How to pickle russula at home

Salting mushrooms is a great way to preserve their incredible taste and their beneficial substances. There are several ways to salt russula. Proper selection of ingredients and a large number of cooking recipes allows you to get a great product of high quality.

The benefits and harms of salted russula

Harvesting russula for the winter allows you to save most of the beneficial trace elements and vitamins that are found in fresh mushrooms. Among the most important vitamins for the body, B2 and PP are distinguished. They also contain a large amount of dietary fiber and natural fiber.

Important! Russula contains russulin, an enzyme that helps coagulate milk. It is considered very important for people practicing a raw food diet.

In addition to a general strengthening effect on the body, regular consumption of salted mushrooms helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol, as well as restore normal blood pressure. Due to their low calorie content, they have gained incredible popularity in dietetics and proper nutrition.

How to pickle russula at home

Since this species is conditionally edible, improper collection or processing can cause quite serious damage to the human body. It is also important to observe the maximum serving size per day – no more than 150 g. Doctors believe that this is the maximum dose that the gastrointestinal tract can process. Children under 7 years of age are not allowed to use this product.

Preparing russula for salting

To properly pickle a fresh product, it is important to carefully consider the preparation of all ingredients. You need to collect the right russula. About 20 species are found in the forests of Our Country and the post-Soviet space. To prevent the finished product from being bitter after salting at home, you should avoid collecting russula with red and pink hats. It is believed that the most delicious specimens have a blue-green or yellowish-brown hat.

Important! Since mushrooms are quite fragile, they must be handled very carefully.

First you need to sort through all the collected fruiting bodies and carefully sort them out. If the hat has even minimal rot damage or traces of insect activity, it is better to refuse to use such specimens. Next, the mushrooms are sorted by color and size.

Before salting the russula, it is necessary to clean them of dirt. It is best to put them in a small bowl and fill them with water for a couple of hours – after such a procedure, cleaning will be much easier. If desired, you can remove the films from the hats – this will not change the taste of the finished product, but its appearance will improve significantly.

How much to soak russula before salting

Depending on the variety, mushrooms can be bitter. To get rid of this unpleasant trait, housewives and experienced mushroom pickers advise soaking them in water for a while. This procedure is especially important before the hot salting method – since the cooking time for russula is shorter, it is important to get rid of bitterness, which simply does not have time to be removed in a fairly short period of heat treatment.

How to pickle russula at home

Before salting the fruiting bodies, they are put in a large wooden bucket or enameled pan and poured with water. It is important that the liquid completely covers them. Experts believe that the optimal soaking time is 12-24 hours. Every 6 hours it is necessary to completely change the water in the tank.

Is it possible to salt russula without boiling

Most doctors advise additional heat treatment before salting, marinating, or frying mushrooms. So you can get rid of harmful substances that accumulate in the fruiting bodies. Despite the obviousness of this approach, russula is quite sensitive to heat treatment.

Important! A 15-minute boil completely deprives the russula of their delicious taste and mushroom aroma.

To deliciously pickle russula at home, they should be boiled for several minutes, so additional time in boiling water can deprive the finished product of splendor. It is best to hold them a little longer in water or a weak saline solution before hot salting – this will improve the taste and make them more dense and crispy.

Is it possible to salt russula with other mushrooms

It is believed that cooking a mushroom platter in hot salting can allow you to combine several different flavors, so you can get a great delicacy. An ideal example is the combination of boletus and oil, as well as black and white mushrooms.

Russula, due to its peculiarities, is recommended to be salted separately. The point is rather fast cooking – the rest of the representatives of this kingdom require much more time in boiling water with hot salting. Another factor against combining can be incorrect primary processing – russula can transfer their bitterness to other ingredients.

How to salt russula for the winter

The history of this type of preparation goes back in history for many centuries. Even in ancient Our Country, these mushrooms were harvested on a fairly large scale. Salting was considered one of the most sought after processing methods. Also, for each of the known varieties, it is recommended to salt according to a certain method.

How to pickle russula at home

Among the most popular salting methods are cold and hot. Each of them has its own time-tested and a huge number of recipes of dignity. Moreover, each of the methods differs not only in the speed of preparation, but also in the final taste of the finished product. The easiest way to salt russula is the hot method.

