How to plant a pumpkin in open ground with seeds

Planting pumpkin seeds in open ground is a common method that allows you to grow this crop without first forcing seedlings. This method is most suitable for cold-resistant varieties and is more often used in regions where there is no danger of spring night frosts. However, with the right approach to seed sowing technique, excellent results can be achieved even in areas with short and relatively cold summers.

When to plant a pumpkin in open ground with seeds

The timing of planting pumpkins in open ground with seeds depends on the selected variety and climatic conditions. It is important to select varieties that ripen before the onset of autumn frosts. For a good harvest, not only the average daily temperature matters, but also the duration of the summer season and the length of daylight hours.

Attention! They start planting directly on the bed when the soil at a depth of 12 cm warms up to plus 11–13 ° C.

If in the southern regions it is possible to sow a pumpkin on a plot already from the tenth of May, then for the Moscow region, the Black Earth region, the Middle Strip and other regions with similar climatic conditions, the favorable period begins from mid-May.

In the Urals and Siberia, this vegetable is usually grown by seedlings. If, nevertheless, the method of planting seeds in open ground is chosen, then for the fastest warming up of the soil, the beds should be held under the film. The most suitable days for sowing seeds in beds in these areas are from May 25 to mid-June, provided that the soil warms up to +11°C. Muscat varieties are sown from the beginning to the middle of June, if the soil temperature is not lower than +13 ° C.

In the northern regions, it is preferable to plant a pumpkin in open ground with seeds on raised beds – they warm up faster, retain heat longer and do not get warm during heavy rains.

How to plant a pumpkin in open ground with seeds

When to plant a pumpkin in the suburbs

Pumpkin feels good in the suburban areas, but its productivity directly depends on the exact observance of planting dates. If the seeds are planted outdoors too early, they can die due to low night temperatures, and if they are too late, the unripe fruits will suffer from autumn frosts. The best time for planting pumpkin seeds in a garden in the Moscow region is from May 15 to 25. If at this time there is still a danger of night frosts, then at night the beds are covered with a film.

Where can you plant a pumpkin

With relative unpretentiousness, the vegetable is very demanding on the site on which it will grow. When planning a place for a pumpkin, consider the following factors:

  • site illumination;
  • wind protection;
  • depth of groundwater;
  • soil composition;
  • precursor cultures;
  • neighbors in the garden.

Site Selection

Best of all, the pumpkin grows in areas well warmed by the sun and protected from strong winds, so it is best to plant it in the southern areas. At the same time, places with a close level of groundwater occurrence are not suitable, since the plant has a strong branched root system that penetrates deep into the soil.

For long-climbing varieties, it is desirable to allocate a spacious area, but if this is not possible, you can plant along a fence or other buildings that will serve as a vertical support for its climbing stems.

Pumpkin grows in almost any soil, but an excellent harvest can only be harvested when grown in suitable soil.

Attention! Pumpkin feels best on light loams and sandy loamy soils with neutral acidity.

Many gardeners plant a crop next to or directly on a compost heap – a pumpkin that is demanding on soil composition responds well to the nutritional value of this substrate.

The best predecessors

Pumpkin grows well after green manure – plants grown specifically to improve soil quality, as well as carrots, beets, cabbages, legumes, corn, onions, tomatoes and perennial grasses. They can also be planted after the pumpkin.

Bad predecessors are sunflowers and melons (zucchini, squash, melon, watermelon, pumpkin). These plants have common diseases with pumpkins, the pathogens of which are able to persist in the soil. The break between the cultivation of these crops and the cultivation of pumpkins should be at least 4 years. Planting them after a pumpkin is also not recommended.

Better neighbors in the garden

It is best to allocate a separate area for this vegetable away from other plants, but if necessary, you can plant legumes next to the pumpkin: peas, beans, beans.

Many gardeners make the mistake of thinking they can plant zucchini and squash side by side. As a result of cross-pollination of these similar, but different crops, fruits with low taste qualities are tied. In general, it is not recommended to plant a pumpkin next to other gourds in order to avoid mutual infection of plants with common diseases. In addition, pumpkin does not coexist well with potatoes, peppers, tomatoes and eggplants.

Soil preparation

The soil for planting is prepared in the fall: manure, humus or compost is brought in for digging at the rate of 1 bucket of organic matter per 1 sq. m area. 20 g of fertilizers of the potassium and phosphorus groups are poured into the hole. In the spring it is better to make humus. If the soil is acidic, 2 cups of lime or ash are added to the same area.

