the plant. Spray the leaves with a spray bottle regularly. The tree grows up very quickly. Without your help, it will simply hit the ceiling and die, and the side branches will not appear. Therefore, you need to periodically trim the top.
You need to replant the plant once a year, each time choosing a larger pot. With proper care, you can taste the first fruits in three to four years.
When you have fresh avocados, you can prepare delicious snacks, salads and other dishes from them. Such a product in the diet is extremely useful for both children and adults.