How to pinch a watermelon: the importance and correctness of the procedure

Growing heat-loving watermelons in your garden, a huge number of questions arise related to the use of various agricultural practices. Not everyone knows why and how to pinch watermelons. Let’s consider this question in this article, we’ll figure out when it’s better to do it right.

Do I need to pinch

Such an exotic berry as a watermelon should grow in warm conditions or greenhouses. To warm the soil, plastic bottles buried in the garden or compacted grass can be used. Planting watermelons should not be thick, and be sure to sprinkle the ground with rotted manure. You should not plant chestnuts on dunghills, it is better to use sandy soil. But the main thing is the care and timely pinching of watermelons. This process, in fact, is the same as the stepsoning of other cultures. It will allow the fruits to ripen faster and become sweeter, juicier. It should be noted that if you are growing watermelons in a greenhouse, pinching can be omitted. It will be mandatory if you live in the northern regions of the country.

How to carry out the procedure correctly

How to pinch a watermelon: the importance and correctness of the procedure

Some believe that pinching can only harm the plant and ruin the crop. But things are quite different. By following certain rules when pinching, you contribute to a rich, large and tasty harvest. Firstly, you need to know that watermelons grow mainly on the main stem, secondary shoots must be removed immediately, otherwise the plant will give them its strength and weaken.

Secondly, only 4 ovaries should be left on the bush, some varieties allow you to grow 5-6 fruits. As the plant grows, you leave a maximum of 5 best leaves on one shoot, cut off the rest. Thirdly, when the first ovaries appear, start processing the lashes. Pinch the upper part of the whip so that a few leaves remain above the last fruit.

From the central bush, as the plant grows, stems will appear, every week you need to inspect and remove the extra ones, otherwise the fruits that you left will not grow in the form of a lack of sufficient food.

Some gardeners cover the ground at the beginning of the bush with bottles of warm water. Remember that with the beginning of the growth of watermelons, we stop the pinching procedure. The plant must gain strength. To enhance the growth of the number of leaves needed for the plant, you can pinch the shoot above the fruit. After such events, your crop of melons will be rich, large and tasty.

Video “Growing watermelon in a greenhouse”

Growing watermelons in a greenhouse

Features of care after

Pollination in watermelons occurs naturally, so bees must be provided for plants in greenhouses. And at high humidity, manually carry out pollination – a male flower. After a month, fruits will appear from such pollination. Female flowers appear in the axil of the leaf on the main shoot, based on the precocity of the variety. Flowers in early varieties will appear in the axils from 4 to 11 leaves, in late varieties from 20 to 25 leaves.

When the watermelons grow the size of a walnut, it is preferable to tie them up in nets or put, for example, glass under each. This way the fruit will not rot from the ground. It is useful to fertilize with complex fertilizer every 10 days. You can use liquid mullein in a ratio of 1:8 or chicken 1:20. During the growth period of the bush, superphosphate is perfect. When the ovary appears, phosphorus-potassium top dressing is necessary.

How to pinch a watermelon: the importance and correctness of the procedure

Despite the long root of the watermelon, which gives it the ability to grow in dry climates, the bushes should be watered sparingly, but plentifully. When flowers appear on the bushes – about 2 times a week. Important: watering when the fruits ripen must be stopped, otherwise the development of the fruits will slow down. If in your climate there are sharp temperature drops below 15 degrees, consider covering the melon with a film.

Do not rush to harvest. Large size is not yet an indicator of ripeness. Signs of ripeness of a watermelon include a particularly bright pattern on the surface of the fruit, a dry tip of the whip, and when tapping a watermelon, a dull sound is heard. From crows and partridges, you can install a scarecrow. In conclusion, I would like to note that the cultivation of watermelons is a rather painstaking and troublesome task only at the beginning of the growth of the bush. Proper care of the plant will allow you to enjoy a juicy and tasty berry.

Video “Watermelons in the middle lane”

Growing watermelons contains a huge number of different nuances and secrets, so we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information provided in the video.

Growing watermelons in the Middle Strip.

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