How to pickle russula hot

To obtain a delicate product with a delicate spicy taste, it is recommended to use heat treatment. Salting russula using the hot method at home is considered the fastest way – traditionally, the product is ready within 6-8 days after the start of salting. It is the speed of cooking that is one of the most important arguments in favor of salting in this way.

Russula, processed and pre-soaked in water, is laid out in a boiling saline solution. To get the perfect salt balance, 45-50 g of table salt is added to each liter of liquid. Mushrooms are boiled for 5 to 8 minutes, constantly removing the resulting foam. Ready russula is thrown into a colander to drain excess water.

Important! To avoid damage to the caps during intensive cooking, you can put the mushrooms in a deep colander and simply dip it into boiling water.

Mushrooms are salted in enamel pots, glass jars or wooden buckets. At the bottom of the container spread herbs and spices. Then they put a layer of the main ingredient on them and generously sprinkle it with salt. The layers are alternated, then additionally sprinkled with spices on top. To salt the whole mass faster, it is put under oppression and sent to a cool place. A week later, the dish is ready to eat.

How to pickle russula in a cold way

Unlike the hot method, the cold method is more time consuming. To salt mushrooms in this way traditionally takes one to two months. At the same time, the taste of the finished product can be significantly inferior to that prepared using hot salting technology.

To salt in a cold way, you need to take a large container. Russula is laid out in layers in it, sprinkling each of them with plenty of salt and spices. Cooking occurs due to the release of mushroom juice and oppression.

Recipes for salting russula in a jar

Salting russula using the hot method is the most traditional way of cooking. Among the recipes, one can single out both the classic method and rather unusual approaches – the preparation of lightly salted mushrooms and dry salting. You can salt them for long-term winter storage, or you can cook a quick delicacy and consume it immediately after the end of fermentation.

Also, a large number of recipes involve the use of additional ingredients. Among the most commonly used additives are dill, horseradish, cilantro, cherry leaves and mint. There are more rare recipes with the addition of bird cherry, ginger root and fern leaves.

The classic recipe for salted russula for the winter

To salt russula for the winter in this way, you need a minimum set of ingredients. This will allow you to get a clean mushroom taste and delicate aroma. To prepare such a dish you will need:

  • 1 kg russula;
  • 4 Art. l salts;
  • 10 peas of sweet pepper;
  • several branches of dill;
  • sunflower oil;
  • 2 bay leaf.

Pre-soaked mushrooms are sent to salted boiling water for 8 minutes. They must be constantly stirred and remove the gathering scale. After that, they are thrown into a colander.

How to pickle russula at home

Dill and bay leaf are laid out at the bottom of glass jars, a mushroom layer is placed on it, which is sprinkled with salt and a few peas of allspice. It is necessary to tamp the contents of the jar. Then add 1 tbsp to each. l. sunflower oil. After that, the banks are rolled up and sent for storage.

Salted russula recipe

Many people do not like too much salt in the finished dish, so there is a way to salt the mushrooms with less concentration. The salting process involves the use of aromatic ingredients to produce a more interesting taste. To prepare 1 kg of salted russula according to a quick recipe, you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. l. table salt;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 20 peas of sweet pepper;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • Bay leaf.

Pour all the salt into boiling water and stir it until completely dissolved. Mushrooms are laid out in such a saline solution and boiled for about 8-12 minutes. During this time, they will soak and be ready for further processing.

How to pickle russula at home

In a separate bowl, mix pepper, chopped garlic, dill and bay leaves. This mixture is combined with boiled mushrooms and laid out in jars. Each jar is tightly covered with a lid and sent to a cool place. The finished dish is not very salty, but it has a delicious aroma.

How to salt russula with dry salting

To properly salt the russula in a dry way, you need to get rid of moisture as much as possible during cooking. It is also not recommended to add liquid ingredients – brine and vegetable oil. To prepare such a dish you will need:

  • 2 kg russula;
  • 150 g salt;
  • dill sprigs;
  • black peppercorns;
  • currant leaves.

