How to pickle cabbage under iron lids

The preparation of jars and their twisting with iron lids will help to extend the shelf life of homemade blanks. For pickling, cabbage of medium or late ripening is used.

Glass jars are chosen with a capacity of one, two or three liters. They are sterilized in the oven or microwave for 5-7 minutes. As a result, pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. Another option is to pasteurize the jars. Then the filled containers are immersed in a container with boiling water for 10-20 minutes, taking into account the volume.

Pickled Cabbage Recipes

Pickled cabbage for the winter under iron lids can be rolled up in combination with other seasonal vegetables. Most recipes involve the use of brine, in which vegetables are salted.

How to pickle cabbage under iron lids

Traditional way

The classic version of cabbage pickling involves the use of marinade. This appetizer is prepared according to a specific recipe:

  1. A medium-sized fork of cabbage is cut in half, removing damaged and dirty leaves. The stalk is also removed, and the head of cabbage should be finely chopped.
  2. One bay leaf and black pepper (4 pcs.) are placed at the bottom of a glass jar.
  3. To get the marinade, put a container of water on the fire, add 50 g of salt and 150 g of sugar. For conservation, it is also necessary to pour 2 tbsp. l. vinegar. When the water boils, remove the container from the heat.
  4. Pour the chopped vegetables with the cooled brine. Within 4 days, the pickling process takes place. It is not necessary to close the jars with lids, since active fermentation occurs.
  5. At the end of the required period, jars are prepared for sterilization. Its duration is 30 minutes.
  6. The cabbage is transferred to jars, after which they are twisted with iron lids.
  7. The containers are turned over, after which they are covered with a warm blanket.

How to pickle cabbage under iron lids

Recipe with carrots

Another classic option for cooking pickled cabbage involves the use of carrots. The recipe below allows you to roll the pickles into a 3 liter jar:

  1. A cabbage head (2 kg) is removed from damaged leaves and chopped.
  2. Two carrots are grated or chopped in a blender.
  3. Garlic must be peeled to get individual cloves.
  4. All components are mixed and placed in a jar. The mixture does not need to be compacted.
  5. The jar is poured with boiling water for 15 minutes.
  6. The water drained from the jar is again put on the stove, a glass of sugar and a couple of tablespoons of salt are dissolved. As spices choose cloves and black pepper (8 pcs.).
  7. For 3 minutes, the marinade is boiled, after which 40 g of vegetable oil and 30 g of vinegar must be added to it.
  8. The container is filled with hot brine, after which it is rolled up.

How to pickle cabbage under iron lids

Apples recipe

Another way to get delicious pickled cabbage for the winter is to use apples of any sour variety. The cooking procedure can be divided into several stages:

  1. A head of cabbage weighing 2,5 kg is chopped into small straws.
  2. Apples (10 pcs.) Must be cut into several pieces, removing the seeds.
  3. The components are mixed, and a glass of sugar, 50 g of salt, a little dill seeds, black and allspice are added.
  4. The mixture is covered with a plate and left for 2 hours.
  5. Put a pot of water on the stove to boil. 0,2 kg of granulated sugar and 40 ml of vinegar are taken per liter of liquid.
  6. Marinade is poured into jars by a quarter of the volume, then the prepared mixture is placed in them.
  7. The jars are then placed in a basin of hot water for pasteurization. Liter jars hold for half an hour, with a larger volume of containers, this period of time increases.
  8. Sterilized jars are closed with lids and removed for the winter.

sweet pepper recipe

Sweet pepper is a component of most homemade preparations. When it is added, the snack acquires a sweetish taste.

