How to plan workouts – remember

Planning training sessions is one of the most important factors determining success – achieving the training goal set for yourself. For this reason, you should spend some time developing a training plan. One of the elements that should be given special attention is the variety of training methods and means used.

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In Poland, the vast majority physically active people ‘plan’ their training on their own. Why ‘planning’? This is because only a few arrange their workouts with in advance. The vast majority of people who train systematically ‘plans’ during the warm-up or on the way to the place of their implementation. A very large group are also people who take advantage of group activities, for example, various forms of aerobics, and have no effect whatsoever on exercising by myself exercising. Only a few, usually the more experienced, they arrange their workouts in advance or get help qualified trainer.

Why should you plan?

I have met with the statement that it is not important what is done in training, only that that man moves at all. Yes, there is some truth in this, but it should be remember that workouts and exercises performed on them should strive for achieving the set training goal. Aside from the fact that incorrectly chosen exercise is as harmful as total exercise lack. Planning training sessions not only increases the effectiveness of the exercises performed, but also allows you to get the first results faster. Moreover, they are bigger and last longer. It is also worth emphasizing that the prior arrangement of the plan training allows to significantly reduce the risk of injury or trauma.

Necessary competences

It might seem like planning the training process is easy. Nothing could be more wrong. That’s why, that physical exercise affects the human body, which is extremely a complicated ‘machine’ for efficient stacking and most importantly knowledge is essential for a safe training plan. She should include such branches of science as: anatomy, physiology, sports theory, medicine sports, sports psychology and much more. It is for this reason that stacking the training plan is best entrusted to a professional – competent the coach. However, if we do not have access to it and we need to do it ourselves to create your own training plan, then special attention should be paid first all on the variety of training methods and means used.

Repeatability – yes, but in moderation

I meet more and more often with people who week after week, it even happens that for a year, do these the ‘workouts’ themselves. Most often they are very popular ‘rugs’. Is this a good solution? Definitely no! First of all, such a “training plan” is a huge burden mentally. Yes, it may happen to someone who does not have such a solution bothered, but let’s face it – there aren’t many such people. Anyway sports psychology has a negative approach to this type of solution. Also with from the point of view of physiology and sports theory, such a “training plan” is doomed to fail. Why?

Diversity – Your Key to Success

It lacks differentiation both the training measures used (carried out on the individual training sessions) as well as the training methods used (eg doing cardio exercises). Why is diversity so important? Above all the best results are achieved with a training plan that is comprehensive and a comprehensive way involves the entire body. Performing stimulating exercises only the abdominal muscles will not make us get rid of faster from it unnecessary fat. What’s more, the plan will bring better results training, in which all parts of the body will be taken into account, not only abdominal muscles (assuming both are exercising cardio). Another extremely important aspect is the phenomenon of adaptation. Under the influence of the systematic exercise of a given exercise, the body becomes over time ‘gets him used to’. In a situation where it is performed on practically everyone training is its impact on the body, and thus de facto effectiveness, in it is significantly decreasing.

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Damian Yefremienko Coach

Master of physical education with a training specialty, graduate of postgraduate studies in dietetics and nutritional counseling at the Medical University in Poznań, doctoral student at the Department of Sport Theory of the University of Physical Education in Poznań, physical recreation instructor specializing in strength exercises, would-be physiotherapist. scientific. He hates mediocrity and cursory problem solving. Personalization and a holistic approach to the patient are “obvious obvious” for him. She loves to share her knowledge and is eager to expand it. He is most interested in all issues related to the physiology of exercise. Passionate about mountain tourism and new technologies

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