Soaked mushrooms are boiled for 5-7 minutes in slightly salted boiling water. Then they are thrown into a colander and mixed well so that the glass is all the moisture. Several leaves of blackcurrant are placed in each jar, they are laid out in layers of russula, sprinkling each of the layers with plenty of salt.

How to pickle russula at home

Important! In this recipe, it is not recommended to tightly tamp the ingredients. This will avoid excessive formation of mushroom juice.

Each jar is covered with gauze folded into several parts and sent to the basement for ripening. After 2 weeks, the dish will be ready. Before use, it is recommended to wash off a large amount of salt with running water.

Spicy salty russula for the winter in jars

Fans of spicy snacks can pickle the main ingredient with the addition of a large amount of hot spices. The taste of the finished product will delight fans of savory dishes. To salt 1 kg of russula in this way, you will need:

  • 2 small chili peppers;
  • 3 Art. l salts;
  • 5 bay leaves.

How to pickle russula at home

The main ingredient is boiled in boiling water for 10 minutes. After that, it is laid out in layers in jars, sprinkling each layer with salt and chopped chili pepper, bay leaf. You can adjust the final spiciness of the dish by reducing or increasing the amount of hot pepper. The ingredients are tightly packed, after which the jars are closed with lids and sent for further ripening and storage.

How to salt russula for the winter in jars with bird cherry

If you salt the main ingredient in this way, its taste will take on a slight shade of balsamic vinegar and a delicate floral aroma. It is believed that this cooking option is best suited for fragrant homemade liqueurs. For the recipe you need:

  • 1 kg russula;
  • 20 g of bird cherry;
  • 3-4 century l. salt;
  • 10 peas of allspice.

How to pickle russula at home

To salt mushrooms using this technology, they are boiled for 5-10 minutes. Salt, a little bird cherry and a couple of peppercorns are laid out at the bottom of the jars. Half of the russulas are placed on this mixture with their caps up and they are well salted. Then spread the remaining half, which is covered with salt, pepper and bird cherry berries on top.

Salted russula with cilantro and mint

If you salt mushrooms using this technology, you can get an incredible snack, the taste and aroma of which will not leave indifferent any gourmet. Mint and cilantro give the dish a special astringency and piquancy. To salt 1 kg of the main ingredient, you will need:

  • beam cilantro;
  • a few sprigs of mint;
  • 4 Art. l salts;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 sprigs of tarragon.

How to pickle russula at home

Grind greens and garlic and mix with salt until smooth. Russula is boiled for 8 minutes, constantly removing the scale that has formed. They are laid out in layers in sterilized jars. Each layer is salted with a fragrant mixture, all ingredients are rammed. Banks are closed with nylon lids and sent to a cool place.

Salted russula with cumin and oak leaves

Adding oak leaves to the recipe allows you to give the dish an extra tart note and a noble aroma. Cumin also enhances the taste of the finished product, allowing the main ingredient to reach its full potential. To salt 1 kg of russula, you will need:

  • 10-15 oak leaves;
  • 1 tsp caraway seeds;
  • 4 tbsp. l. table salt;
  • 10-15 allspice peas.

How to pickle russula at home

At the bottom of a 3 liter jar lay half of the oak leaves. Russula boiled for 10 minutes are placed on them in layers. They are salted, sprinkled with cumin and allspice. The last layer is covered with the remaining half of the oak leaves. Banks are rolled up under the lids and sent to ripen in a cool place.

How to pickle russula for the winter in jars with ginger

Salting mushrooms with ginger is a great way to make a delicious appetizer. The fragrant root gives the dish a unique astringency and delicate aroma. To prepare such a delicacy you will need:

  • 1 kg russula;
  • 2 tsp dried ground ginger;
  • 2 tsp dried garlic;
  • 80 g salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 5 bay leaves.

How to pickle russula at home

Pre-soaked mushrooms are boiled for 10 minutes over medium heat, then discarded in a colander to remove excess liquid. Then they are transferred to a large container, salted, ginger, garlic, sugar and bay leaf are added. The mixture is infused for 1-2 hours, then laid out in pre-prepared jars. They are rolled up under covers and sent to a cool place for a couple of weeks.

