Fish with such a name as trout, in fact, does not exist, because this term denotes a whole family of salmon fish. These fish are famous not only for tender and high-calorie meat, but also for amazingly tasty caviar, which is popularly called red. To salt salmon caviar at home, you need to know a few subtleties.
How to pickle red salmon caviar
Caviar is not only a delicious delicacy, but also a very useful product, rich in proteins and minerals, lecithin, vitamins, as well as phosphorus and iron. People who consume caviar recover faster from illness, wounds heal before our eyes, because the caviar protein is actively involved in the construction of new cells, and also maintains the required level of hemoglobin.
You can salt trout caviar at home, as long as the product is fresh. The difficulty will arise not with salting, but with cleaning the caviar. In the belly of the fish, the caviar is in a film – the ovary, which is not easy to get rid of. Heat water in a large saucepan to a temperature that your hands can tolerate. Dip the eggs there and with your fingers, being careful not to pierce the eggs, clean them off the surface. It is undesirable to make cuts, the film can be stretched with your fingers.
It is very convenient if there is a sieve or colander in the pan, then the caviar will fall on the net, and it will be easier for you to get it out and rinse it later.
Rinse the caviar under cold running water and place it in a bowl where it will be salted. In a separate bowl, combine 5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar per kilogram of caviar. Sprinkle the mixture over the caviar, cover, and leave to salt for 15–20 minutes. After that, the product can be laid out in glass jars and sent to the refrigerator. In the morning you can treat your household.
Stir the caviar every 5 minutes, then it will be salted evenly, and the salt will dissolve completely
Caviar can be salted in water. Make a saturated salt solution: dissolve 0,5 cups of coarse salt without iodine per liter of water and bring to a boil. The density of the solution can be checked using raw potatoes: if it floats up in the solution, then there is enough salt, sinking – add more salt. Cool the solution, add 1-2 teaspoons of sugar and place the caviar in the liquid so that it is completely hidden by the water.
As oppression, you can use a half-filled sachet of water. He will not crush the eggs and will not allow them to float. After an hour, the spark must be thrown onto a sieve, drip a little oil and put in jars.
Salt solution for salting caviar is called brine
When eating your own salted trout caviar, do not neglect its meat. Trout is rich in polyunsaturated acids, which enhance mental activity, and omega-3 acids, and they have been proven to relieve depression, remove toxins, stabilize hormones, blood cholesterol levels, etc.
You will read about the Seafood Salad Recipe in the next article.