How to Peel a Pomegranate Quickly and Easily

Some fruits and vegetables naturally have odd textures or oddly shaped rinds that must be removed before the pulp can be enjoyed. Peeling a pomegranate is pretty easy. There are many ways and life hacks that allow you to do this most masterfully.

How to easily open a pomegranate fruit

Peeling this fruit from the skin initially seems an incredibly difficult task. Most often, people are faced with juice flying in all directions, staining their hands and clothes. However, there are a few simple rules that allow you to properly clean the pomegranate:

  1. Selection of suitable fruits. With the same dimensions, a ripe pomegranate will be much heavier. The peel must be dry and free of signs of damage and mold.
  2. Before cutting, it is important to check the sharpness of the knife. An under-sharpened blade will have difficulty slicing through tough skins and may damage the beans due to the increased pressure applied.
  3. For easier separation of the grains, you can lightly roll or beat off the fruit with a wooden spoon. However, do not overdo it, so as not to damage it too much from the inside.

When making cuts, it is very important not to plunge the knife too deep, so as not to damage the grains. The ideal depth of the blade is 2-3 mm. Such a depth of slots will be enough to properly open the grenade.

How to quickly peel a pomegranate

To easily peel a pomegranate, completely removing the peel from it and leaving only the juicy pulp, you need to be patient and skillful. To get a peeled ball, you will need a sharp blade and a bowl of water. From the side of the inflorescence, cut off the top, trying not to damage the insides. After that, the fruit is transferred to a container of water and left for about an hour.

How to Peel a Pomegranate Quickly and Easily

Skin that is swollen with water is easier to clean. Shallow incisions are made over its entire surface so that it is covered with a mesh. Then, with a sharp blade, carefully pry off the edge of each fragment of the mesh and, holding it with your hand, remove it from the fetus. It will not work to quickly clean the fruit in this way, but its appearance can amaze any aesthete.

How to peel a pomegranate quickly and without splashing

When cleaning, trouble often happens – all hands, clothes and even walls are covered with pomegranate juice. To avoid splashes when cutting fruit, it is worth doing almost all manipulations with it in water. Cleaning a pomegranate properly is easy if you follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. The fruits are washed under running water and wiped with a paper towel.
  2. With a sharp knife, cut the skin shallowly to make several slices.
  3. A pomegranate is placed in a small saucepan or a deep bowl and left in it for 10-15 minutes – this will make it easier to perform the necessary manipulations with it. The water should completely cover the fruit.
  4. Hands are lowered into the water and they break the fruit into slices. It is important not to take your hands out of the water and do everything as carefully as possible. There should be several individual slices in the bowl.
  5. Peel and white films are removed from each part.

Do not remove the grain immediately after cleaning. It is best to wait a couple of minutes, stirring the entire contents of the bowl with water. The films and peel will float to the top, and the peeled grains will remain at the bottom. Garbage is taken out by hand, after which the water is drained with a colander.

How to peel a pomegranate without a knife

The knife is used in almost all pomegranate cleaning options. A sharp blade helps to easily make an incision in a hard peel, which further facilitates the separation of the fruit into slices. If for some reason there was nothing sharp at hand, do not despair – you can always find a way out of such a situation.

Important! To peel a pomegranate without a knife, you need to choose a fruit whose skin is not too rough. Fruits of medium maturity are ideal.

The fruits are placed in a container of water for about an hour. During this time, the peel will absorb the liquid and become softer and more pliable. The thumb is pressed into the place of the inflorescence and a small hole is made. Then both thumbs are inserted, breaking the fetus in half with force.

How to Peel a Pomegranate in Just 6 Steps

This life hack allows you to quickly and easily clean a pomegranate, so it is rightfully recognized as one of the fastest. It allows you to enjoy your favorite fruit as quickly as possible with simple movements. An important condition for this method is the presence of a sharp knife with the thinnest possible blade.

Important! In order to clean the pomegranate quickly and correctly, it must be as ripe as possible. You can determine a suitable fruit by thin and dry skin.

With a knife, cut the tip in a circle, plunging it into the pulp at an angle of 45 degrees, thus obtaining a small depression. Then 4 quick cuts are made along the skin of the fruit from the place of the cut top. After that, the pomegranate is broken with two hands.

How to properly cut a pomegranate and extract the seeds

In the case when grains are needed, a slightly different approach to cleaning is used. Most often it is used for their further processing into juice or jam. For this method, you will need a well-sharpened knife, a cutting board and a deep bowl.

The fruits should be washed well under running water and wiped dry with a towel. The pomegranate is placed sideways on a cutting board, after which the top is cut off with a knife. In order not to damage a large number of grains, do not retreat too much from the tip.

To properly cut the pomegranate, they put it on a board and cut its peel along the edge of the cut in four places, so that visually identical slices are obtained. Next, with your thumbs, press into the middle of the fruit, dividing the fruit into four parts. Each of the slices turns outward over the bowl, at which point the grains are easily separated from the peel.

How to cut a pomegranate beautifully

Table decoration during festive feasts or friendly gatherings is very important. This allows you to make a great impression on the assembled guests or members of your family. Properly cut fruit can decorate any table. Most often, the pomegranate is cut so that its slices with grains form a semblance of a blossoming flower. Such a bright element can be crowned with a fruit vase or some exotic salad.

How to Peel a Pomegranate Quickly and Easily

To get a unique edible decoration, you need to follow a few simple rules. First, a sharp knife is essential to properly cut the hard pomegranate skin. Secondly, it is worth drying the surface of the fruit as much as possible – if moisture remains on it, beautiful cutting will not work.

Pomegranates are washed and wiped with a towel or paper napkins. Cut off the top with a knife, being careful not to damage the grains. Then, in the cut place, you need to make a small indentation in the center. The white films should then converge approximately at the bottom of the recess and be clearly visible.

How to Peel a Pomegranate Quickly and Easily

Focusing on the white films that separate the slices from each other, make six cuts along the peel. Then a light circular incision is made with a knife exactly in the middle of the fruit – this is necessary to obtain beautiful petals like a flower in the future.

Each of the slices is gently pulled back. For convenience, you can help yourself with a knife. If the lateral incision is made correctly, the petal will occupy exactly half the length of the slice. After opening all the petals, you need to clean the inside of the fruit from white films. If you cut the pomegranate correctly on the festive table, it will decorate the feast.

How to cut a pomegranate into slices

Sliced ​​fruit is not only beautiful in appearance. In this form, it is much easier to clean it from white films. With this cutting option, splashes cannot be avoided, but the final result will exceed all expectations.

Important! For this method, do not use a knife that is too wide. The ideal blade width is 1,5-2 cm.

First you need to cut off the upper and lower parts of the fruit – cut off the peel with a sharp knife, retreating from the edge of about 2-3 cm. Then, following the white stripes separating the fruit from the inside, make deep cuts along the entire length of the peel. The next step is to stick a knife exactly in the middle of the fetus and turn it 180 degrees. The thumbs are placed in the resulting cavity, then the pomegranate is divided into several parts with a sharp movement.


Peeling a pomegranate, getting beautiful and neat slices, is a simple manipulation. A variety of methods for peeling fruits can come in handy in any situation – from the fastest use, to a masterfully decorated festive table. A sharp knife and skill acquired with experience will allow you to become a real virtuoso and surprise friends and acquaintances with beautifully cut fruit.

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