Hot salted russula with cherry leaves

Cherry leaves add a subtle fruity flavor to the dish. Excellent taste will not leave indifferent any gourmet. To prepare 1 kg of salted russula according to this recipe, you will need:

  • 3 art. l. coarse salt;
  • 8 cherry leaves;
  • Xnumx buds clove;
  • 1 tsp peppercorns.

How to pickle russula at home

The water is lightly salted and the mushrooms are boiled in it for 8-10 minutes, after which the water is drained from them. They are laid out in a large saucepan, salted and mixed with pepper and cloves. Half of the cherry leaves are laid out at the bottom of the jar, then a mixture of the main ingredient with spices. The remaining leaves are placed on top of it. Banks are tightly sealed and sent for storage.

Unusual hot salting of russula with horseradish and fern leaves

The use of fragrant leaves is widespread in cooking. Horseradish and fern allows you to get a delicious snack with a bright aroma and great taste. To pickle 1 kg of russula using this method, you will need:

  • 2 large fern leaves;
  • 2 horseradish leaves;
  • 4 Art. l salts;
  • 1 st. l. black peppercorns.

How to pickle russula at home

The bottom of a large enamel pot is lined with fern and horseradish leaves. They are lightly salted, after which half of the russula boiled for 8-10 minutes is laid on top. They are also generously sprinkled with salt and peppercorns. After that, lay out the second half of the main ingredient and cover it with fragrant leaves on top. The dish is put under oppression for 7-10 days in a cool place. After that, the finished product is laid out in banks and sent for long-term storage.

How to quickly pickle russula at home

When you want to get the perfect snack as quickly as possible, you can use a few tricks to speed up the salting of russula. To get salty quick-cooking russula in a hot way, it is best to use additional oppression. Also, to speed up the readiness, it is recommended not to lay out the main ingredient in layers, but to mix it together with seasonings and spices in a large container.

Important! If you mix the mushrooms with salt and put them under oppression, you can speed up the cooking process twice. Instead of 1-2 weeks, it will take 4-6 days to prepare.

If you need to speed up the cooking process even more, you can use one tricky trick. It will require sunflower oil and vinegar. Boiled 10 minutes of russula are spread on a hot frying pan and fried with plenty of salt, chopped spices and 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar. Thanks to frying, the mushrooms will instantly absorb all the salt. This method will allow you to enjoy an excellent snack on the same day.

After what time can you eat salted russula

Depending on which recipe to salt the russula, the time of their readiness from the moment they are placed in the jar can vary significantly. The minimum time for preparing a classic snack is 4-6 days in the case of mixing in salt and using oppression. More classic cooking options involve salting for 1 to 2 weeks in a cool place.

Also an important circumstance is the amount of salt and the size of its grinding. Fine salt penetrates the mushroom structure much faster. At the same time, fine grinding can cause excessive saltiness of the finished snack. It is best to use the coarsest possible salt – the mushrooms will absorb as much as needed, although the period of their salting will stretch up to 2-3 weeks.

Salted russula calories

If you salt these mushrooms according to the classic recipe, you can get a great diet dish. Its low calorie content and relatively high protein content guarantee a worthy place in nutrition programs. 100 g of the finished product contains:

  • proteins – 1,7 g;
  • fats – 0,7 g;
  • carbohydrates – 1,5 g;
  • calories – 15 kcal.

The presented table of energy value is typical only for a recipe using mushrooms and salt. Adding more high-calorie elements changes the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For example, adding sunflower oil to a recipe will significantly increase its calorie content.

Terms and conditions of storage

Like any other wild mushroom preparation, salted russula should be kept in a dark, cool place. It is better if the temperature in such a room does not exceed 6-8 degrees. The ideal place in this case is a basement in a private house or a cellar in a summer cottage.

A large amount of salt used in recipes guarantees a long shelf life. Tightly sealed jars of salted mushrooms can easily last 1 to 2 years under the right conditions. However, it is best to consume them before the new crop of russula appears.


Salting russula hot is a great way to get a great snack for the dinner table. In combination with additional ingredients, you can get a gourmet dish that all family members will appreciate. The finished dish can be used both as an independent snack and as an addition to more complex culinary masterpieces.

Hot salted russula. Detailed story.

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