Another popular recipe for a 1 sq. m of soil: 2 buckets of humus, 1/2 bucket of sawdust, 1 glass of nitrophoska, a liter jar of ash.

Attention! It is necessary to dig the soil in autumn to a depth of at least 30–50 cm.

In the spring, the earth is harrowed and, on the eve of planting seeds, they dig a shovel onto a bayonet and spill it with boiling water.

How to germinate pumpkin seeds for planting

To properly prepare pumpkin seeds for planting, the following procedures must be carried out:

  • determination of germination;
  • seed selection;
  • disinfection (disinfection);
  • stimulation;
  • seed hardening;
  • germination.

Preliminary determination of the germination of planting material will help to accurately plan the required number of plants. To do this, germinate an arbitrary number of seeds. The more they sprouted, the higher the germination. So, if out of 30 seeds sprout 27, then the germination rate is 90%. The more planting material is taken, the more accurate the calculation result will be.

The strongest, strongest and healthiest seeds should be selected, placed in a 5% aqueous salt solution and mixed. Those that have settled to the bottom need to be collected, washed and dried – they will be the most suitable.

Further, for disinfection, the planting material is left for 20 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, washed again and dried.

Many experienced vegetable growers warm up the seeds, leaving them for 5-6 hours at a temperature of plus 50-60 ° C. This not only disinfects them, but also activates germination. Soaking the seeds in a solution of microelements and nutrients also allows to stimulate the appearance of strong, friendly shoots. Often, a solution of wood ash is used for this: 20 g of ash is dissolved in 1 liter of water. In it, the seeds are left for a day. A few more folk remedies that serve as activators are aloe juice, honey infusion and potato juice. There are also special seed spitting stimulants, which also protect future plants from diseases, for example, potassium humate, krezatsin, epin.

How to plant a pumpkin in open ground with seeds

For hardening, a change in temperature is best suited: plants are put in the refrigerator at night, and kept in a room during the day. In addition to the fact that the seeds acquire resistance to sudden changes in weather conditions, they also germinate.

Before sowing directly into the ground, it is recommended to first let the seeds hatch – this way you can get seedlings on average 2 weeks earlier. In addition to hardening, this can be achieved by simply soaking them in damp gauze. Pumpkin seeds usually germinate on the third day.

How to plant a pumpkin in open ground with seeds

In order to properly plant pumpkin seeds in the ground, you need to decide on the plant layout suitable for a particular variety and follow simple rules. Once the shells of pumpkin seeds open slightly, they are ready for planting.

Scheme of planting pumpkins in open ground

The layout of plantings depends on the variety of pumpkin. For long-climbing varieties, a distance of approximately 200×150 cm is provided between plants. Bush pumpkin plants are more compact, so they are planted according to the scheme 90×90 cm or 130×130 cm.

How to plant a pumpkin

If it was not possible to fertilize the soil with organic matter before winter, on the day of planting, a mixture of humus and wood ash is placed in the hole.

On the eve of planting the seeds, they dig holes and shed them well. The depth depends on the type of soil – on light soils it is 8–10 cm, on dense soils it is enough to deepen the seeds by 4–5 cm.

When the water is absorbed, 3-4 seeds are placed in each recess with sprouts down.

How to plant a pumpkin in open ground with seeds

After planting the seeds, the planting site is mulched with peat or humus and covered with a transparent film. This is especially true for cold northern regions.

When the first sprouts appear, the highest quality plant should be left in each hole.

Attention! Unnecessary plants are pinched rather than pulled out, as even small entrances are quickly intertwined with roots.

To date, there are many videos of author’s methods of planting pumpkin seeds in open ground, but a well-established classic procedure minimizes the risk of unpleasant surprises in growing this vegetable.

Planting pumpkins in spring in open ground

Care after landing

Further care for the pumpkin involves regular watering, loosening, weed removal, fertilizing and disease prevention. To increase the yield, the main stem of plants of long-climbing varieties is pinched, and excess female flowers are removed from bush varieties.


Planting pumpkin seeds in open ground is a convenient way to grow this vegetable. Due to less time and labor costs compared to the seedling method, it is popular with gardeners from different regions. Compliance with the rules of planting allows you to get a high yield.

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