The order of preparation of pickled vegetables in this case is as follows:

  1. The cabbage head is finely chopped into strips.
  2. Bulgarian pepper (6 pcs.) Must be cleaned of seeds and cut into half rings.
  3. Chopped vegetables are mixed in a common container.
  4. Then you need to chop a bunch of fresh parsley.
  5. Marinade for snacks is prepared by boiling 0,5 l of water, in which 200 g of granulated sugar and 120 g of salt are dissolved. Then you need to add 100 ml of vinegar and 60 ml of vegetable oil to the brine.
  6. The resulting marinade is poured over the vegetable mass and left for 2 hours.
  7. After this period of time, the jars are sterilized, and vegetables are placed in them.

Prescription without sterilization

Pickled cabbage for the winter can be obtained without heat treatment of cans. With this method, the preparation of pickles takes place in several stages:

  1. The cabbage head is finely chopped into strips.
  2. Grate 0,5 kg of carrots.
  3. Sweet pepper (0,4 kg) should be de-seeded and cut into half rings.
  4. Two onions are also chopped in half rings.
  5. Prepared components are laid out in jars.
  6. Put a pan with 2 liters of water on the fire.
  7. After boiling water, pour vegetables, which are left for 15 minutes.
  8. Then the water is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil again. Hot brine is poured over the vegetable mass again, left for 10 minutes and the liquid is drained.
  9. At the third boiling of water, add 3 tsp. granulated sugar and 2 tsp. salt. Additionally, allspice (5 pcs.) And bay leaf (2 pcs.) Are used.
  10. Now the vegetables are covered with metal lids, turned over and placed under a warm blanket. The cooled banks are transferred to a permanent storage place.

How to pickle cabbage under iron lids

Pickled cabbage chunks

It is not necessary to finely chop the cabbage to get delicious homemade preparations. The head of cabbage can be cut into several large pieces, which will save time on cooking.

With this approach, you can pickle cabbage in the following way:

  1. Several heads of cabbage with a total weight of 2 kg are cut randomly to make large pieces. The thickness of the pieces is about 5 cm.
  2. Garlic (5 cloves) must be passed through the press.
  3. To obtain a marinade for two liters of water, use 2 tbsp. l. salt and sugar. At the boiling stage, add 100 ml of vinegar. Bay leaf (1 pc.), Peppercorns (6 pcs.), Dill seeds (1 tsp) are taken as spices.
  4. Cabbage and garlic are placed in containers, after which they are filled with hot marinade.
  5. The jars are sterilized for 40 minutes, after which they are closed with lids.

How to pickle cabbage under iron lids

Beetroot recipe

When using beets, the blanks become sweeter in taste. You can prepare pickled vegetables as follows:

  1. First, cabbage (1 head) is cut into strips, which is placed in a deep container in one layer.
  2. Then you need to cut the beets into thin bars and lay them on top of the cabbage.
  3. Grate carrots, which are also placed in a container.
  4. Peel two garlic heads, finely chop the cloves and add to the existing vegetables.
  5. From above it is necessary to pour 750 g of granulated sugar and 50 g of salt.
  6. The container with vegetables is left for 2,5 hours.
  7. For brine, you need to boil a liter of water, dissolve 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 4 tbsp. l. vinegar and 120 ml of vegetable oil. Be sure to put a little spice in the liquid to taste.
  8. The marinade is boiled for 15 minutes, constantly stirring it.
  9. Then they are poured with a vegetable mixture for a day.
  10.  After the specified time, the vegetables are laid out in sterilized jars, which are twisted with iron lids.

How to pickle cabbage under iron lids

Acute appetizer

Fans of spicy food will love the appetizer, which includes horseradish and hot peppers. The recipe for spicy cabbage for the winter includes the following steps:

  1. First, cabbage is chopped in an arbitrary way, which will require 2 kg.
  2. Garlic (1 head) and horseradish (2 roots) are rubbed on a fine grater after cleaning.
  3. Hot pepper cut into rings. You can leave the seeds in the pepper, then the appetizer will become even spicier.
  4. The components are mixed and placed in jars.
  5. Then they move on to peeling the beets, which are cut into strips.
  6. To obtain a marinade per liter of water, 1/4 cup of salt and sugar is required.
  7. After boiling the liquid, you need to add beets, bay leaves, 5 pieces of allspice. The mixture must be boiled for 5 minutes over low heat.
  8. Hot brine must be carefully poured into jars of cabbage and covered with iron lids.
  9. Half an hour is allotted for pasteurization of the blanks, then a tablespoon of vinegar is added to each jar and twisted with lids.

