How to peel pine nuts at home: interesting ways

There is hardly a person who does not know the beneficial properties, as well as the excellent taste of pine nuts. But we all also know how difficult it is to peel the cherished kernels from the shell. Before you start peeling pine nuts in the most traditional way with your own teeth, let’s try to figure out how to crack pine nuts without harm to your own health.


To clean pine nuts on an industrial scale, a special machine is used to clean pine nuts from the shell. Such a vacuum crusher makes it possible to quickly peel the kernels from the shell, preserving not only the shape of the nut itself, but even without compromising its nutritional properties. How to peel pine nuts at home: interesting waysBut you need to buy such a product only in cases where you are going to use the kernels in the coming days – a peeled nut has a short shelf life. But still, it is much better if the pine nut is cleaned immediately before use, so it retains all its nutritional and healing properties better.

The first step is to collect the pine nuts, that is, free the seeds from the cones. To do this, the plucked cone needs to be twisted and crushed in the hands, the nuts will fall out of the grooves on their own. Then it’s up to you to decide how to peel pine nuts with a hammer, split them with pliers, or even use nail scissors. But it is important not to overdo it with efforts so as not to destroy the nucleolus.

Pre-drying the grains in the oven greatly simplifies the process: they are laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet, and sent for three minutes to a well-heated oven. Once the nuts have cooled, the shells will come off much easier.

Video “Benefit and harm”

From the video you will learn what the benefits or harms of pine nuts can be.

Pine nuts: benefits and contraindications

Cleaning methods

There are several ways to solve the problem of how to peel pine nuts from the shell. The most common option remains the mechanical method. You can quickly get the kernels using an ordinary rolling pin: still frozen seeds are placed on plastic wrap, covered with another layer, and rolled with a rolling pin, pressing lightly. The released kernels are freed from debris and left to finally defrost.How to peel pine nuts at home: interesting ways

Another option for peeling small pine nuts yourself at home is with pliers and a small hammer. Pliers will be needed to gently fix the grain, due to its small size, it is not safe to do this by hand. The main subtlety of how to properly peel pine nuts is not its absolute breaking: you only need to pierce the shell, and only then carefully remove its remains with your hands. The main thing is not to damage the nucleolus.

And yet, many people prefer to peel nuts the old fashioned way – with their own teeth. At the same time, even the risk of damage to tooth enamel and the probable loss of a tooth does not scare them at all, it’s all about the pleasure of the process. As the saying goes, if you really want to, then you can do it. The main thing is to soak the grains for a while in warm water, thanks to this, the shell softens a little, and the process of releasing the kernels will be easier.How to peel pine nuts at home: interesting ways

In principle, all of the above cleaning methods are suitable for processing not only cedar fruits: hazelnuts or almonds can be cleaned according to a similar principle.

By choosing the most suitable option for yourself, you can always provide yourself and your family with fresh, healthy and tasty nuts, and not buy already peeled, often useless kernels in the nearest supermarket.

If, nevertheless, the purchase of the finished product cannot be avoided, try to choose properly packaged nuts, with the marking contained on the packaging, production date, shelf life and storage recommendations. It is strongly not recommended to buy pine nuts by weight.

Video “How to clean”

From the video you will learn how easy it is to peel nuts at home.

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