How to plant a spruce near the house on the site

How to plant a spruce near the house on the site

Every year, on the favorite holiday of all children, New Year, a lot of spruce perishes. But it is not at all necessary to destroy a tree if there is a living green beauty in the yard. Knowing the rules of planting and caring for spruce, you can create a holiday without cutting down the tree.

Experienced gardeners will tell you how to plant a fir tree and take care of it correctly.

How to plant a spruce near the house

First, you will need to choose a seedling of this evergreen beauty. There are more than forty varieties of them. They differ in height and even in the shape of the crown, there are ancient wild and decorative species, which were bred specifically for decorating courtyards, summer cottages and private estates.

Help with the choice can be directly in nurseries. For spacious yards, where the space for the development of the future prickly beauty is not limited, you can purchase a gray-blue, Engelmann spruce or an ordinary prickly tree. If you do not have a large territory or want to surprise children with a cute compact tree, the “Konika”, “Compact” or “Nana” breeds will do.

Well, when there is no opportunity to get to the store, contact the foresters in the spring or autumn. Usually they clean the rows of trees, while they have many “orphans” who are given away just like that.

When you already have a seedling, you need to choose where you plant the tree.

The degree of illumination and windiness are important here. The optimal habitat will be a place protected from the wind with good access to sunlight.

Planting should begin in September – early October. To do this, in a pre-selected place, we dig a hole corresponding to the roots of our seedling at least 60 by 80 cm in size.At the bottom we put a little broken brick or small stones to drain the earth and prevent water from stagnating. We fall asleep with a layer of soil and only then we lower our tree.

Do not deepen the roots, sprinkle them gently and water. If the tree is quite tall, secure it by tying it to one or two pegs.

How to care for spruce correctly

If the sellers tell you how to plant a spruce on the site, then you will have to take care of it yourself. In a too dry summer, it must be watered, periodically fertilized. The soil should be moist, but not wet. For the period of adaptation of the spruce to a new place, keep an eye on this. Do not neglect fertilization, for the first time it is better to do it on the second spring after planting.

In the early years, while the root system is forming, take care that the soil does not sink.

If this happens, be sure to add your Christmas tree, otherwise its roots will be weak, and it will be lethargic and unviable.

As you can see, planting a spruce is only half the battle, a young tree needs help to take root. Usually, they ate unpretentious in care, but elementary help, until it grows up and gets stronger, will become the key to successful growth and development.

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