How to pickle cabbage under iron lids

Recipe with tomatoes and peppers

To prepare pickled cabbage according to this recipe, you will need tomatoes, peppers and celery. The process of obtaining homemade blanks includes a number of stages:

  1. Two cabbage forks thinly sliced.
  2. Four onions and six bell peppers need to be cut into half rings. First you need to remove the seeds from the peppers.
  3. Tomatoes are cut into rings.
  4. Carrots (3 pcs.) Rubbed on a grater.
  5. All chopped vegetables are combined in one container and infused for half an hour. At the same time, 100 g of sugar and 60 g of salt are added to the mixture.
  6. Then it is laid out in jars that have undergone sterilization, and poured with the secreted juice.
  7. Glass containers are closed with lids and sent for storage.

How to pickle cabbage under iron lids

green tomato recipe

You can roll cabbage with tomatoes that have not yet ripened. The recipe for cabbage for the winter with green tomatoes is as follows:

  1. The cabbage head is divided into several large parts.
  2. The resulting vegetables are placed in a basin and sprinkled with salt. Oppression is placed on top for 30 minutes. After the specified time, the cabbage must be mashed with your hands and once again put oppression for 20 minutes.
  3. Two carrots and two beets are rubbed on a coarse grater.
  4. Dill and parsley should be finely chopped.
  5. Vegetables and herbs are added to the cabbage, mixed and again placed under the load for one hour.
  6. During this time, green tomatoes (1 kg) are cut into slices.
  7. Tomatoes, chopped garlic (1 head) and other vegetables are placed in a jar.
  8. For the marinade, boil water, where rock salt is added (2 tablespoons per liter).

    How to pickle cabbage under iron lids

  9. The brine left over from the cabbage is poured into a jar, which is then filled with hot marinade.
  10. In each jar you need to add 45 g of vinegar.
  11. The blanks are twisted with iron lids. Vegetables are pickled for a week, after which they are completely ready for use.

Vegetable mix

You can get assorted vegetables for the winter by combining a variety of vegetables: cabbage, zucchini, beets, green beans.

According to this recipe, the cooking procedure is divided into the following stages:

  1. Half a cabbage head without a stalk should be finely chopped.
  2. A small zucchini is peeled and seeds are removed. If a fresh vegetable is used, then you can immediately start cutting it. Zucchini needs to be cut into bars.
  3. Two bell peppers are de-seeded and cut into half rings.
  4. Onions in the amount of two heads must be peeled and chopped into half rings.
  5. Beets (3 pcs.) And carrots (2 pcs.) Cut into strips.
  6. Garlic cloves (4 pcs.) Must be passed through the press.
  7. Prepared vegetables are placed in layers in glass jars. Optionally, you can use green beans (8 pcs.).
  8. For the marinade, put a container of water on the fire, add a tablespoon of sugar and half a tablespoon of salt. Pour a teaspoon of vinegar into the finished marinade.
  9. Containers with vegetables are filled with hot brine, which are sterilized for half an hour in a pot of boiling water.
  10.  After sterilization, the jars are closed with iron lids, turned over and wrapped in a warm blanket.


Cabbage is one of the main components of homemade preparations. It is pickled with carrots, apples, peppers, tomatoes. In order for jars of pickled vegetables to stand all winter, they are first subjected to heat treatment. The vegetable mixture is placed in prepared containers, which is poured with marinade. Twist the jars with iron lids.

Cabbage for the Winter in the Bank

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