In order for a garden of fruit trees and berry bushes to produce the maximum possible yield in terms of volume, it must be divided accordingly. How to properly plant a garden, in order to take into account all the subtleties of growing horticultural crops, will be described below.
What cultures are suitable for beginners
The first thing a novice gardener needs to determine is which trees and shrubs to plant in the garden. You need to know that here you need not only to decide on the type of plants, but also to find out if the neighborhood is acceptable between them. The fact is that some varieties, both fruit trees and berry bushes, cannot grow in close proximity to each other. This is due to the fact that plants will compete for access to nutrients in the soil. As a result, the stronger species will survive, while the weaker one will slowly dry out and soon die.
Another important point when choosing what to grow in the garden is the difficulty of caring for a particular crop. To date, breeders have bred many of the most diverse varieties of trees and shrubs. However, only some of them are considered undemanding to growing conditions and care.
A novice gardener, in order to provide himself with a plentiful and tasty harvest in the future, must choose plants for planting according to the following criteria:
- climatic conditions in which the variety should be grown. The choice depends on the weather conditions specific to the growing region;
- productivity. This parameter must be at least average;
- care requirements. Naturally, a novice gardener should stop his choice on those crops, the care of which is minimal and does not include complex agrotechnical procedures;
- frost and cold resistance. The higher these figures, the less hassle will be with the plants when preparing them for winter;
- fruit ripening period. It is better to give preference to early and mid-early species that bear fruit long before the appearance of autumn frosts. This will allow the beginner to harvest without loss.
When choosing, it is also necessary to evaluate the characteristics of the soil so that the planted seedlings do not lack nutrients. It is worth noting that in order to obtain a crop throughout the season, it is necessary to plant several varieties of the same species (for example, apple trees or pears). Moreover, take varieties with different fruit ripening periods.
Most often, beginners grow apples, pears, plums and cherries. From shrubs, you should choose gooseberries, any varieties of currants, raspberries and blackberries.
As for vegetable crops, a beginner should grow cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, herbs (dill, parsley, celery, lettuce), carrots, beans, onions and garlic.
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Site selection and preparation
To plant trees, shrubs and vegetables on your site, you must first prepare a “seat” for them. To begin with, the ground should be cleared of wild shrubs, plant debris and stumps, as well as stones and other debris. After that, the soil is plowed and dug up.
Then the area is watered to provoke the appearance of weeds. Then they are destroyed and leveled the ground. At the same time, fertilizers are applied to the soil to improve its performance. The soil can be taken for analysis to accurately determine its condition. This will allow you to figure out what fertilizer to apply.
After the actions taken, it is necessary to plan the available space, and determine where and what will grow. When the planting plan is ready, you can start planting seedlings.
We draw up a placement plan
In order to properly organize your garden, you need to zoning it and determine the place for growing fruit trees, berries and vegetables.
Zoning Basics
You need to zone the garden first on paper, where a piece of land is schematically drawn. You can plant plants on any side of the house and other buildings. However, bushes and trees are recommended to be placed from north to south. In this case, the landings will receive excellent illumination.
It is optimal when the garden consists of three zones: trees, vegetables and shrubs. They can be placed both sequentially and on different parts of the site. With joint planning, the zones look like this:
- the first is a garden;
- the second is a berry;
- the third is fruit trees. From the fence, plants should be planted at a distance of 2,5–3 m.
It is worth noting that light-loving crops (peach, pear, apple, plum, cherry) should be planted from the southwest or south side.
Orchard layout
The breakdown of the garden by fruit trees is also drawn on a piece of paper. For each culture, it is necessary to allocate about 4 square meters. m under one tree. You can not thicken the landing. The distance between plants should be 4–4,5 m, and between rows – 2,5–3 m. But if columnar varieties are grown, then the distance can be reduced.
To obtain a crop in volume for one average family, you need to plant about 1-2 trees of each variety. In this case, early, medium and late varieties should be planted in order to get a crop during most of the season. It is necessary to give preference to zoned species.
Berry planning
When forming a berry bush, the characteristics of the crops grown should be taken into account. It is important to identify neighbors here. For example, blackcurrant and gooseberry, as well as sea buckthorn with viburnum, should not grow in close proximity to each other. Such species need to be grown separately.
Some gardeners prefer to plant berry bushes along the border of their plot. This format allows you to free up the interior space of the garden for other areas (for example, recreation) or vegetable crops. However, this placement option is possible only if there is no green fence on the site.
It is important to correctly determine the density of landings. This parameter is selected for each variety and depends on the strength of plant growth. For example, raspberries are planted in dense rows with a distance of 1–1,5 m. 0,5 m of free space is maintained between the bushes.
gardening tips
Experienced gardeners when planning a garden for beginners are advised to adhere to the following rules:
- for the correct zoning of the land, it is necessary to use the plan of the acquired land. It can be obtained from the Bureau of Technical Inventory;
- when planning, it is imperative to take into account the placement of communications in the ground;
- the relief of the garden plot also needs to be taken into account. Some cultures prefer to grow in highlands, while others prefer to grow in lowlands;
- for planning an orchard, it is imperative to know the depth of groundwater;
- taking into account the direction of the wind on the site will allow you to correctly place the species that are pollinated by air masses. This can increase the yield of individual trees;
- in order for the planted plants to develop normally and bear fruit well, it is necessary to take into account the chemical index of the soil, as well as its pH.
Knowing how to plant a garden on a plot of any size and characteristics, you can grow a wide variety of crops without any problems, collecting a plentiful and, most importantly, tasty harvest from trees and shrubs.