How to peel walnuts from shells and partitions at home

How to peel walnuts from shells and partitions at home

How to peel walnuts from shells and partitions at home

As children, we absolutely did not think about how to peel walnuts or the same hazelnuts correctly: I found a nut that I liked, hit it with something heavy, and now a tasty nucleolus is already in the palm of my hand. Unfortunately, in the conditions of modern city apartments, this method of peeling nuts from the husk is hardly suitable. So we have to invent ways to peel a walnut at home was not only easy, but also as safe as possible.

How to quickly clear

Answering the question of how to quickly peel walnuts, many people prefer to do it the good old way: simply by cracking the shell, using a kitchen knife or ordinary household scissors.How to peel walnuts from shells and partitions at home

This method of peeling walnuts is not only not very correct, but also traumatic: by pressing slightly harder, you can injure your hands or damage the blade of the tool used. It’s much better to play it safe and try one or more of the following cleaning methods:

  • you can free the walnuts from the shell with boiling water. How to do it right? You need to put them in a deep container and pour boiling water for 10 minutes. After the specified time, the water is drained, and the nuts are left to cool. After such processing, you can resort to a knife: the peel will easily diverge;
  • Another option for peeling walnuts is to use pliers. True, it is better to use this method in cases where it is necessary to process several nuts;
  • dry heat treatment in the oven. The product purified in this way, in addition, will also acquire a pleasant taste. How to clean the product using the oven? It’s not difficult at all: you need to heat the oven well and send the fruits laid out on the sheet into it for 10 minutes. Such a short time is enough for the nut shell to become brittle and pliable. To finally release the kernels, it is better to use a hammer.How to peel walnuts from shells and partitions at home

That’s all the simple, but certainly effective ways to properly remove the shell from nut kernels. But that’s not all: then you need to clean the kernels from the husk covering them – a thin skin that can be easily removed from a young fruit, but the processing of those kernels that have already lain a little will require much more effort.

Video “Quick cleaning method”

From the video you will learn how to quickly peel nuts.

how to quickly peel walnuts

Removing the husk from nuts

Many people think that there is no answer to the question of how to quickly peel a walnut kernel from the husk: you need to monotonously process each kernel separately. In fact, this is not true at all. There are several ways that allow you to get rid of the skin without much hassle:

  • with the help of boiling water and a canvas bag: the selected nuts are put in a bag, rubbed well, then put in a bowl, poured with boiling water for several minutes. Then the procedure should be repeated. Such manipulations will not only completely clean the kernels, but will return them to a pleasant milky taste;How to peel walnuts from shells and partitions at home
  • the second method involves dry heat treatment: the nuts must be roasted in a dry frying pan, carefully making sure that the product does not burn. Partially the husk will come off during processing, and the one that remains will be easily removed without the slightest effort.

Culinary experts agree that using methods with heating in the oven or in a pan is more preferable: such products are stored longer, they are less likely to be affected by pests, and heat treatment has a positive effect on taste.

In addition, you can easily determine the quality of the kernels at the processing stage: nuts of poor quality or with signs of spoilage will emit an unpleasant smell of mustiness or rot. It is better to throw away such specimens immediately without regrets – eating them is dangerous to health. But a high-quality, healthy nut will open in a new way, and it will become even tastier, more nutritious and healthier!

Choose your own way of peeling nuts, and enjoy your meal!

Video “Getting rid of husks and partitions”

From the video you will learn how to quickly clean a nut from everything unnecessary.

Walnut partitions

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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